Spread The Word Show Up, Pair Up, Pray Up: Jesus Sends Out The 12

 Spread The Word

Show Up, Pair Up, Pray Up: Jesus Sends Out The 12

Opening Illustration:

“Im just a nobody telling everybody about somebody who can save anybody”. You might have heard that statement before. I have heard it quoted in sermons, seen it written in books. It is actually lyric from a song entitled “Im Just A Nobody” by a group called The Williams Brothers. The song was released in 1985. 

I was walking downtown one day,

And I saw a man that appeared to be just an old wino;

Sitting on the streets, telling the people 

About Jesus as they passed by.

And because he was all raggedy and dirty,

People would just laugh and make fun

Of the old man and walk on by.

And he said because of the way I am,

No money, no fancy clothes, no fine homes and cars,

A lot of people consider me as nothing,

And say I don't know what I am talking about.

But there is one thing that he said 

That really touched my heart and stayed on my mind,

When that old man looked up and said...

I'm just a nobody trying to tell everybody,

About somebody, who can save anybody.


Friends that is true of us all. Before we knew Christ, we were all just a bunch of nobody’s. When Jesus called us, saved us, we became somebody’s. More than that really. We became children of God, heirs to His grace. Today, we will read from the Gospel of Mark. Jesus sends out the disciples, two by two, and commands them to spread the Word about Christ’s coming Kingdom. These disciples were to go here and there, to and fro, everywhere, sharing the message. Just a bunch of nobody’s telling everybody about the somebody. Who is the somebody? Jesus! Jesus is the somebody that can save anybody! 

For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” That’s what Romans 10:13 states. Everyone! Who is that? Everyone is you and me. Everyone is the vilest of the vile, the self righteous, the selfish, the man or woman playing games with God, the kid who is already addicted to drugs, the man who abuses his wife, the woman who abuses her kids. 

There is not one single person that cannot be saved by the Gospel. Not one. This message is for everyone. 


Church, let me ask you a question this morning. If you knew the cure to cancer, would you share it? Some of you might say, “well preacher the cure to cancer shouldn’t come cheap”. You might want to make a buck off of what you know. Truthfully, imagine what the cure to cancer would be worth. You could make billions off of that science. 

Now, let me ask you another question this morning. What if you knew the cure to a condition that is world wide, that all humans were born with, that if you die with this condition it would lead to eternal suffering, eternal separation, and eternal torment? Imagine what that information would be worth. It would be priceless. 

“But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ…”. That’s Ephesians 2:4-5. 

You see God does not charge us for this cure. He gives it away for free. Nothing. It is offered freely to anyone and everyone! Isn’t that amazing? So, what is this cure? Jesus. Following Christ, repenting or turning away from our sin, and obeying His commands. 

Church, today we are continuing a series entitled “Spread the Word”. The series is all about evangelism, sharing the Gospel, telling others about what Christ has done for us. Jesus has given us the cure and has called us to share it! In doing so, you literally take part in God’s rescue mission where human lives are diverted from hell to heaven. Ive got good news for you today, Jesus has given us the tools to transform lives. He has given you a power message, the Gospel message. He has also given us each other. We don’t have to go it alone. We can support one another, encourage one another, and pray for one another. So, as we get started this morning, fill in “Today’s Thought”. Jesus has given us the tools to transform lives. 

“Im just a nobody telling everybody about somebody who can save anybody”.

Today’s Thought:

Jesus Has Given Us The Tools To Transform Lives!

Background and Context of Mark 6:7-13:

When we come to Mark 6, we see a new stage to Jesus’ ministry. Up to this point Jesus had been conducting all the teaching. He had been the main focus of speaking. Jesus was the one who was doing the lion’s share of interacting with the people. The disciples had been sitting back, observing their Master. Watching Him closely. Taking notes. Finally, after two years of watching, waiting, taking notes, the disciples are being given a new mission. They are being paired up and sent packing by Jesus, proclaiming the message of a coming Kingdom. Why did Jesus do this? First, Jesus’ ministry was coming to a close and He wanted the dimples to be ready to continue the work of sharing the Gospel. Jesus had to push them out of the nest. He had to teach them about dependance and what it really looked like to exercise one’s faith. Think about it, if Jesus had just settled to teach them but deprive them of the experience of preaching and teaching themselves, they would have become just like the Pharisees. The disciples would have been full of knowledge but completely empty of practical application of everything they knew. So, let’s read this morning about Jesus calling the disciples to go into all the land sharing the Gospel message. I am reading Mark 6:7-13, from the English Standard Version.

Today’s Scripture:

Mark 6:7-13 ESV

7 And he called the twelve and began to send them out two by two, and gave them authority over the unclean spirits. 8 He charged them to take nothing for their journey except a staff—no bread, no bag, no money in their belts— 9 but to wear sandals and not put on two tunics. 10 And he said to them, “Whenever you enter a house, stay there until you depart from there. 11 And if any place will not receive you and they will not listen to you, when you leave, shake off the dust that is on your feet as a testimony against them.” 12 So they went out and proclaimed that people should repent. 13 And they cast out many demons and anointed with oil many who were sick and healed them.

What Can We Learn From Christ’s Call To Evangelize?

I. Evangelism’s Command vs. 7-9

Mark 6:7-9 ESV

7 And he called the twelve and began to send them out two by two, and gave them authority over the unclean spirits. 8 He charged them to take nothing for their journey except a staff—no bread, no bag, no money in their belts— 9 but to wear sandals and not put on two tunics.


In verses 7-9, we see Jesus call the disciples to Himself. He divides them up two by two, gives them authority over unclean spirits. He then tells them that they cannot take anything with them for their journey. No food. No money. No supplies. Just what they had on their persons. 


A couple of things that I want you to see this morning. The calling to share the Gospel is a supernatural calling. Friend, there is nothing in our flesh that would call us or convict us to share the message of repentance and God’s Kingdom. In fact, if were are being honest, our flesh is at war with the calling of Christ to share the Gospel. We come up with all sorts of excuses to justify our ignoring of the supernatural call to evangelize. We tell ourselves excuses like: the time is not right, I want to build more of a relationship with this person, what if I offend him with the Gospel (which I will come back to in just a moment, the Gospel is indeed offensive), and we say if I share the Gospel I might have to endure some sort of persecution. Notice that it was Jesus who called the disciples. They did not naturally come to Him, He had to call them. They were perfectly happy with letting Jesus do all the work but that’s not the deal. Jesus wants to involve us in the mission. 


Notice next that the supernatural calling leads to supernatural victories. Jesus calls them, they respond to the calling, and then He grants them authority over unclean spirits. Throughout the New Testament, the term unclean spirits (akathartos in the Greek language) is mentioned over twenty times. Throughout those passages we read that unclean spirits can possess people and cause them sickness and harm. Unclean spirits can tempt people to sin, convince them to enter into addictive behaviors, and lead them down paths to destruction. Evangelism is a supernatural calling that leads to supernatural liberation. I have met people who after receiving Christ are set free from alcoholism. I have seen marriages heading for divorce renewed. I have seen rebellious teenagers submit to their parents. 


Lastly, evangelism is a supernatural calling leading to supernatural victories. It is also a supernatural calling that leads to supernatural reward. There is a reward awaiting those who share the Gospel and we deprive ourselves of that reward when we turn a deaf ear to the command of Christ. Jesus told the disciples not to take anything with them as they went. Why? Clearly Jesus wanted the disciples to lean on the teachings of Christ, lean on the promises of God, and trust in God’s ability to provide for them. Jesus does give them one powerful tool. He gives them each other. I have said for many years here at Eastern Shore Baptist Church that we need Jesus and each other. I don’t say this because it would sound good on a greeting card. I say it because it is true. 


So church, the call to share the Gospel is supernatural, delivered to those who are in Christ. A supernatural calling that leads to supernatural victories. If we are faithful to tell others what Christ has done for us, Jesus can do amazing things, setting others free. It is supernatural calling, leading to supernatural victories, and providing for the obedient follower a supernatural reward. 

36 Already the one who reaps is receiving wages and gathering fruit for eternal life, so that sower and reaper may rejoice together. -John 4:36

2 Timothy 4:5 ESV

As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.

What Can We Learn From Christ’s Call To Evangelize?

I. Evangelism’s Command vs. 7-9

II. Evangelism’s Controversy vs. 10-11

Mark 6:10-11 ESV

10 And he said to them, “Whenever you enter a house, stay there until you depart from there. 11 And if any place will not receive you and they will not listen to you, when you leave, shake off the dust that is on your feet as a testimony against them.” 


No one said that evangelism would be easy. Even Jesus said that sharing the Gospel would not necessarily be a walk in the park. There will be some who respond to your testimony. That is awesome if you have ever experienced someone receive the Gospel. There is nothing more rewarding, nothing more special, more memorable than when someone gives their heart, their life, their heart, mind and soul to Christ. But there are others who will reject the Gospel. Jesus tells the disciples that they will not be received. When that happens they are to shake the dust from their feet. Leave that place. 

To my earlier statement, the Gospel is offensive. It offends our flesh. It offends our sin. You see, our flesh cries out for more flesh. In our natural, fallen state, we do not crave the things of God. We crave more sin. Much in the same way a heroine addict craves more heroine. He or she knows eventually that drug will kill them, but they want more and do nearly anything to get it. Now, take that drug away and that person will immediately go into horrible withdrawals. Their entire body, even their emotions, crave that drug, wanting more. You see church

Do you remember what I said last week? It is not up to us whether or not someone responds to the Gospel, that is up to God. We simple share the message, the rest is up to God. Know this, they aren’t rejecting you, they are rejecting Christ. 


Jesus never said it would be easy or comfortable; He simply told us to do it. I’m sure that Jesus knew it would be awkward for us to sit across the table from our friend and talk about our faith while eating tacos, but He still told us to do it. He knew people would assume we are crazy, but He asked us to do it anyway. If Jesus is the door (John 10:7), then maybe our awkward conversations are the hinges. Every door needs hinges.

Additionally, we have to be careful not to substitute “being nice” in place of evangelism. For example, paying for someone’s meal, cleaning someone’s yard or being a good coworker is not evangelism; nice is a supplement to, not a substitute for, evangelism. We should always be nice to people, but being nice is not evangelism. I have never been so nice to people that they accepted Jesus.

The only time I’ve seen people accept the message of Jesus is after they heard the message. And the only way they can hear about Jesus is by someone telling them (Romans 10:14). Evangelism will always require us to ask tough questions and engage in actual conversations that are centered on Jesus.

When we love people, we tell them about Jesus. We are sent to evangelize.

Matthew 9:37-38 ESV

Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”

What Can We Learn From Christ’s Call To Evangelize?

I. Evangelism’s Command vs. 7-9

II. Evangelism’s Controversy vs. 10-11

III. Evangelism’s Communication vs. 12

Mark 6:12 ESV

12 So they went out and proclaimed that people should repent. 


Do you know what the word “gospel” means? Gospel means “good news”. Jesus wants His disciples to share the good news, the Gospel. So, what is the good news?  The good news is that salvation and the forgiveness of sins has come for all mankind. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John all chronicle Jesus’ mission of forgiving sins, salvation and sacrifice. That is the message that Jesus equipped the disciples with and that is the message that we share today. Jesus wants to forgive you, save you. But how? If salvation is the destination that Jesus offers, how do we get there? Well Jesus tells us, “repent”. 


Many understand the term repentance to mean “a turning from sin.” Regretting sin and turning from it is related to repentance, but it is not the precise meaning of the word. In the Bible, the word repent means “to change one’s mind.” The Bible also tells us that true repentance will result in a change of actions. In summarizing his ministry, Paul declares, “I preached that they should repent and turn to God and demonstrate their repentance by their deeds” (Acts 26:20). The full biblical definition of repentance is a change of mind that results in a change of action.

To repent, in relation to salvation, is to change your mind regarding sin and Jesus Christ. What exactly are we repenting from? What are we changing our mind about? Repentance means that we change our minds about sin, that sin is evil, drives a wedge between us and God, and without Jesus we have no hope of salvation. Repentance means that recognize that Jesus is God. He is Lord. He rules over us and is the ultimate authority in our lives. Repentance means that you fully submit yourself to God’s Word, obeying it’s teachings, and following it’s commands. 


While repentance is not a work that earns salvation, repentance unto salvation does result in works. It is impossible to truly change your mind without that causing a change in action. In the Bible, repentance results in a change in behavior. That is why John the Baptist called people to “produce fruit in keeping with repentance” (Matthew 3:8). A person who has truly repented of his sin and exercised faith in Christ will give evidence of a changed life.

Matthew 4:17 ESV

From that time Jesus began to preach, saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”

What Can We Learn From Christ’s Call To Evangelize?

I. Evangelism’s Command vs. 7-9

II. Evangelism’s Controversy vs. 10-11

III. Evangelism’s Communication vs. 12

IV. Evangelism’s Cure vs. 13

Mark 6:13 ESV

13 And they cast out many demons and anointed with oil many who were sick and healed them.


You may have heard this saying in an academic setting before; “the truth will set you free” could certainly apply to learning and gaining new knowledge. However, the original intent of this phrase refers to a spiritual freedom from the bondage of sin. Jesus spoke those words in John’s Gospel, chapter 8 verse 32. 

That’s what the Gospel does. It sets us free from the bondage of sin. It sets us free from the dominion of Satan’s control. It sets us free from worldly desires. It sets us free to become the people that God created all of us to be. 


The disciples, as they were speaking the message of repentance, were able to drive out demons and heal people of their diseases. What an amazing experience that must have been for them. The Gospel is power. 

The Gospel can bring the prodigal home. 

The Gospel can heal marriages.

The Gospel can mend busted relationships. 

The Gospel can heal broken families.

The Gospel can overcome addiction.

The Gospel drives out demons.

Oh friends, why are we not sharing the Gospel. We have the cure for something much worse that cancer. Why are we not sharing the message. 

Most churchgoers say they are eager to talk to others about Jesus and are praying for opportunities to share their faith, but most say they have not had any evangelistic conversations in the past six months.

Again, people are more willing to hear the message of Christ than we are to share it. 

Brothers and sisters, I want you to pray with me this week that God will give you and opportunity to share the Gospel. You dont have to have the Bible memorized for you to share what Christ has done in your life. Do me another favor, take a few minutes this week and write down you testimony. Keep it concise and to the point. Then pray about who you might give that testimony to and open yourself up to speak to that person about your faith. Lastly, ask God to give you the courage to invite someone to church this coming week. 


Write you testimony. 

Give it away.

Invite someone to church. 

If you do these things you will be answering a supernatural call where you may very well see some supernatural victories. In doing these things, you will absolutely be storing up for yourself supernatural rewards.  

Luke 13:3 ESV

No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.

Pray About Joining The Harvest!


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