“The Masses, The Miracle, and The Messiah”

 The Book of Mark

Encountering The Miracles And Mission of Jesus Christ

Opening Illustration:

Good morning Eastern Shore Baptist Church. Can you believe it? Week 6! Week 6 of a 20 week series. We have been walking through Mark’s Gospel. We’ve been encountering the miracles and the mission of Jesus Christ. I have really enjoyed preaching through this Gospel because it reveals a side of Jesus that is often overlooked. We see a side of Jesus that challenges us. You see friends, if you read Mark’s Gospel with an open heart and an open mind you’ll see a man willing to do anything, a man willing to go anywhere, a man willing to cast off every societal norm and religious expectation to love people. Sometimes we see a Jesus willing to touch a man or woman with a horrible deformity or disease. In doing so, Jesus touch heals that person but makes Him unclean in the eyes of His peers. Sometimes we see a Jesus willing to confront the very same religious people. Jesus is willing to cast off societal politeness to deliver truth to people shackled in a man made prison, the law, and the law disguised as the path to God. Jesus knew the truth. The way to Hell is paved by the law, paved with man made traditions, and laid with best intentions. We are introduced to another Jesus. We meet a Jesus who dines, dishes, drinks and discusses any and all things pertaining to being reborn, being made new, or the rebirth with SINNERS! Heaven forbid Mark show us a Jesus that is unclean, that isn’t concerned with manners, that enters the homes of sinners, that fellowships with prostitutes, and a Jesus that doesn’t have time to stroke the ego of proud and pious Pharisees. This is the Jesus of the Bible. This is the Jesus of Mark. 

Today, our message is entitled “The Masses, The Miracle, and the Messiah”. Here we are again. We are introduced to Jesus, a man of the people. Crowds have gathered yet again. Wherever He goes, His sheep are sure to follow. Jesus is being known far and wide as a healer. Remember, Jesus raised Jairus’ daughter from the dead. He cured the woman with a 12 year bleeding disorder in an instant. Jesus has healed a man who was completely paralyzed. He has calmed the storm. People are fascinated with Jesus. They come. Wave after wave they come. 

Today’s Message:

“The Masses, The Miracle, and The Messiah”

Do me a favor this morning. Open your Bibles to Mark 6:30-44. I’m going to be reading this morning from the New Living Testament. Before I do, I want to set up our scene. I want to provide for you a bit of context. 

Jesus and the disciples are returning from being on mission. They have been busy. Healing the sick. Curing disease. Teaching. From sun up to sun down, non stop ministry. Non stop work. People clamoring for their attention. I’m sure that at first the disciples thought all this attention was pretty neat. They must have felt important. They thought that they were celebrities and they were right. Still, after a few days of work, of teaching and of healing, they were pooped. Even Jesus, in His humanity, was feeling exhausted. Remember friends, Jesus was just like me and you. Even He needed a break from time to time. So He plans a much needed retreat. A time of reflection. They set off for a quiet place, far from the business and the trouble of the world. A vacation of sorts. 

But, as we know, life doesn’t always go according to plan, does it?

Just as Jesus and the guys start to settle in, they are met with another crowd of eager people. This group was more needy than the last. Their problems more vast and their issues more complex. More complicated. To make matters worse, these people had sacrificed greatly to be close to Jesus. They didn’t even stop to consider what they would eat. 

When is the last time you were so desperate about something that you forgot to meal prep?

Now, imagine being in the shoes of the disciples at that moment. They must have felt a mix of hospitality and hostility towards the people. Sure, they felt bad that the people were starving. They hated seeing children hurting and their parents unable to help. Still, what where they expected to do. They were in a desert. There were no resources. It wasn’t like Rome was going to help. There was no FEMA check coming, no welfare. Where the disciples saw nothing short of a problem, Jesus saw potential for God to move in a powerful way. Jesus knew that this was the moment that God’s provision would be put on full display for all the people to see. 

In fact, that is really our thought for the day. Do me a favor this morning, fill in the blanks under “Today’s Thought”. Jesus provides not just power but also provision. 

Today’s Thought:

Jesus Provides Not Just Power, But Also Provision!

What does it mean that God’s provision will be put on full display? It means that Jesus is going to take the problem of starvation and turn it into a moment of supply. Jesus is going to take a broken system and situation and turn it into a bountiful harvest. 

Do me a solid this morning. How many of you worry? Raise your hands? You worry about the future. You worry about failure. You worry about making enough money, about providing for your family. You worry about college. You worry about this relationship or that breakup. You know, worry is the sin of not believing that God is big enough, strong enough, or wise enough to supply everything you need for life. When we worry, we sin. When we worry, we are actively telling God that we doubt His power, that we question His ability, and that we show a lack of faith in His goodness. We should never doubt God’s provision. Never. 

If you hear nothing else this morning, hear this, God will not let you down. Not ever! 

Matthew 6:31-34 NLT

"So don't worry about these things, saying, 'What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?' [32] These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. [33] Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. [34] "So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today.

I love Dr. Charles Swindoll. One of my favorite books of his is “The Mystery of God’s Will”. If you have never read it, I highly recommend it. Listen to what he says about God’s work, God’s wisdom, and our senseless worry over God’s provision. 

 "This is God's work. He'll make a way for us. In the years of living this life of faith, I have never known God's care to fail. In order to cease our striving, we must transfer our trust away from our own abilities, our own accomplishments, our own strength, and place it on His provision.

Today’s Quote:

"This is God's work. He'll make a way for us. In the years of living this life of faith, I have never known God's care to fail. In order to cease our striving, we must transfer our trust away from our own abilities, our own accomplishments, our own strength, and place it on His provision.

-Dr. Charles Swindoll

"The Mystery of God's Will: What Does He Want for Me?"

Like I said earlier, we are reading from Marks Gospel, chapter 6, verses 30-44 this morning. I want to remind you that…

Statement of Faith:

We believe the Bible to be inspired, God breathed, infallible, and authoritative. We believe the Bible is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training believer’s in righteousness. God’s Word gives life. It provides peace in trouble and protection in tribulation. It is alive, active, and cuts to the core of the human soul. Since there is no other book like it, let us stand to show our reverence and respect.  

Today’s Scripture:

Mark 6:30-44 NLT

The apostles returned to Jesus from their ministry tour and told him all they had done and taught. [31] Then Jesus said, "Let's go off by ourselves to a quiet place and rest awhile." He said this because there were so many people coming and going that Jesus and his apostles didn't even have time to eat. [32] So they left by boat for a quiet place, where they could be alone. [33] But many people recognized them and saw them leaving, and people from many towns ran ahead along the shore and got there ahead of them. [34] Jesus saw the huge crowd as he stepped from the boat, and he had compassion on them because they were like sheep without a shepherd. So he began teaching them many things. [35] Late in the afternoon his disciples came to him and said, "This is a remote place, and it's already getting late. [36] Send the crowds away so they can go to the nearby farms and villages and buy something to eat." [37] But Jesus said, "You feed them." "With what?" they asked. "We'd have to work for months to earn enough money to buy food for all these people!" [38] "How much bread do you have?" he asked. "Go and find out." They came back and reported, "We have five loaves of bread and two fish." [39] Then Jesus told the disciples to have the people sit down in groups on the green grass. [40] So they sat down in groups of fifty or a hundred. [41] Jesus took the five loaves and two fish, looked up toward heaven, and blessed them. Then, breaking the loaves into pieces, he kept giving the bread to the disciples so they could distribute it to the people. He also divided the fish for everyone to share. [42] They all ate as much as they wanted, [43] and afterward, the disciples picked up twelve baskets of leftover bread and fish. [44] A total of 5,000 men and their families were fed.

Pastor: “This is the Word of the Lord.”

Congregation: “Praise His name, praise His Holy name.”

3 Lessons From Mark 6:30-44…

I. A Lesson On Compassion vs. 34

So, let’s talk briefly about about a few lessons that we can take away from Mark 6. Our first lesson comes in the form of compassion. Specifically the compassion that Jesus has for the people that we meet in verse 34. 

“Jesus saw the huge crowd as he stepped from the boat, and he had compassion on them because they were like sheep without a shepherd. So he began teaching them many things.”

I really love this particular passion because it gives us some insight into how Jesus was actually feeling. We get to see almost what Jesus was thinking. He had compassion on them. 

Jesus was not annoyed. 

He was not fed up with them. 

He was not so tired that He couldn’t serve them.

Jesus was none of the things that anyone of us would be if we were with Him in that moment. If it were me, I would have told them that I was done for the day. I would have been tempted to tell them to make an appointment. I might have been like the disciples. They were sure lacking some compassion. Look at what verse 35 and 36.

“Late in the afternoon his disciples came to him and said, "This is a remote place, and it's already getting late. Send the crowds away so they can go to the nearby farms and villages and buy something to eat."

By the way, don’t you love it when the disciples tell Jesus what to do? Don’t you love it when the disciples clearly know better than Jesus. “Jesus, send these poor rubes away. We are tired. We need to get our beauty rest.” Imagine if Jesus would have listened. 

There is a good lesson for us here folks. The lesson is that God will allow us to experience discomfort so that we can receive God’s power and provision. God will allow us to experience fatigue so that our faith can be better constructed. Don’t fall into the trap that the disciples are setting for me and you this morning. Often times, when we are uncomfortable, when we are tired, we tell God to fix it by removing it. Thank God that He is not bound to do what we demand. No, God will absolutely allow our lives to be interrupted for teaching purposes. He will create moments of discomfort and distress so that we will learn to depend on Him and His provision. Jesus will allow seasons of trial to teach us. If you are in a season of hardship, don’t ask God to remove it or ask God to prematurely change the season. Ask God to teach, to grow, to reveal, to strengthen you during that period. 

Jesus shows compassion. What does that mean? After all, that is the emotion that He is experiencing. If you remember, we talked about the Greek word for compassion a few weeks ago. The Greek word is “Splag-kneed-so-mide”. It’s really more of a description of a feeling than a definition. It’s that feeling in the pit of your stomach that you feel when you are uneasy. It’s the feeling, that queasy feeling in you bowels, when something is making you nervous or uncomfortable. What Mark is tryin to tell us is that Jesus was moved on behalf of these people, moved to His very core. He was so touched by them that He could not, would not sleep until He had met their needs. He knew how they had sacrificed to be close to Him. He even compares Himself to their shepherd and they are His sheep. 

Jesus saw the huge crowd as he stepped from the boat, and he had compassion on them because they were like sheep without a shepherd. So he began teaching them many things. 

Jesus’ first instinct, His first reaction, is telling. Was it to shoe them away? Was it to be disgusted by their insensitivity to His needs? No. He immediately invested and immediately gave. That’s our Lord. That’s our Savior. Isn’t that comforting for you today? If Jesus is moved with compassion, moved in His very Spirit, for these people, then imagine how He is moved for you. You too are His sheep. He loves you. He wants to give to you. 

Question for you this morning, what have you sacrificed to be near Him? What have you given up to be in His presence. Notice that Jesus only provided for those who were close to Him. He provided for those who had sacrificed to be in His presence. Healing can come your way if you are willing to part with the world and seek after Christ. 

I love what Matthew 14:14 captures about Christ. Let’s read it together. 

Matthew 14:14 AMPC

When He went ashore and saw a great throng of people, He had compassion (pity and deep sympathy) for them and cured their sick.

3 Lessons From Mark 6:30-44…

I. A Lesson On Compassion vs. 34

II. A Lesson On Provision vs. 41

So, our first lesson is that of compassion. Our second lesson is on provision. Let’s go back and read verse 41. 

Jesus took the five loaves and two fish, looked up toward heaven, and blessed them. Then, breaking the loaves into pieces, he kept giving the bread to the disciples so they could distribute it to the people. He also divided the fish for everyone to share.

Let’s go to John 6:5-12 for a bit more detail on this story that is not mentioned in Mark 6. 

John 6:5-12 NLT

Jesus soon saw a huge crowd of people coming to look for him. Turning to Philip, he asked, "Where can we buy bread to feed all these people?" [6] He was testing Philip, for he already knew what he was going to do. [7] Philip replied, "Even if we worked for months, we wouldn't have enough money to feed them!" [8] Then Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, spoke up. [9] "There's a young boy here with five barley loaves and two fish. But what good is that with this huge crowd?" [10] "Tell everyone to sit down," Jesus said. So they all sat down on the grassy slopes. (The men alone numbered about 5,000.) [11] Then Jesus took the loaves, gave thanks to God, and distributed them to the people. Afterward he did the same with the fish. And they all ate as much as they wanted. [12] After everyone was full, Jesus told his disciples, "Now gather the leftovers, so that nothing is wasted."

Although the little boy is not mentioned in Mark, we are introduced to a him in John 6. We have no idea who this lad was, we have very little information about him. What do we know?

One, the kid was available. He was available to be used in whatever way Jesus wanted to use him. Availability is so important. If you are not available, then you cannot be used. Think of it like one of our soon to be high school graduates. In fact, this was some advice that I just gave to my son. I wrote him a letter on the day of his graduation and told him that it was important not to throw away his opportunity at Huntingdon College. He had dozens of people, many of you are sitting in this very room, who have invested him, helping him become the person that he is today. Don’t let yourself down Jay and don’t let them down. Don’t throw away this opportunity. I told him that it was vital, it was of the most serious importance, that he attend class. I told him that if he sets his alarm, that if he makes it to class everyday, that at a minimum he would make a “C” in any class. Just show up son and you’ll hear enough to at a minimum be average. Now I want him to be more, to be better than average. However, the path to success starts with just showing up. I had a pastor, a mentor, one time tell me that 80% of anything in life is just showing up. If you don’t show up you cannot succeed and success will pass you by. 

If you are not available because of a private unconfessed sin…

If you are not available because of a pernicious addiction…

If you are not available because of a severed or broken relationship that needs correction…

If you are not available because you are not willing to give God your finances…

Whatever it is, if you are not available, available like this little boy, then you won’t see God move in your life.   He was available. Are you?

Next, we see this boy was willing to give everything that He had to Jesus. He was available, “use me Jesus”. He was also willing to give it all to Jesus, “take whatever I have Jesus, it’s yours”. Maybe you think, “well preacher I don’t have that much to offer Jesus. Im not that talented, Im not that gifted.” Well I would say that you are in good company. Most every single character in the Bible was an untalented reject who had very little to offer in the way of gifts. The reason that we are still talking about these characters today is because they were available and they were willing to give God everything they had, no matter the measure. If you want to see God move, you have to come to Him and say, “it’s all yours Jesus”. 

Does that mean that God want’s your dreams, your goals, your talents? Yes. That is what it means. 

Does that mean that God wants your family, your work, your business? Yes. That is what it means. 

Understand that God wont take it, it must be given. Notice that Jesus didn’t take this boy’s lunch, it was freely offered and it was graciously received. If you want to see God move in your life, be available. Show up. If you want to see God move in your life, give God everything you have. If you do these things and model what this little fella did, you will see God provide for you in ways that you could not understand.  He will flood your life with peace. He will douse your mind with wisdom. He will lead you beside quiet waters friend. 

God wants to provide for you and me but we must be available and we must be willing. God will supply our needs. That’s a promise. 

Philippians 4:19 GNT

And with all his abundant wealth through Christ Jesus, my God will supply all your needs.

3 Lessons From Mark 6:30-44…

I. A Lesson On Compassion vs. 34

II. A Lesson On Provision vs. 41

III. A Lesson On Conviction vs. 42-43

So, what’s our last lesson? Lesson three. A lesson on conviction. Let’s go back and reread verses 42-43…

 [42] They all ate as much as they wanted, [43] and afterward, the disciples picked up twelve baskets of leftover bread and fish. [44] A total of 5,000 men and their families were fed.

I love this part of the story. At the beginning the disciples are telling what Jesus to do. At the end, the disciples are picking up the leftovers of Jesus’ miracle. 

Imagine what they must have been thinking with their full bellies and 12 baskets of overflowing fish and bread. Don’t you think that they must have been scratching their heads saying to themselves, “when are we going to learn”?

“When are we finally going to get on the same page with Jesus?”

“Why don’t we finally just believe in Him, stop questioning Him, stop doubting Him?

“Why don’t we just trust Him?”

I imagine that on some level that they must have felt some sort of conviction. They had to have had some sort of revelation as to who Jesus was and what Jesus was trying to accomplish.

What about you friend? Has Jesus provided for you enough over the years for you to finally stop worrying and start trusting? 

Has Jesus not shown you compassion after compassion? Grace on top of grace? Mercy after mercy? When will it be enough? When will you finally come to Christ with open hands and open arms, ready, available, willing?

When I think of conviction, I can’t help but think of Nicky. Nicky Cruz. 

Closing Illustration:

Maybe you have heard of Nicky Cruz. 

Nicky Cruz was a notorious gang leader in New York City. He was an incredibly violent man and he was known far and wide in the criminal community. His network of crime stretched from New York across the United States and existed in some of the largest cities in America making Nicky Cruz a very wealthy man. Cruz decided in his teenage years that he wanted to be rich, famous, feared, and powerful. He grew up in a poverty stricken home where he was abused and beaten on the regular. These abuses and beatings made Nicky angry, hard, and tough. 


However, everything changed when he encountered the witness of a street preacher named David Wilkerson. Despite Nicky's initial resistance and hostility, Wilkerson continued to show him love and compassion, even in the face of Nicky's threats and violence. Wilkerson was so desperate to see Nicky Cruz saved, that he went to his home to share the Gospel. Cruz became incensed, angry that this evangelist would bother him with the message of the Gospel. He was so angry that he sent his goons to capture Wilkerson and have him beaten. Wilkerson was left for dead in a back ally. Cruz knew that would teach that crazy Christian a lesson. He knew that Wilkerson, if he were not dead, would not dare show up at his door again. He was surprised to find out, the very next night, Wilkerson was outside his door. Bruised and beaten, Wilkerson continued to share the Gospel with Cruz. 

Eventually, Nicky's heart began to soften, and he found himself drawn to the message of hope and redemption found in Jesus Christ. After a powerful encounter with God, Nicky became convinced of his sin and surrendered his life to Jesus and experienced a radical transformation. He left behind his life of crime and violence and became a powerful evangelist, sharing the love of Christ with others, especially those caught in the cycle of gang life.

Nicky's story is a testament to the transforming power of God's love and grace. From a hardened gang leader to a passionate preacher of the Gospel, his life serves as a powerful example of how God can take the most broken and hopeless individuals and use them for His glory. Nicky Cruz because available, he became willing, and today God is using him to change lives around the world. 

What about you friend? Are you ready to experience the compassion of Christ? Are you ready to experience the provision of Jesus Christ? Are you available? Willing? Is He standing at the door of your heart this morning? Knocking? Will you trust Him this morning?

Psalm 20:7 KJV

Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God.

The Lord Is With You, He Will Provide!

Closing Prayer:

Dear Heavenly Father,

As we come to the close of this time together, we are overwhelmed by Your incredible love and compassion displayed through the life of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Thank You for the powerful reminder found in Mark 6:30-44 of Your provision and care for Your children, even in the midst of our greatest needs.

Lord, we are grateful for the opportunity to be vessels of Your grace and love in this world. Help us to be willing and available to be used by You for Your glory, just as the disciples were when they offered what little they had to You.

May we always remember Your promise in Philippians 4:19, that You will supply all our needs according to Your riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Give us the faith to trust in Your provision, even when circumstances seem bleak.

Father, we pray for anyone here today who has yet to experience the life-changing love of Jesus Christ. May Your Spirit draw them close to You, opening their hearts to receive Your grace and forgiveness.

For those who feel called to follow Christ more closely, to join this church family, to be baptized, or to pray at the altar, may they step out in faith, knowing that You are with them every step of the way.

Lord, we leave this place today filled with gratitude and joy, knowing that You are always working for our good and Your glory. May Your peace and presence go with us as we go forth to shine Your light in the world.

In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.


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