Spread The Word The Role of The Holy Spirit In Evangelism

 Spread The Word

The Role of The Holy Spirit In Evangelism 


Good morning Church. Last week we completed our verse by verse, chapter by chapter, study in the book of Philippians. Over the next several weeks, going all the way to May 29th, we will be engaged in a topical study entitled “Spread the Word”. The series is all about evangelism. Over the next several weeks I hope to accomplish a few things:

1. I hope that you will understand what evangelism is and why God has called us to participate. 

2. I hope that you will understand that we are all on the hook to evangelize, share the Gospel, our testimony, with anyone that God brings into our sphere of influence. You may thing that evangelism is not your spiritual gift but that doesn’t mean that you are excused from telling others about Jesus. 

3. I hope that you will be equipped, or taught, to share your faith. That is really what evangelism is after all, sharing your faith, your testimony, your story about how Christ saved you. Evangelism is not a program. Evangelism is not rote memorization. Evangelism is not a notecard, box checking, or a form to fill out. I hope that over the next several weeks you will be inspired to share your faith, and you will feel that you have the tools necessary to tell others about Jesus. 


So, what is evangelism? I could probably ask that question to all of you and get a bevy of answers. Here is how I define evangelism. 

Give only a quick look to the Greek word εὐαγγέλιον (euangelion) and you can probably see the roots of the word evangelism. Euangelion means “good news” or “gospel.” Evangelism is simply proclaiming the good news of Jesus the Messiah and his incarnation, life, death, resurrection, and lordship. What it means to be a witness is being someone who is a witness to this gospel message. As people 2000 years removed from these events, we can still be witnesses to the gospel (as it has been written about in the Scriptures) and witnesses to what Jesus has done in our life.

Let me reveal something very important to you this morning. I have heard people sharing their faith say the following statement, “I led someone to the Lord today”. For those of us who have been actively involved in soul winning, we know what that statement means. However, for those who have never participated in sharing Christ, this statement sounds as if salvation is generated by our obedience to sharing the Gospel message about Christ’s life, death, burial, resurrection, and how that information infiltrated our testimony. It makes it sound like we are the source of salvation. 

This could not further from the truth. 

The truth is that we are but witnesses to the Gospel. Jesus calls us in the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations and baptize them (Matthew 28:19), but he doesn’t call us to make believers. Indeed, it is not even in our power to do so. This (maybe ironically) should be a great relief to many of us. Our role as witnesses is simply to tell a story. God is the one in the heart-changing business. It is God that draws the spiritually dead, transgressing, alienated, enemy of His holiness and authority. We draw no-one. It is God who miraculously transforms the rotting spiritual heart of an unbeliever into a regenerate heart of a live believer. We are but farmers casting or sowing seeds. We are not in charge of growing the crop, just planting the crop. It is God who waters, gives sun, and fertilizes the seed. 

This morning, before we get super deep in evangelism, we will look at the involvement of the Holy Spirit in the task of evangelism. Know this, evangelism may be our mission, but the Holy Spirit is our motivator. The Holy Spirit motivates the heart of the believer to share Jesus and the Holy Spirit motivates the heart of the unbeliever to hear the testimony and provides the necessary spiritual power to receive that message, generating new life. So, fill in “Today’s Thought”. Evangelism May Be Our Mission, But The Holy Spirit Is Our Motivator!

Today’s Thought:

Evangelism May Be Our Mission, But The Holy Spirit Is Our Motivator!

Background and Context:

Jesus has spent forty days since being raised from the dead giving the disciples information on the kingdom of God. Now, He is about to ascend into heaven so the Holy Spirit can come. The disciples are still confused. For three years, Jesus has spoken of the coming of the kingdom—surely it will happen now. 

The disciples have a fundamental misunderstanding of God’s Kingdom. They still believed that God’s Kingdom was a physical kingdom on earth. God’s Kingdom would superseded the earthy reign of the Romans. They believed that Jesus would be their King. We know the truth. Jesus came to build a Kingdom in hearts, where He is the King. The disciples would be “witnesses” of this Kingdom and it would be their calling to spread the word to every corner of the earth. This meant the start of Jesus’ church where He would be the Head of Church. People would be bound together by their love of Christ and their adherence to His commands. Entrance to the church would be their response to the Gospel message and their entrance into the Body of Christ would be symbolically displayed through believer’s baptism. What Jesus tells His disciples is revolutionary. How in the world would all of this happen? Who would orchestrate these events? How would these uneducated disciples carry this testimony about Jesus across the known world and what garentee would they have that anyone would listen to this information? 

Jesus tells them. 

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” 

It will all happen through the power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit would fill them with insight, inspiration, information, and intelligence. The Holy Spirit would prepare the hearts of those listening and draw people to them so that they would hear and respond to the Gospel. Jesus would ascend to heaven so that the Holy Spirit would come at the Day of Pentecost. We see that story reflected in Acts 2. So, let’s read this morning the words of Jesus captured in Acts 1:6-9. Today I am reading from the English Standard Version.

Today’s Scripture:

Acts 1:6-9 ESV

So when they had come together, they asked him, “Lord, will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?” He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” And when he had said these things, as they were looking on, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their sight.


You may have never heard of Hudson Taylor. Taylor was a Methodist missionary in the mid 1800’s. He was from Liverpool England. His parents were deeply devote Christians. Hudson Taylor grew up hearing stories of the Far East. He became fascinated with China at a very young age. He began to learn the language as a teenager and it would not be long before he felt called by God to become a missionary to the Chinese people. Taylor left his home in England and set out for Shanghai. When he arrived he realized that many of the missionaries had sadly become addicted to opium and thus rendered themselves completely ineffective. He also noticed that there was no translation of the Bible into the Chinese language. Hudson departed from his missionary peers. He began to wear Chinese clothing and even grew a ponytail in keeping with the fashion of Chinese men at the time. He also worked tirelessly to translate the entire Bible into Chinese. He loved the Chinese people and he spoke around the world, inviting others to help him. Hudson single handedly started his own missionary movement and convinced thousands to follow him into China to share Christ. Hudson’s life was met with a great deal of suffering. His wife passed when she was 33 years old and 4 of his 8 children died. Still, he never stopped sharing Christ and translating Scripture so that the Chinese people could hear the Gospel. No one ever said that evangelism would be easy. Today Hudson’s missionary foundation still exists. It was formerly called China Inland Mission but is known today as Overseas Missionary Fellowship International. It is said that Hudson’s passion for sharing Christ has led millions of Chinese people to Jesus Christ. That is why I love his quote so much. 

“The Great Commission is not an option to be considered; it is a command to be obeyed.”

-Hudson Taylor


So, let’s look at the role of the Holy Spirit in evangelism. 

4 Roles of The Holy Spirit In Evangelism

I. Counselor 


Recently, I heard the story about a university student who was seen walking around his campus wearing a t-shirt with a large red “K” printed on his shirt. When someone asked him what the “K” stood for, he replied, “Confused”. 

"But," the questioner replied, "you don't spell 'confused' with a K."

The student answered, "You don't know how confused I am."


So, what do you think is the number one reason why most people don’t share Christ? What do you think that most people would say? There have been lots and lots of studies done focused around this question. The number one reason that most Christians do not share the Gospel is that they feel that they do not know enough information to do so. They are afraid that they will be embarrassed by their lack of knowledge. They are fearful that they will not have an answer if they are questioned. They are fearful that they will be confused about the Bible, or spiritual matters. 


Let me help you this morning. If you boil evangelism down to “sharing your personal salvation story with Jesus”, is there anyone with more information about this than you? Brothers and sisters, you are the most knowledgeable person about your story than anyone else on planet earth. No one knows more about your salvation story than you. You are an expert. You have all the knowledge. All the information. 

You see the problem is that people feel that they have to have large chunks of the Bible memorized in order to share the Gospel which is simply not true. Of course it is helpful to have a working knowledge of Scripture. It is helpful to be able to share Scripture by memory, helpful but not necessary. When you look at the stores in the Bible where the Gospel is shared, it is stories about men and women who tell what happened to them when they encountered Christ. That’s it. That’s all there is. That’s good news! No one is more of an expert on your life than you, be confident and share it. 


The other piece of good news that I want to share with you this morning is the first tool that the Holy Spirit offers us when we are obedient to becoming a witness for Christ. The Holy Spirit serves as a Counselor. The Holy Spirit is responsible for giving us wisdom of what to say to defend the gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus says, "When they bring you before the synagogues, the rulers, and the authorities, don't be anxious how or what you will answer, or what you will say; for the Holy Spirit will teach you in that same hour what you must say."

The Holy Spirit is our counselor, teacher, and helper. Jesus says in John 14:26, "But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things, and bring to your memory all that I said to you." 

He also says in John 15:26-27, "When the Counselor has come, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, he will testify about me. You will also testify, because you have been with me from the beginning."

Know that when you obey Christ, when you evangelize, you are not alone. The Holy Spirit is there with you and will supply to you supernatural knowledge to make up for your lack of knowledge. The Holy Spirit will literally give you the words that someone needs to hear at that moment. 

“Stuart, are you really telling me that if I obey Christ and tell someone about my relationship with Him that the Holy Spirit will speak to me, providing me the things to say to a particular person?”

That’s exactly what I am saying!


Friends, do you know why I love preaching so much? I dont think that I have ever shared this behind this pulpit. I begin to prepare my messages on the Sunday, 7 days in advance, before I preach. I spend hours and hours reading, praying, and studying. I sit in my office and at my kitchen table studying. I draft outlines and even preach from a manuscript. Yet, when I come up on this stage and begin to speak to you, I feel the Holy Spirit speaking to me, sharing with me knowledge and insight that I had not thought about or even studied. I have likened it to having 2 brains. One brain is sharing with you the message that I have tediously prepared and the other brain is the Holy Spirit quietly speaking to me, superseding my knowledge and providing me with new insight. It is hard to explain and difficult to understand if you are not a believer in Christ. All I know is that when Jesus says that when we speak, we have a Counselor that comes to testify about Christ. If you want to understand what I am talking about, then share the Gospel this week with a family member, a co-worker, or friend. It will make perfect sense to you at that time. 

Luke 12:11-12 ESV

11 And when they bring you before the synagogues and the rulers and the authorities, do not be anxious about how you should defend yourself or what you should say, 12 for the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say.”

4 Roles of The Holy Spirit In Evangelism

I. Counselor 

II. Motivator 


Along with wisdom and being our counselor, the Holy Spirit enables us to be witnesses by giving us boldness in proclaiming the gospel. In Acts 4, Peter is filled with the Holy Spirit, speaking to leaders with wisdom and boldness. "Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them, 'You rulers of the people, and elders of Israel...'"

You can think of the Holy Spirit as an encounter. The Holy Spirit encourages us, motivates us to share our testimony with people. So, what does it mean to be encouraged by the Holy Spirit? The word translated “encouraged” is the Greek word “paraklesis.” It can be translated as “exhortation, comfort or encouragement.” It literally means “to be called to one’s side,” and so it is the picture of someone coming alongside you to give you help, comfort, encouragement and strength.

There is a wonderful illustration of what this word “encouragement” means that took place at the 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona, Spain. British runner Derek Redmond was competing in the 400-meter race. He already held the British national record in this event. In the previous Olympics he had been forced to withdraw ten minutes before the race because of an injury to his Achilles tendon. Now four years later he was here, ready to compete, determined to win a medal in the 400. His father was in the stands watching.

During the semi-final heat, Redmond was leading the pack and only 175 meters away from the finish line, when his right hamstring suddenly popped, and he fell to the ground as all the other runners raced past him towards the finish line. Once again, his Olympics dream had been snatched away from him. But Redmond was determined to finish the race, so he got back on his feet and started hobbling towards the finish line. He was in visible pain with each step, and it was unclear whether he could even make it.

Suddenly, his father gets out of his seat in the stands. He jumps onto the track, running past the security guards, and comes alongside his son on the track. He puts his arm around his son’s waist and encourages him to keep going. And as 65,000 people in the stadium rise to their feet in applause, father and son make their way down the track to the finish line together. Derek Redmond did not win his Olympic medal. But with the help of his father, he finished the race.


You see friends, the Holy Spirit comes along side of us, holds us up, compels us to continue to move forward. The Holy Spirit gives us boldness in our witness. The Holy Spirit provides strength to us when we face persecution for standing for Christ. In the face of persecution, it is the Holy Spirit who holds our hands as we teach, preach, and share the Gospel message. 

He draws close to you and gives you personal encouragement when you are hurting. In the gospel of John, Jesus used a related form of this word as a name for the Holy Spirit. He says in John 14: “I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever – the Spirit of truth.” (John 14:16) The word translated “Counselor” in John 14 is the Greek word “parakletos,” which means “a helper, comforter, encourager or advocate.” And so, this is one of the actual names of the Holy Spirit in Scripture. In other words, the Holy Spirit helps and encourages us because that is who he is. It is his nature to encourage and help. He is the Counselor; he is the Comforter; He is our motivator, he is the one who gives us encouragement and hope.

Acts 4:31 ESV

31 And when they had prayed, the place in which they were gathered together was shaken, and they were 

4 Roles of The Holy Spirit In Evangelism

I. Counselor 

II. Motivator 

III. Facilitator 


So, the Holy Spirit plays an important role in evangelism. The Spirit serves as our counselor, giving us the words to speak. The Spirit is our motivator, our encourager compelling us to share the Gospel even when we are afraid. The Holy Spirit also facilitates Gospel centered discussions. Have you ever noticed that God will place people in our path, that discussions will organically occur, and you have no explanation for these interactions. 


The other night I was at Longhorn restaurant with Bryant, Johnathen, Frank Pierce, Marvin Brown, Russ Wood, and Alan Bell. My son ✈️ was with me as well. We were celebrating a highly successful Upward Basketball season. Bryant and Johnathen were thanking these men for showing up week after weak, 8 straight Saturday’s actually. During the dinner the guys began to talk to our waitress. They introduced themselves to her and thanked her for her great service. She was gracious and she did a fantastic job. Bryant took the opportunity to ask her if we could pray for her. He asked about her relationship with the Lord, then invited her to church. Bryant actually asked “where do you go to church. Our waitress replied, “you know I have sort of fallen out the habit of going to church. I have not been to church in a really long time. I need to get back into church.”

The discussion was friendly, happy, even jovial. Why? Why did our waitress accept our invitation to pray. She stood with us and prayed with us, over our food, and we prayed for her. Why did she allow us to do that? Why did Bryant take the opportunity to engage her in a spiritual discussion? The answer is the Holy Spirit. You see the Holy Spirit orchestrated the events for us to meet that night. The Holy Spirit had supernaturally prepared the heart of our waitress to speak to us, to receive the invitation of Bryant to talk about her spiritual health, her involvement in the Body of Christ, and her willingness to pray with us right there in Longhorn. 


You see friends, we need to understand that people are more willing to hear the Gospel than we are willing to share it. We all know that we should share out testimony, share the Gospel, It is not about what we know. Again, we know that should be evangelical. Sadly, we are just not obedient to the command to Christ to be a witness. We are educated beyond our obedience. 


While it is our responsibility to speak the truth and be available for God's use in evangelism, ultimately it is God's responsibility to convert unbelievers. Jesus explains that, "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him, and I will raise him up in the last day." (John 6:44)

Furthermore, as Paul explains, "I planted. Apollos watered. But God gave the increase. So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase." (1 Corinthians 3:6-7)

4 Roles of The Holy Spirit In Evangelism

I. Counselor 

II. Motivator 

III. Facilitator 

IV. Renovator 


Not long ago my wife discovered Fizer Upper on HGTV. The show stars Chip and Joanna Gaines of Waco, TX. Most all of you have seen the show. Chip and Joanna help first time home owners remodel their old homes, transforming them into amazing properties. The Gaines family has created a financial empire around their television show. They have products in Target, magazines, spin off shows, and even a fashion line. Joanna is generally the focus of the show because it is her designs that show how the home can be transformed. However, It is Chip, her husband, that makes Joanna’s plans come to life. Chip is the renovator. My wife tells me all the time how much she likes Chip. She has even told me that she wants me to be more like Chip. There are even times where she tells me that she wished I looked like Chip but there is probably a different sermon covering that subject matter. I digress. 

Chip is the renovator. He is the one that tears down the old walls, fixes the bad electrical, the plumbing. It is Chip that transforms the old house into something that a family will cherish for years to come. 


The Holy Spirit is the renovator of our lives as well. You see friend, I have no power to change anyone’s life. I have no ability to transform or renovate anyone or anything. Only the Holy Spirit can lift someone out of death and bring them into light and life. The Holy Spirit, through the plan of the Father and through the conduit of grace provided by the Son, rejuvenates our spirit and heart. 


It is the Holy Spirit’s job to produce Christ-like character in you.

The Bible says, “The Lord ... makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image.” (2 Corinthians 3:18)

This process of changing us to be more like Jesus is called sanctification.

You can’t reproduce the character of Jesus on your own or by your own strength. New Year’s resolutions, willpower, and best intentions are not enough. Only the Holy Spirit has the power to make the changes God wants to make in our lives. Philippians 2:13 says, God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.

When we hear the phrase, “the power of the Holy Spirit,” many people think of miracles and intense emotions. But most of the time, the Holy Spirit’s power is released in our lives in quiet, unassuming ways that you aren’t even aware of or feel. The Holy Spirit often nudges us with “a gentle whisper.”

The likeness of Christ is not produced by imitation but by inhabitation. We allow Christ to live through us. “This is the secret: Christ lives in you.” (Colossians 1:27).

This happens in real life through the choices we make. We choose to do the right thing in situations and then trust God’s Spirit to give us his power, love, faith and wisdom to do it. Since God’s Spirit lives inside of us, these things are always available for the asking.

John 3:5-6 ESV

5 Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. 6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.


Church, I want you to pray and ask God to help you to be bold in your witness for Christ. Understand that when you share your testimony,  you do not share it by yourself. You have a counselor, you have an encourager, you have the Holy Spirit who facilitates the interactions, and remember that it is the Holy Spirit who generates life and transforms. 

Know this, the Holy Spirit is your hopeful helper!

The Holy Spirit Is Your Hopeful Helper!


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