The Book of Mark: “Encountering the Miracles and Mission of Jesus Christ”
The Book of Mark:
“Encountering the Miracles and Mission of Jesus Christ”
Opening Illustration:
Good morning Eastern Shore Baptist Church. What a blessing it is to be here with you this morning. This morning we are in the third week of a 20 week series entitled “The Book of Mark”, “Encountering the Miracles and Mission of Jesus Christ”. Today’s message is entitled “From Paralysis To Praiseworthy”.
Today’s Message:
“From Paralysis To Praiseworthy”
This morning we are looking a familiar story in the Bible. Today we are reading and talking about the group of four men who brought their friend, a man who was paralyzed, to Jesus Christ. The location…Capernaum. The address…we will come back to that in a moment. I only bring up the location because this location may just very well change the way that you see this entire story unfold. The characters, Jesus, the disciples, the crowd, four men (strangers who we never know, we never hear from them again and we are never exposed to their names), the man who was paralyzed. These four men believed that Jesus had the power to heal this man of his paralysis. If you remember, there was a large crowd that had gathered around Jesus, preventing these four men from accessing Jesus’ healing power. So, what did they do? They were resourceful. They went to the rooftops, avoiding the crowds. Once they scaled the home, they pulled their friend up to the roof, then they opened up a place in the roof of the home where they could lower their friend down to Jesus. Imagine the scene. Jesus is there teaching and preaching in a home and lo and behold a man is lowered slowly from the ceiling and placed right in front of Jesus. It’s like a scene out of a movie.
Let’s be honest here friends, you have heard this story dozens of times. If you are an older mature Christian, you have probably heard this story told from multiple angles and in multiple ways. The man is lowered from the ceiling to Jesus’ feet. Jesus does several things that are unusual, He forgives the man’s sins. Jesus senses within His Spirit the thoughts and motivations of the religious leaders around Him. You might say that Jesus knew their very thoughts. He sensed the doubt of the crowd. So, to demonstrate His authority, He then performs a miracle. A man who is paralyzed is then commanded to take up his mat and walk and take up his mat and walk this man does.
His feet…restored.
His ankles…rejuvenated.
His knees…refreshed.
His bones…repaired.
His hips…revived.
His spine…reestablished.
His arms…renewed.
His entire body…replaced by God’s power working through him.
All of this was done by the authority of Jesus Christ coursing through his body. This was done in an instant, the blink of an eye.
He didn’t need a doctor’s appointment. He didn’t need physical therapy. He didn’t need a surgery. He didn’t need an epidural shot.
Here is what we can assume about this man. We can assume that this man had never been to church. We can assume that he had never served in a ministry. We can assume that he had never been baptized. We can assume that he had never given alms to the synagogue. We can assume that he had probably never sung a hymn. There is nothing in this story that leads us to believe that he was a particularly religious man.
Here is one thing that we know. We know that his friends had a bold belief, a bold faith in Jesus Christ. They believed that Jesus could radically alter the trajectory of their pal’s life. It was their bold faith that broke the barrier of this man’s impossible disease.
Do me a favor this morning. Fill in the blanks under “Today’s Thought”. Remember, bold faith breaks barriers. Do you believe that this morning? Do you believe that bold faith breaks barriers? I do. I have seen it.
Today’s Thought:
Remember, Bold Faith Breaks Barriers!
“But preacher, I have faith and I have not been healed.”
“But preacher, I have faith and my spouse is still sick.”
“But preacher, I have faith and my loved one still died.”
Understand friend that God’s end for us is not immortality. God’s end for us is not always perfect health, perfect wellness, prosperity, power or fame.
God’s end for all of us is holiness and molding us into His image. Sadly, some of the most Godly people, some of the most ardently faithful Christians I know are people who suffer the most.
Bold faith may not always lead to health and physical healing, but it will lead to grace that is sufficient in your suffering and weakness. Bold faith may not always lead to a path of happiness but it will lead to grace that is made perfect in perseverance and steadfastness.
One of my favorite books is called “Chase The Lion” by Washington, D.C. pastor Mark Batterson. Batterson has written lots of books but “Chase the Lion” just may be my favorite. It is very inspirational. Listen to what Pastor Batterson says about possessing a bold faith.
"Bold faith is the difference between something happening and not happening. It's the difference between giving up and pressing on. It's the difference between trying and doing. It's the difference between being stuck in the past and moving into the future. Bold faith is the catalyst that turns dreams into realities and impossibilities into possibilities. It's the audacity to believe that God is who He says He is and will do what He says He will do.”
Today’s Quote:
"Bold faith is the difference between something happening and not happening. It's the difference between giving up and pressing on. It's the difference between trying and doing. It's the difference between being stuck in the past and moving into the future. Bold faith is the catalyst that turns dreams into realities and impossibilities into possibilities. It's the audacity to believe that God is who He says He is and will do what He says He will do.”
-“Chase The Lion” by Pastor Mark Batterson
This morning we are reading from Mark 2:1-12. Go ahead and flip in your Bibles to that passage of Scripture. By the way, this story is mentioned in Matthew and Luke as well and is oddly left out of John’s Gospel. Luke’s Gospel gives perhaps the most details about this event but no matter if you reading in Matthew, Mark or Luke, the crux of the event and the outcome remains the same. Jesus heals the man and forgives him of his sins. This event is one that sets Christ on a collision course with the religious leaders of His time. They become threatened of Jesus’ power, His authority, and His claims to being able to forgive sins. Setting Christ on the same level ground of Jehovah. In their eyes, this is blasphemy.
I do want to remind you this morning that…
Statement of Belief:
We believe the Bible to be inspired, God breathed, infallible, and authoritative. We believe the Bible is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training believer’s in righteousness. God’s Word gives life. It provides peace in trouble and protection in tribulation. It is alive, active, and cuts to the core of the human soul. Since there is no other book like it, let us stand to show our reverence and respect.
Today’s Scripture:
Mark 2:1-12 ESV
And when he returned to Capernaum after some days, it was reported that he was at home. [2] And many were gathered together, so that there was no more room, not even at the door. And he was preaching the word to them. [3] And they came, bringing to him a paralytic carried by four men. [4] And when they could not get near him because of the crowd, they removed the roof above him, and when they had made an opening, they let down the bed on which the paralytic lay. [5] And when Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, "Son, your sins are forgiven." [6] Now some of the scribes were sitting there, questioning in their hearts, [7] "Why does this man speak like that? He is blaspheming! Who can forgive sins but God alone?" [8] And immediately Jesus, perceiving in his spirit that they thus questioned within themselves, said to them, "Why do you question these things in your hearts? [9] Which is easier, to say to the paralytic, 'Your sins are forgiven,' or to say, 'Rise, take up your bed and walk'? [10] But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins"-he said to the paralytic- [11] "I say to you, rise, pick up your bed, and go home." [12] And he rose and immediately picked up his bed and went out before them all, so that they were all amazed and glorified God, saying, "We never saw anything like this!"
Pastor: “This is the Word of the Lord”
Congregation: “Praise His name, Praise His Holy name.”
3 Lesson’s From Friend’s Who Possessed Great Faith!
Lesson One: The Complication: Paralyzed and Powerless vs. 2-3
This morning, I want to discuss with you three lessons from the friend’s who possessed great faith. Our first lesson is the complication, we are introduced to a man who was paralyzed and powerless. We see this in verses 2 and 3.
[2] And many were gathered together, so that there was no more room, not even at the door. And he was preaching the word to them. [3] And they came, bringing to him a paralytic carried by four men.
We don’t know much about this man other that how he was described in Scripture. Paralyzed. The Greek word being used here is para-loo-tee-kass. It is where we get the English word “paralyzed” The only description is that this man was disabled. He was weak of limb. He was sick with some sort of palsy.
Isn’t that terrible to only be known for your sickness. No name. No description. We don’t know how tall he was, the color of his eyes, the shade of his hair. Nothing. All we know about him is his disease. All we know of him is his weakness. What a terrible way to live. What a terrible way to be remembered. This man was literally frozen in his time. Paralyzed. Unable to escape his weakness. If you remember, most people in Jesus’ day believed that if you were suffering from some physical malady that you were getting your just desserts. You were receiving your just punishment for some sin, public or private, it didn’t matter. You were a sinner, judged, condemned. You didn’t deserve mercy. You didn’t deserve grace.
Now, when I look around this room, I don’t see anyone paralyzed. However, I do see some people frozen in time and space. You are paralyzed by your past. Afraid that if people knew about the secret abortion you had that they would cast you out. That act following you around like a demonic shadow. You are paralyzed by your secret addiction to pornography. You feel ashamed and weak. Your self esteem looks a lot like the physical troubles of this man. If you were to be introduced to the public, your secret laid bare for all to see, you would not be know as the Christian, the servant, you were be labeled a pervert. So you hide. You pray that your wife won’t find out, that she won’t search your phone or dig into your history. Maybe you are paralyzed by dependance. Vaping. Smoking. Weed. Alcohol. Opioids. You have your secret stashes hidden around the house, hidden at work. You are paralyzed that your husband will find out. That your children will notice. On the outside, no one would suspect the pretty lady driving the minivan of something like that so you keep hiding. You are paralyzed. Frozen in the moment of weakness. What about the rest of you, paralyzed in sin. Slaves. We’ve all embraced Christ but we continue to sin. We pray, asking for grace, seeking forgiveness, but we keep on sinning the same.
This man brought on the mat was someone that none of us would want to be. He was exposed. His weakness out in the open for all to see. His physical body a representation of our spiritual state without Christ. Dead. Withered. Shriveled up. Rotting. This man is someone that none of us would desire to be. Imagine every addiction in the headline. Imagine every weak moment broadcast for all to see.
So, what about you? Are you paralyzed by your past? Your sin? Your shortcomings? Your failures?
All of us have been there.
I’m reminded of Charles. He had wealth. Power. Authority. He was famous. Respected. He had powerful friends in very high places. IN fact, one of his closest friends was the President of the United States, Richard Nixon. Charles was incredibly educated. Successful. Influential. He served as Special Counsel to the President, one of the most powerful positions in the government. At the height of his power, Charles fell. You see, Charles may have had it all but he had a secret, he was embroiled in the Watergate scandal. In fact, Charles was one of the masterminds behind the entire incident. His part of the crime led to him being convicted and sentenced to jail. His name was in the headlines and on T.V. At one time, he was respected. However, now that everyone knew the truth about him, he was a pariah. He was scorned. No one wanted anything to do with him. One news article labeled him “The Biggest Loser In America”. It was at this point in Charles’ life that most would have thought of him as a lost cause, a man who had fallen from grace.
It’s these sorts of people though that God seems to conduct His best work. While serving his sentence in prison, Charles had a profound experience with Christ that changed his life. He experienced a spiritual reawakening that transformed his heart and redirected his entire life’s purpose. Charles accepted Christ and upon his release from prison, he became a writer, a speaker, and an evangelist. You might know Charles by a different name. Chuck Colson. Chuck Colson was thankful to Christ for His deliverance. For transforming him from failure, sinner, to saved saint. This is a direct quote from Chuck Colson.
"The real legacy of my life was my biggest failure - that I was an ex-convict. My greatest humiliation - being sent to prison - was the beginning of God's greatest use of my life; He chose the one experience in which I could not glory for His glory."
This reminds me of David, a man who was paralyzed by some pretty huge failures himself. Listen to his words in Psalm 34.
Psalm 34:3-4 ESV
Oh, magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together! [4] I sought the LORD, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.
3 Lesson’s From Friend’s Who Possessed Great Faith!
Lesson One: The Complication: Paralyzed and Powerless vs. 2-3
Lesson Two: The Comeback: Brave and Bold vs. vs. 4-5
So, our first lesson was the complication. We are introduced to a paralyzed and powerless man. Our second lesson is the comeback. We are now introduced to the paralyzed man’s pals, his friends. The brave and the bold friends.
[4] And when they could not get near him because of the crowd, they removed the roof above him, and when they had made an opening, they let down the bed on which the paralytic lay. [5] And when Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, "Son, your sins are forgiven."
There is a lot to learn from these men. How many of you have friends like this? How many of you have friends that won’t stop? They won’t give up on you? How many of you have true loyal friends like these fellas? Friends like this are hard to find. Friends that will stick with you, that won’t give up on you in your toughest moment. They will stick with you when you are going through a difficult situation or circumstance. The best sorts of friends are the ones who carry you to Jesus. They carry you to Jesus when it is hard for them, when it is inconvenient for them, they carry you to Jesus when it may mean that they have to sacrifice their own time, their own energy, their own resources. These are the sorts of friends that text you immediately when you text them. These are the sorts of friends who you can call and say “please pray for me” and they don’t just pray for you but they knock on your door and they pray for you presently, physically, in the moment. Question, are you that type of friend to someone else? You know, to have friends like this, you must first BE a friend like this.
These friends didn't let obstacles hinder their mission. When they encountered a crowded house blocking their path to Jesus, they didn't simply turn back or wait for a better opportunity. Instead, they showed initiative and creativity by finding a way to reach Jesus through the unconventional route of the roof. This teaches us the importance of being resourceful and proactive in overcoming challenges in our journey of faith. Most importantly, these friends demonstrated unwavering faith in Jesus' power to heal. They believed wholeheartedly that if they could just get their friend in front of Jesus, he would be healed. Their persistence in seeking Jesus despite the obstacles was a testament to their trust in His ability to bring about transformation. This teaches us the vital importance of faith and persistence in our relationship with Christ.
Oh that we would all have fearless, brave, bold friends like these men. We should pray for friends like this, we should also pray that we would be friends like this.
Listen to Paul here in Ephesians 6.
Ephesians 6:19-20 NIV
“Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.”
3 Lesson’s From Friend’s Who Possessed Great Faith!
Lesson One: The Complication: Paralyzed and Powerless vs. 2-3
Lesson Two: The Comeback: Brave and Bold vs. vs. 4-5
Lesson Three: The Champion: Faithful and Forgiven vs. 10-12
So, we have come to our last point. Our last lesson. The champion, faithful and forgiven. Let’s go back and read verses 10-12.
[10] But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins"-he said to the paralytic- [11] "I say to you, rise, pick up your bed, and go home." [12] And he rose and immediately picked up his bed and went out before them all, so that they were all amazed and glorified God, saying, "We never saw anything like this!"
Jesus does the amazing. He forgives this man’s sins. This forgiveness thus releases him from his disease. He is instantly restored and he is able to walk. Amazing. To God be the glory.
Let me tell you friends, I have read the Bible cover to cover a number of times in my life. I have probably read this story dozens of times. However, I noticed something about this story that I have never noticed before. What I noticed actually starts at the beginning of this chapter. Let me go back and read it for you.
And when he returned to Capernaum after some days, it was reported that he was at home.
Did you catch it?
Jesus was “at home”. It doesn’t say that Jesus was “at a home” or that He was “at someone else’s home”. It doesn’t even imply that Jesus was visiting an area and that He was residing in a hotel or AirBnB. You know how you do when you are traveling? You may be staying in a hotel but you refer to that place as “home” because that is where you are staying for a time. The Scripture in Mark says that Jesus was “at home”. If you go to Matthew, where Jesus is staying is not mentioned. It just says that a man was brought to Jesus by friends. It’s the same story in Luke. The place where Jesus was is not specifically mentioned.
How many of you are like me that when you think of Jesus you think of a nomadic homeless man? You don’t think of Jesus actually having a home. We think of this because of what Jesus says in Matthew 8:20.
Matthew 8:20 ESV
And Jesus said to him, “Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.”
I never ever think of Jesus having an actual residence. I always envisioned Jesus as an outdoorsy shepherd like, John the Baptist type who never wanted to sleep inside. I always painted Jesus in my head as sleeping under the stars for some random reason which is of course silly when you think about it. Jesus lived with His family. He had a carpenter mason Father who would have absolutely taken care of His mother by providing for her and building her and Him an earthly home. Jesus had brothers and sisters, all of which would need a home. You have to think that Joseph felt a great weight and responsibility to take care of, protect, and provide for the child who would become the Savior of the world. Jesus obviously, absolutely had a home.
Again, I don’t know why I never put it together but it again tells us this in Scripture. Matthew 4:13. Read it with me.
After Jesus was baptized, after He went into the desert for 40 days, after He was tempted, He left Nazareth and made a home for Himself in Capernaum.
Matthew 4:13 AMP
And leaving Nazareth, He went and settled in Capernaum, which is by the sea, in the country of Zebulun and Naphtali.
Friends, this is the setting of our story. How many of you knew that the home that is destroyed to let this man down to Jesus IS JESUS’ HOME BECAUSE I DIDNT? When I read this story it was always someone else’s house. Some poor nameless guy who has his roof destroyed. I always thought it was some fella looking at Jesus as they broke away the clay tiles, collapsing his ceiling, saying “Jesus look at what they are doing to my house, they are destroying my home”.
How many of you looked at this story in that light?
The flavor of this story changes for me when I understood that this is indeed Jesus’ home. It was Jesus’ home that was destroyed. It was His roof that was sacrificed for this man to be healed. This very miracle points to what Jesus did for us on the cross. In order for us to healed, in order for us to be saved, His earthly tent, His earthly dwelling place, His earthly temple would be destroyed.
I wonder what Jesus was thinking in this moment? Scripture tells us that He knew what other people were thinking but we don’t really know what He was thinking. I wonder if He was thinking that His broken and busted home was really just a foreshadowing of His beaten and bruised body.
You know what I love about this story. As Jesus’ home was being destroyed, He never ever broke His focus. His focus was not on the roof, it was on man who needed His help, His love, His touch. Jesus is not put out. Jesus is not upset about His property being damaged. He is not worried about the crowd stepping on His grass outside. Jesus just loved the man. Jesus just loved the people.
Boy, I want to be like Jesus don’t you? All the things that Jesus doesn’t worry about are the things that I would worry about. All the things that gather Jesus’ focus are the things that make me lose my focus.
Jesus always had the ability to keep the main thing the main thing. The main thing was saving sinners. Seeking and saving that which was lost.
I love it. Your sins are forgiven. Be healed. Take up your mat and walk. Jesus set the man free from his past, his failures. The man who once was only known for his weakness, his failures, is now known for something else. He was known for what Jesus did in his life.
That’s what Jesus does.
Luke 7:48-49 ESV
And he said to her, "Your sins are forgiven." [49] Then those who were at table with him began to say among themselves, "Who is this, who even forgives sins?"
Friends, let me ask you one more question this morning. Is your faith bold or is your faith cold? If it is cold, let’s pray this morning and see if we can renew the flame for Christ in your heart. Let’s pray together.
Heavenly Father,
As we come before You today, we're filled with gratitude for the powerful truths we've encountered in Your Word. Thank You for the inspiring example of the friends in Mark 2:1-12, who showed us what it means to have a bold faith that moves mountains.
Lord, we confess that sometimes our faith can feel a bit chilly, lacking the fire and passion that these friends displayed. But today, we're reminded that You call us to a faith that's bold, courageous, and unyielding—a faith that dares to believe in Your power to transform lives and situations.
So, Father, we pray for a fresh outpouring of Your Spirit upon us. Ignite within us a passion for You that cannot be extinguished. Help us to step out in faith, to take risks for Your kingdom, and to boldly proclaim Your truth to a world in need.
Lord, we lift up those who may be on the fence, unsure of where they stand with You. We pray that You would soften their hearts, open their eyes to Your love, and empower them to make a decision for Christ today. May they experience the joy and freedom that come from surrendering their lives to You completely.
And as we go from this place, may we carry the fire of Your love with us, shining brightly for all to see. May our faith be a beacon of hope in a world that desperately needs You.
In Jesus' name, we pray.
Is Your Faith “Bold” Or Is Your Faith “Cold”?
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