Blessings In Disguise
Thanks And Giving
“A series on cultivating gratitude and thankfulness in every season of life.”
Good morning Eastern Shore Baptist Church. What a blessing it has been to have the Alabama Singing Women join us this morning. Thank you ladies for using your giftedness this morning to bless our church.
This morning, we are in week two of a four week series entitled “Thanks And Giving”. Here we are on the doorstep of Thanksgiving, but do you know what, there are some among us who do not feel very thankful. There are those among us who are struggling to find a grateful heart. Oh there are lots of reasons, lots of things, that dampen our attitudes of gratitude.
Could it be loss? Your husband passed. Your wife died. The holidays remind you of a child that passed. When you see all the commercials of families huddled around their dinner table for Thanksgiving or Christmas, you are reminded of that one person that is missing at yours. Where some are happy, the holidays hurt for you.
Could it be uncertainty? I had a family member recently lose her job. She was devastated. Bills are mounting and uncertainty about the future is constantly on her mind. How will she make it? Where will she run? We have another family friend who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. She is in the early phases of treatment. Her doctors are not giving her a lot of information and it’s the “not knowing” that is pushing her towards anxiety and depression.
Could it be unmet expectations? We are all guilty of falling into the trap of unmet expectations. There is a situation or a scenario that you have played hundreds of times in the movie theater of your mind. You know all the lines. You have rehearsed every conversation. You have seen it from every angle. However, it didn’t go the way you thought it would go. The options you thought you had are vaporized. The choices that you had laid out for yourself never materialized. Now…today…you are confused and confounded. Maybe the unmet expectation was not seen a situation but rather a person. That relationship you thought would bring happiness left in infidelity. That relationship that you thought would finally bring you joy ended in pain and sorrow.
Loss, uncertainly, unmet expectations have all led you to being disappointed. You feel jaded. You are a long long way from feeling thankful. You are a long long way from being happy. If that’s you, you are not alone. There are literally countless characters in the Bible who struggled in their attempts to be thankful.
I think of Naomi. Naomi, along with her family faced severe famine. Something that none of us know anything about. She faced tragic loss. Her husband, the one man who met her physical needs, died. Not long after this event, her two sons, who were tasked with caring for her also died. That’s disappointment.
I think of Elijah. After a great victory on Mount Carmel, Elijah found himself embracing fear instead of faith. Queen Jezebel was seeking to destroy him. Elijah ran away. He was alone and afraid. In his despair, he prayed to die, feeling as though his work had accomplished nothing and that he was utterly alone. That’s disappointment.
I think of the Old Testament character of Joseph. Joseph was favored by his father but despised by his brothers, who sold him into slavery. As if that betrayal wasn’t enough, he worked faithfully in Potiphar’s house only to be falsely accused and thrown into prison. For years he sat there, seemingly forgotten by everyone, including those he helped. Joseph’s dreams, once full of promise, seemed shattered. That’s disappointment.
I think of Mary, the mother of Jesus. Mary, who had once been visited by an angel promising that her son would be the Messiah, the Savior. She raised Him, watched Him grow, and witnessed His miracles and teachings. Yet, at the foot of the cross, she stood in complete agony, watching her son—her beloved Jesus—suffer and die in unimaginable pain. The hope, the promises, the future she had envisioned all seemed to vanish in that heartbreaking moment as He took His final breath. That’s disappointment.
Friends, here is one key truth that you need to remember this morning. No one is immune to discouragement and disappointment. No one.
Still, I want to give you a silver lining this morning. No one is immune to discouragement and disappointment. No one. However, God has a plan for it. God has a plan for your pain. He will not toss your tragedy aside. He plans to use it to grow you, to strengthen you, and to bless you. Yes…He wants to use your bruises and beatings as a blessing.
Today’s message in fact is entitled “Blessings In Disguise”
Today’s Message:
“Blessings In Disguise”
Do you believe that this morning brothers and sisters? God is not some cosmic kill joy who gets His jollies from watching you and I suffer. No. He is not distant and removed from your life. I had a former pastor a long time ago tell me that God greatest tool for the development of the human soul is suffering. He said, “if you are not suffering you are not growing”.
Do me a favor this morning, fill in the blanks under “Today’s Thought”. Really think about this opening question and subsequent statement. Discouraged? Are you friends? Are you discouraged this morning? It’s ok if you are. Are you facing difficulty? Are you hurting because of death, disease, disappointment? If that’s you, don’t despair! God is developing your faith!
Today’s Thought:
Discouraged? Facing Difficulty? Don’t Despair! God Is Developing Your Faith!
I have always loved Charles Swindoll.
Charles Swindoll is a renowned pastor, author, and Bible teacher known for his practical and encouraging approach to Scripture. With a ministry spanning decades, Swindoll has served as the founder and senior pastor of Stonebriar Community Church in Texas and is the chancellor of Dallas Theological Seminary. Some of his most famous writings include Improving Your Serve, The Grace Awakening, and Living on the Ragged Edge. Years ago I read one of his books entitled “Strengthening Your Grip”. Listen to what Dr. Swindoll says about our desire and ability to face hardship.
“We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations. God uses these hardships to strengthen us and reveal His power in us. Trials and difficulties are God’s greatest tools in developing a deeper trust and a stronger faith. It’s in the moments when we feel we’re at the end of our rope that we find out just how trustworthy God is and how much He can accomplish in and through us when we surrender.”
Today’s Quote:
“We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations. God uses these hardships to strengthen us and reveal His power in us. Trials and difficulties are God’s greatest tools in developing a deeper trust and a stronger faith. It’s in the moments when we feel we’re at the end of our rope that we find out just how trustworthy God is and how much He can accomplish in and through us when we surrender.”
Charles Swindoll’s “Strengthening Your Grip”
Background and Context:
This morning we are reading from Romans 8. Romans 8 is probably my favorite chapter in all of Holy Scripture.
Romans 8:18-30 was written by the Apostle Paul around A.D. 57 while he was in Corinth, during his third missionary journey. Paul, an early Christian leader and once a fierce persecutor of the church, had been transformed by a personal encounter with Jesus. Since then, he dedicated his life to spreading the gospel and strengthening believers across the Roman Empire. The book of Romans was his letter to the believers in Rome, a diverse group of Jews and Gentiles, giving them foundational truths about the Christian faith and encouragement to hold on to hope and unity.
In this passage, Paul speaks directly to the struggles we face, acknowledging the suffering of life but pointing to the incredible future glory awaiting us. He wrote Romans to remind these believers that even though we experience hardship and pain, God is working through it all, shaping us into His likeness. Paul’s goal was to give hope and assurance to these Christians, emphasizing that God’s plan is always unfolding—even when things are hard to understand. Romans 8:18-30 encourages us to look beyond the present struggles and trust in God’s purpose, knowing that the best is yet to come!
Statement of Belief:
This morning friends, I want to remind you that…
We believe the Bible is inspired, infallible, and authoritative. It is vital for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness. God’s Word brings life, peace, and protection, and it profoundly touches the human soul. As a unique and powerful book, let us stand in reverence and respect for it.
Today’s Scripture:
Romans 8:18-30 NIV
I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. [19] For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. [20] For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope [21] that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God. [22] We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. [23] Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the first-fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies. [24] For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have? [25] But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently. [26] In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. [27] And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God's people in accordance with the will of God. [28] And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. [29] For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. [30] And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified.
Pastor: “This is the Word of the Lord.”
Congregation: “Praise His name! Praise His Holy name.”
3 Ways God Uses Hardship To Help Us!
I. Preparation: Hardship Prepares Us For Future Glory vs. 18
Have you ever heard that old statement, “everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die”? I have. The idea that that phrase is trying to communicate is that everyone wants to have nice things, go to good places, and enjoy the fruits of life but no one wants to suffer for them. It would be like me saying I want to run a marathon while eating donuts and drinking chocolate milk. That’s not how any of this works is it friends? In order to run 26.2 miles without stopping, without rest, there is going to be some suffering involved. There is going to be some hardship, some difficulty. Why? The suffering and the hardship is what prepares you for the reward. It is the hardship and the suffering that readies you for the prize.
This morning, I want to answer the statement, “what are 3 ways that God uses hardship to help us”. Fill in the blanks under Roman numeral one, preparation: hardship prepares us for future glory. We see this illustrated in verse 18.
“I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.”
Friends, we have to remember that pain, suffering, difficulty and hardship are some of the best ways that God educates His children. Hardship educates us about ourselves. It reveals shortcomings. It shows the cracks in the foundations. It spotlights the areas that need improvement.
Don’t you wish it was the opposite? Don’t you wish that it was the good times, the great days, that taught us the most about ourselves. Sadly, good days and happy times can often mask and minimize the areas of our lives that are needing work, needing renovation.
No, hardship prepares us for heaven.
The Apostle Paul reinforces this truth in 2 Corinthians 4:17, where he writes, “For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison.” Notice Paul’s language here: ‘light’ and ‘momentary.’ Now, let’s be honest, sometimes our suffering feels anything but light or momentary. But Paul encourages us to look beyond the weight of the present pain and see the purpose in it. God uses these hardships not just as obstacles, but as exercises that prepare us, that strengthen our spiritual endurance and shape our character for the eternal glory to come.
Think of hardship like the training that prepares an athlete. The miles they run, the hours they spend conditioning—it’s not pleasant at the moment, but it prepares them for the race, for the reward. In the same way, God is using every trial, every pain, to build in us an eternal perspective, one that looks forward to the glory He promises us.
Think about the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly. Inside the chrysalis, the caterpillar goes through an intense process of change, breaking down and reforming into something entirely new. But here’s the key: as the butterfly starts to emerge, it has to struggle to break free. If someone tries to help it out by cutting open the chrysalis, the butterfly’s wings won’t be strong enough to fly. The struggle is essential; it’s how the wings develop the strength needed for flight. Without that resistance, it would never experience the freedom and beauty of soaring through the air.
God is using each difficulty to prepare us, like the butterfly’s struggle, like the acorn’s journey through the dirt, molding us to be mature, resilient Christians. Hardship is not just an obstacle but part of God’s preparation, refining us for a future of glory with Him.
Friends, let’s remember: God doesn’t waste our suffering. Each hardship is a building block in His preparation for us, drawing us nearer to Him and making us more fit for the glory that will one day be revealed. So let us face these trials, not as punishments, but as preparations—each one a step closer to the ultimate glory awaiting us.
3 Ways God Uses Hardship To Help Us!
I. Preparation: Hardship Prepares Us For Future Glory vs. 18
II. Perseverance: Hardship Produces Perseverance in Our Lives vs. 25
So, what is our next way that God uses hardship to help us? Our second point is perseverance, hardship produces perseverance in our lives. Let’s go back and read verse 25.
“But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.”
You know, in Christian circles, we often throw that word “perseverance” around. One of the most famous verses in the Bible concerning the ideal of perseverance comes from James 1:3-4. Listen to what the brother of our Lord says about the matter…
James 1:3-4 (ESV) – “For you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.”
Steadfastness is another word for perseverance.
The Greek word for perseverance in the New Testament is ὑπομονή (hypomonē). It’s a rich word that conveys more than just passive endurance; it reflects an active, hopeful endurance, a steadfastness that holds on, even under pressure.
Ὑπομονή (hypomonē) is often translated as “perseverance,” “endurance,” or “patient endurance.” It combines two Greek words: hypo, meaning “under,” and monē, meaning “to remain” or “to abide.” Together, they imply a person who “remains under” difficult circumstances without giving up. This is not just a resignation to tough times; it’s a purposeful, enduring strength to face challenges with faith and hope.
Think about this mental image. How many of you have seen a powerlifter? Maybe you have seen a powerlifter or powerlifting in the Olympics. A powerlifter is the epitome of “remaining under”. He or she lifts that heavy weight, placing it over their heads. They just lock out their arms, stiffening their backs, straightening their legs. They most hold the weight over their heads for a period of seconds for the lift to count. It is the ultimate picture of hypomonē or patient endurance.
Another example of perseverance comes in the form of a baseball player by the name of Cal Ripken Jr. How many of you know that name? Cal Ripken Jr. was one of my favorite players growing up as a kid.
Cal Ripken Jr., known as baseball’s ‘Iron Man,’ is a powerful example perseverance. Ripken played 2,632 consecutive games for the Baltimore Orioles, breaking a record that most thought was unbreakable. He surpassed Lou Gehrig’s previous record of 2,130 consecutive games, a milestone that had stood for 56 years.
Ripken’s journey wasn’t without hardship. Throughout those years, he faced illness, injuries, fatigue, and the wear and tear that comes with playing professional baseball day after day. There were games he played with bruises, pain, and even the flu. But he showed up every single time, refusing to let setbacks keep him from his commitment to the team and to the game he loved.
Romans 8:25 tells us, ‘But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.’ Perseverance isn’t easy—it requires us to press on through difficulties and setbacks, holding tightly to a hope we can’t yet see fully. For Ripken, the goal was to give his best, day in and day out, and that consistent dedication is what made him a legend.
In our own spiritual lives, God uses hardship to build that same kind of perseverance in us. We don’t always see the purpose in our trials, just like Ripken couldn’t predict how his commitment would impact the game of baseball or inspire others. But every hardship we face builds spiritual endurance, strengthens our character, and shapes us for God’s purposes.
3 Ways God Uses Hardship To Help Us!
I. Preparation: Hardship Prepares Us For Future Glory vs. 18
II. Perseverance: Hardship Produces Perseverance in Our Lives vs. 25
III. Purpose: Hardship Aligns Us With God’s Purpose vs. 28
Ok, last point. We have talked about preparation. Hardship prepares us for future glory. We have talked about perseverance. Hardship produces steadfastness. Perseverance. Lastly, purpose. Hardship aligns us with God’s purpose. Let’s go back and reread verse 28 together.
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”
Let’s be honest folks, it is hard to be thankful when you are going through hard times. It is hard to be thankful when your spouse passes. It is hard to be thankful when you lose your job. It is hard to be thankful when your relationship is on the rocks. Hard to be thankful when you are trying to break your addiction. Hard to be thankful when you are struggling with your identity. Hard to be thankful when you’ve been told to pray and pray and pray and still, you see no movement from God. Nothing.
Sometimes it is just plain hard to be thankful. When I struggle with being thankful I am reminded of Paul’s words captured in Romans 8:28.
“And we know that God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose.”
You might have caught it. That is how we often read that passage. And we know that God works for the good. Did you catch what’s missing? Let me read how it is really written.
And we know that in ALL THINGS God works for the good of those who love Him.
God is not just working in the good. That is what we sometimes feel. That is sometimes what we think. How many of you, when you are experiencing good days, when you are experiencing blessing, have heard someone say to you “boy, God is really blessing you, God is really moving in your life”?
I have heard that before. The thought is that if you are being blessed, if things are going financially well, if you are seeing good things, that God MUST be moving.
The reality is that God is working in ALL THINGS! God is not just moving in the good, He certainly is. However, He is also working in the bad, the hard, the difficult and the discouraging.
Friends, this is just me. You may disagree with me on this point and that is fine. We can disagree. Honestly, 25 years ago I probably would have disagreed with me as well. However, as I have gotten older, a little more gray in the hair, a few more wrinkles around my eyes, I am more and more certain concerning the words that I am about to say. Years ago, I believed that God’s utmost concern was for my happiness and well being. I believed that God wanted me to be happy, healthy, wealthy and prosperous. As I have gotten older, I have discovered that God cares less about all of those things and more about my holiness and my sanctification. That’s right, God’s goal for my life is not for me to be perfectly happy, perfectly healthy. No. I don’t even see that in the Bible. What I do see is God calling me to pick up my cross daily and follow Him. What I do see is Christ modeling forgiveness of my enemies and teaching me to pray for people that persecute me and hate me. These are God’s designs for my life. This is HIs purpose. This is the work that He is doing in my and what He desires to do in you.
Friends, God’s purpose for us is not to shield us from hardship but to shape us through it. Just as Paul reminds us in Philippians 1:6, ‘he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.’ God is faithfully working on us, through every season, every blessing, and yes, every hardship. These difficult times are not interruptions to His plan; they are integral parts of it.
Think about how a potter works clay. The clay has to be pressed, stretched, even scraped to become the masterpiece the potter envisions. In the same way, God shapes us through our struggles, aligning us with His purpose. Hardships reveal what we truly rely on and challenge us to let go of anything that isn’t rooted in Him. They refine our faith and remind us of the bigger picture: our call to become more like Christ.
So, if you’re facing a season of hardship, hold on to this truth—God is using every single part of it. He’s not only with you in the good times; He’s at work in the struggles, the uncertainties, and even the heartbreaks. God’s purpose is greater than our immediate comfort. It’s about transforming us, bit by bit, to reflect Jesus in our lives.
Let us trust that in all things—yes, all things—God is moving, working for our good and His glory. And through every hardship, He is aligning us closer to His purpose, making us more like Him. Friends, in our weakness, God is showing His strength, and through our trials, He is revealing His love.
Friends as always, my prayer is that you will…
Let Today’s Information Be Your Inspiration!
Closing Prayer:
Father God, we come to You today, grateful for Your presence with us in every season of life. Thank You for the truth of Your Word that reminds us You are at work in all things, using even our hardships to prepare us, to produce in us a deeper perseverance, and to align us with Your purpose.
Lord, we admit that suffering is hard, and sometimes we don’t understand Your ways. Yet, we know You are a loving Father, who sees the beginning and the end, who holds our lives in Your hands. Help us, Lord, to trust in Your promises—that these present struggles are nothing compared to the glory You have prepared for us.
Give us strength to endure, faith to keep going, and eyes to see Your purpose in every trial. Shape us to reflect the love and character of Christ in all that we do, and remind us daily that You are completing the good work You began in us.
We pray this in the name of Jesus, our Savior and our hope. Amen.
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