“Close Encounters of the God Kind”

 The Book of Mark

Encountering The Miracles and Mission of Jesus Christ

Good morning Eastern Shore Baptist Church. Well friends, we’ve done it! Can you believe that it has been 20 weeks? We have walked through the entire book of Mark, examining the miracles and the mission of Jesus Christ. A couple of weeks ago we were with Jesus and His disciples as they shared their last meal together. Last week, Jesus was captured, tried, and betrayed by Peter and the rest of the disciples. You know the rest of the story. Jesus was placed on a cross and executed in the most brutal of ways. Here is a couple of things that you may not know about Jesus’ death. It was so brutal, so horrible and horrific, that a new word was created by the Romans. Do you know what that word is?

The word was taken by the Romans from the Latin. It is actually two Latin words, “ex” meaning “out of” or “from” and “crux” meaning “cross”. It means out of the cross. Put the Latin words together and you hear “excruciare”. Do you hear the modern-day English word? Do you? That’s right. The word excruciating was created by the Romans to describe crucifixion. The term has evolved over the years to describe any form of extreme, unbearable pain. 

Again, looking back at the cross of Christ, just how “excruciare” was the event. Over the years, scientists have tried to measure the level and intensity of pain. There are literally dozens of pain scales. There is the numerical rating scale, there is the visual analog scale, there is the McGill Pain Questionnaire, and then there is the Wong-Bake FACES Pain Rating Scale of pain. No matter what scale or measurement for pain you use, it is widely thought among scientists that death by scourging and subsequent crucifixion is considered the most painful death that a person can endure. 

I think that we can all agree that Jesus’ death was brutal. Horrible. There is no way a human being could have survived. The soldiers were to good, to experienced, to professional for Jesus to have fooled them into thinking that He was dead when He was still alive. His disciples certainly thought he was dead. Those closest to Him thought that He was dead. Those responsible for His death thought He was dead. Just look at how they celebrated after He was buried. 

Jesus was dead. Gone. Done. In the grave. 


Until Jesus wasn’t dead. Jesus wasn’t gone. Jesus wasn’t in the grave. 

Jesus was alive. 

3 days after Jesus’ death something miraculous and mysterious happened. The stone was rolled away. The thick veil between the physical and spiritual realities was pulled back revealing angels at the tomb. The angels delivered a world changing message that this Jesus that was once dead is now alive. Just as sin entering the world through Adam changed the world for the worse, now salvation entering the world through Jesus changed the world for the best. 

In the moments after Jesus’ resurrection, He presented Himself to many people. There were literally dozens, perhaps even hundreds who had a personal encounter, a close encounter if you will with Jesus. He presented Himself to the women, to strangers, and He even appeared instantaneously before the disciples who were in hiding. You might think that this particular appearance would make Jesus a spirit or a ghost. You might be tempted to imagine Jesus as some translucent entity. A being that you could see through or put your hand through as they sometimes do in the movies. 

That was not the reality. Jesus appeared to all these people in physical fleshly form. Thomas, the doubter, even put his hand in Jesus’ side and felt the nail scared hands of the Savior. The disciples of Christ even ate with Him. How can a ghost be touched? How can a purely spiritual being be hungry?

Today’s message highlights these encounters with Jesus. Today’s message is entitled “Close Encounters of the God Kind”. 

Today’s Message:

“Close Encounters of the God Kind”

Curious, how many of you are familiar with this address, 21950 SR-181 S in beautiful Fairhope, Alabama? Do any of you know why that address is significant? No? Well I will tell you why. That address is the location, a set, a scene used by a famous movie from the late 1970’s called “Close Encounters with the Third Kind” starring Richard Dreyfus. Close Encounters of the Third Kind is a sci-fi film about humanity’s first contact with extraterrestrial life. The story focuses on one man and his family’s interaction with these aliens. The idea behind the film is that humanity would forever be changed by their being introduced to a new alien species. 

That’s a silly movie. It’s good fiction. However, God is not fictional. Jesus is real and what He did for us on the cross is not the stuff of imagination or clever CGI. Ask yourself this question this morning, “is my life radically different because of Jesus”? 

If you’ve truly had a close encounter with the God kind, your thoughts should be different. Your words and the way you speak should be altered. How you treat others should be changed. The things that once worried you should no longer concern you because you know that ultimately it is God who owns your future. 

If you are not changed, not altered, not different…have you truly had a close encounter?

Fill in the blanks for me under today’s thought. Fill in these blanks and if you hear nothing else this morning, hear this…good news…guilt is destroyed and the grave is defeated!

Good news, guilt is destroyed and the grave is defeated! Can I get an amen on that? How many of you truly believe that this morning. Raise your hand if you believe that guilt is destroyed and the grave was defeated by Jesus’ resurrection?


Today’s Thought:

Good News! Guilt Is Destroyed and The Grave…Defeated!

Mark Batterson is one of my all time favorite Christian authors. He wrote a book several years back entitled “Chase the Lion”. That book changed by life and pointed me towards making some pretty big changes in my life. Batterson is a pastor himself in Washington, D.C. Listen to what he says about the significance of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. 

“The resurrection is more than just an event; it’s the ultimate turnaround story. It’s the comeback that gives us hope, no matter how bad things look. It’s the moment when everything changes, and what seemed like the end becomes a new beginning. The resurrection shows us that with God, there are no dead ends, only new possibilities. It’s the power of God on full display, turning the greatest defeat into the greatest victory.”

Today’s Quote:

“The resurrection is more than just an event; it’s the ultimate turnaround story. It’s the comeback that gives us hope, no matter how bad things look. It’s the moment when everything changes, and what seemed like the end becomes a new beginning. The resurrection shows us that with God, there are no dead ends, only new possibilities. It’s the power of God on full display, turning the greatest defeat into the greatest victory.”

Mark Batterson, “Chase the Lion: If Your Dream Doesn’t Scare You, It’s Too Small.”

Background and Context:

I apologize this morning for a small typo in your order of worship. Your order says Mark 14:9-20. That is incorrect. The actual citation is Mark 16:9-20. Before we read that passage of Scripture I want to set up the scene and reveal where we are heading this morning. 

Before we read from Mark 16 remember that Jesus had been betrayed, crucified, and buried in a tomb. The disciples were devastated, confused, and hiding in fear. Then, the women went to the tomb early that Sunday morning and found it empty. Jesus had risen from the dead! They were told by an angel to spread the news to the disciples, but they were scared and uncertain. That’s where we pick up in Mark 16:9-20.

Now, these verses are powerful. They show us Jesus appearing to Mary Magdalene which I will talk about in just a second, two other disciples, and finally, the Eleven. But here’s what’s incredible: He rebukes them for their unbelief, yet He doesn’t leave them there! Jesus commissions them to go into all the world and preach the gospel. He gives them authority over demons, tells them they’ll heal the sick, and assures them of His protection as they spread the Good News.

This passage is a charge to every believer, even to us sitting right here in this very room, to rise up with boldness, even when doubts creep in. We’ve got resurrection power and the same mission: share the gospel and bring hope to a broken world!

Statement of Belief:

We believe the Bible is inspired, infallible, and authoritative. It is vital for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness. God’s Word brings life, peace, and protection, and it profoundly touches the human soul. As a unique and powerful book, let us stand in reverence and respect for it.

Today’s Scripture:

Mark 16:9-20 NLT

After Jesus rose from the dead early on Sunday morning, the first person who saw him was Mary Magdalene, the woman from whom he had cast out seven demons. [10] She went to the disciples, who were grieving and weeping, and told them what had happened. [11] But when she told them that Jesus was alive and she had seen him, they didn't believe her. [12] Afterward he appeared in a different form to two of his followers who were walking from Jerusalem into the country. [13] They rushed back to tell the others, but no one believed them. [14] Still later he appeared to the eleven disciples as they were eating together. He rebuked them for their stubborn unbelief because they refused to believe those who had seen him after he had been raised from the dead. [15] And then he told them, "Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone. [16] Anyone who believes and is baptized will be saved. But anyone who refuses to believe will be condemned. [17] These miraculous signs will accompany those who believe: They will cast out demons in my name, and they will speak in new languages. [18] They will be able to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won't hurt them. They will be able to place their hands on the sick, and they will be healed." [19] When the Lord Jesus had finished talking with them, he was taken up into heaven and sat down in the place of honor at God's right hand. [20] And the disciples went everywhere and preached, and the Lord worked through them, confirming what they said by many miraculous signs.

3 Lessons From The Resurrection of Jesus Christ

I. The Power of the Resurrection Brings…REDEMPTION vs. 9–11

So, let’s talk about these next three points. Three lessons from the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Our first lesson, we discover that the power of the resurrection brings redemption. We see this illustrated in verses 9-11. 

After Jesus rose from the dead early on Sunday morning, the first person who saw him was Mary Magdalene, the woman from whom he had cast out seven demons.

I love that the first person to ever discover that Jesus resurrected from the dead was Mary Magdalene. Let’s talk for a second about why this is significant. 

First, it was significant because…at least culturally…Mary was insignificant. She was a woman. Culturally she was a nobody. In this day and age, women had no rights. No privileges. Women were not even allowed to speak to men in authority which would include someone like Jesus who was a Rabbi. Isn’t it awesome that the greatest news to ever be told is discovered first by someone who was considered an outsider? The news did not come to a King, not to a President, not to someone of privilege or power. 

It’s no accident that Mary Magdalene was the first person to witness the resurrection of Jesus! This is a woman who had been through it all—she wasn’t perfect, and she had a past. The Bible tells us that Jesus cast out seven demons from her (Mark 16:9). Seven! That’s a complete number in Scripture, meaning she was completely bound by evil. Mary’s life before Jesus was a life of torment, oppression, and darkness. Some scholars even believe that Mary Magdalene was the same woman caught in the act of adultery in John 8:1-11. Can you imagine? She was publicly humiliated, dragged before Jesus in her shame, guilty and deserving of punishment according to the law.

But here’s the incredible part: Jesus didn’t condemn her—He set her free! When everyone else was ready to throw stones and end her life, Jesus said, “Let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone” (John 8:7). And one by one, her accusers left. Jesus then looked at her and said, “Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more” (John 8:11). He gave her a new beginning, a fresh start, and a future filled with hope.

So why is it significant that Mary Magdalene is the first to discover the resurrection? Because Jesus shows us right here that no one is too far gone. Mary Magdalene was broken, sinful, and cast aside by society. But Jesus redeemed her! He took her from her darkest place and gave her new life, and because of her transformed heart, she was the one entrusted with the greatest news in history: “He is risen!”

This speaks to us, friends. No matter what your past looks like, no matter the sin or shame you carry, Jesus has the power to redeem you just like He did with Mary. Whether you’ve been bound by addictions, sins, or a broken past, Jesus doesn’t look at where you’ve been—He looks at where He’s taking you! Mary’s story is living proof that Jesus takes the broken and restores them. When Jesus sets you free, you’re free indeed (John 8:36). He used Mary to proclaim the resurrection, and He’s ready to use you too—redeemed, restored, and full of resurrection power!

So let’s hold on to this truth today: Jesus isn’t done with you. If He can transform Mary Magdalene, He can do it for you too! Let’s walk in that victory, knowing we serve a Savior who gives second chances, wipes away the past, and invites us into His resurrection story! You’re never too far for the grace of God! Amen?

I love what Paul says about the reception that Jesus offers us…all of us. 

Ephesians 1:7 NASB

“In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace.”

II. The Promise of the Resurrection Brings…RENEWAL vs. 12-13

So, our first lesson is that the power of the resurrection brings redemption. Second, the promise of the resurrection brings renewal. We see this illustrated in verses 12 and 13. 

Afterward he appeared in a different form to two of his followers who were walking from Jerusalem into the country. [13] They rushed back to tell the others, but no one believed them.

The key words that I really want you to focus on is the part where Jesus appeared to His followers “in a different form”! The inability of Jesus’ followers to recognize Him speaks to the newness that Jesus brings to all Christians. The Apostle Paul even talks about this in his second letter to the Corinthians…

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.”

Absolutely, let's keep the energy going!

Church, let’s talk about “renewal”—because the resurrection of Jesus doesn’t just redeem us, it makes us new! When Jesus rose from the dead, something incredible happened. In Mark 16:12, it says Jesus appeared in a “different form” to His followers. They didn’t even recognize Him at first! Why? Because He wasn’t just the crucified Savior—they were encountering the risen, glorified Christ. This was a Jesus they had never seen before—transformed, renewed, and full of resurrection power.

This isn’t just about Jesus, though. What happened to Him is a picture of what happens to us when we encounter the resurrected Lord!  Just like Jesus was in a new form after the resurrection, when He enters our lives, everything changes. 

Our thoughts change—we think differently. Our words change—we begin to speak life instead of negativity. The way we see the world changes—our priorities shift. Suddenly, it’s not just about us, but about how we can live for Christ. Maybe before, our focus was on the temporary, but now, we live with eternity in mind. Our desires change, our hearts change, our whole purpose in life gets flipped upside down. That’s the power of the resurrection! When we are in Christ, even our worries diminish. Why worry when God has everything under His control and under His power? Why worry about finances? Why worry about political races? When we have a close encounter with Christ, we cast our cares on Him because we know that He cares for us. 

Think about it: the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is at work in us. We are new creations! We are no longer who we used to be. Jesus gives us a fresh start, a brand-new perspective. The resurrection is not just a past event—it’s a daily reality that makes us new every single day. 

Church, this isn’t just about being better versions of ourselves—it’s about being completely transformed from the inside out. You don’t just think about different things; you start thinking in an entirely new way! 

Your old habits? Gone.

Your old sins? Forgiven.

Your shame? Washed away.

Your guilt? Cancelled at the cross.

Your failures? Redeemed.

Your brokenness? Healed.

Your doubts? Replaced with faith.

Your fears? Overcome by His perfect love.

The chains that held you down? Broken.

The mistakes of your past? No longer define you.

Your regrets? Covered by grace.

Your weaknesses? Made strong in His power.

The lies you believed? Replaced with His truth.

Because of the resurrection, everything changes! You are no longer a slave to who you once were—you are free, you are new, and you are walking in the power of the risen Christ! That’s the victory we have in Jesus! Amen?

Jesus comes in and does a total renovation of your heart, soul, and mind.

So, let’s live like it! Let’s walk in that newness of life today, remembering that because of the resurrection, we are made new. We are not who we used to be—we are changed, renewed, and transformed by the power of Jesus! Amen?

2 Corinthians 5:17 ESV 

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.”

III. The Proof of the Resurrection Brings…REVELATION vs. 14-20

So, our first lesson is that the resurrection brings redemption. Our second lesson is that the resurrection brings renewal. Lastly, we discover that the proof of the resurrection brings revelation. Let’s go back and read verses 14-16.

Mark 16:14-16 NLT

Still later he appeared to the eleven disciples as they were eating together. He rebuked them for their stubborn unbelief because they refused to believe those who had seen him after he had been raised from the dead. [15] And then he told them, "Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone. [16] Anyone who believes and is baptized will be saved. But anyone who refuses to believe will be condemned.

The resurrection of Jesus is not just some historical footnote—it is the ultimate revelation of God’s power and His plan for the world! When Jesus rose from the dead, it wasn’t just to show He could defeat death (although that’s incredible in itself)—it was to reveal something to us about who God is, what He’s doing, and what He’s calling us to do.

In Mark 16, after Jesus reveals Himself to the disciples in His resurrected body, He doesn’t just say, “Okay, I’m back! Go back to your normal lives!” No, He gives them a new purpose. He tells them to go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone (Mark 16:15). The resurrection reveals not only who Jesus is—the Son of God with the power to conquer death—but also what we are called to do.

1 Corinthians 15:14 says, “And if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain [it amounts to nothing], and your faith is also in vain [it is devoid of truth and is fruitless—without effect, empty, void of value].” The resurrection is the foundation of our faith! Without it, our preaching, our faith, our mission—it would all be meaningless. But because Jesus is alive, it gives our faith substance, it gives our purpose power, and it gives our message urgency!

The resurrection isn’t just a story we keep to ourselves—it’s a message that demands to be shared! When we truly grasp that Jesus has risen from the dead, it opens our eyes to God’s greater purpose for our lives. We are not saved just to sit in church, feel good about it, and move on. No, we are saved to be sent!

Here’s the thing: the same revelation that Jesus gave to the disciples, He’s giving to us today. We are called to go. We are called to tell the world about this life-changing, earth-shattering event that changed everything. The resurrection reveals that we are now ambassadors of Christ, carriers of hope, and messengers of the Gospel. The world needs to know that death isn’t the final word—Jesus is alive! And if Jesus is alive, that changes everything for us and for everyone around us.

This revelation brings clarity to our purpose: we exist to make Jesus known! We are living proof that the resurrection isn’t just a moment in history, but a reality that is still transforming lives today. Because of this revelation, we are commissioned to go, to tell, to share, to proclaim. This is the mission, this is the message, and this is what we live for!

So, church, let’s not stay quiet. We’ve got a resurrection to proclaim, a Savior to celebrate, and a world that desperately needs to hear that Jesus is alive! Let’s embrace that revelation and run with it, because we are the ones called to carry this truth to the ends of the earth! Amen?

1 Corinthians 15:14 AMP

and if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is vain [useless, amounting to nothing], and your faith is also vain [imaginary, unfounded, devoid of value and benefit-not based on truth].

Brothers and sisters, I pray that this series in Mark has been encouraging to you. I pray that you will take today’s information and turn it into your inspiration. 

Turn Today’s Information Into Your Inspiration!

Closing Prayer:

Heavenly Father, we thank You for the incredible gift of the resurrection. Thank You that Jesus not only died for our sins but rose again to redeem us, renew us, and reveal Your purpose for our lives. Lord, we are in awe of Your power and love. We ask that You help us to live as new creations—transformed and ready to share this life-changing truth with the world.

If there’s anyone here today who feels the tug of Your Spirit, I pray that they would surrender to You, Jesus. May they step forward to follow You, to receive Your forgiveness, and to walk in the new life You offer. For those who haven’t been baptized, give them the courage to take that next step in obedience. And for anyone looking for a church family, Lord, we open the doors and hearts of this church to them.

Father, we know that Your Spirit is still moving, and I pray that those seeking You would continue to pray, trusting that You hear them. We thank You for Your grace, Your renewal, and Your resurrection power. In Jesus’ mighty name we pray, Amen.


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