The Implications Of Easter “Go Therefore…”
The Implications Of Easter
“Go Therefore…”
Opening Discussion:
Good morning Eastern Shore Baptist Church. Happy Resurrection Sunday. Today marks the greatest moment, the most excellent event in human history. Death has been defeated and the grave has been overcome. Throughout the ages, men and women much smarter than me have set out to disprove once and for all that Jesus resurrection was nothing more than a hoax. Nothing more than a lie. At most a highly choreographed grave robbery. Nevertheless, the historical proof for the resurrection of Jesus Christ stands tall. The resurrection, although attacked from every angle, remains undefeated and the message o the cross remains undeterred. Thoughout history, men, women and children have been martyred for their belief in Jesus Christ. If they but recant, if they turn their back on Jesus Christ, their death would be evaded. They could go and live in peace. No. These brave ancient people badly proclaimed their allegiance not to an earthly king, not to a religious fad, but to Jesus Himself.
“Feed me to the lions, I will not recant.”
“Toss me to the hungry wolves, I will not say that Jesus is a fiction.”
“Leave me in the wilderness, cold, wet, naked, I will never turn my back on Jesus Christ.”
Think about it friends. Why would the disciples perish so horribly for a lie? Peter crucified upside down. Andrew his brother joined in in being crucified. The same holds true for Phillip. James beheaded. John, his brother died in exile. Nathanael or Bartholomew was brutally flayed alive, crucified and then beheaded. Thomas the Doubter, run through with a spear. Matthew, the former tax collector, stabbed to death. James Bar Alphaeus was stoned to death. Thaddeus, martyred for preaching the Good News. Simon the Zealot, martyred in Persia.
Upon Jesus’ capture these men fled. They abandoned Jesus. They ran away as cowards. How do you explain their boldness? How do you explain their sudden willingness to give their very lives for Jesus Christ if Jesus’ resurrection is untrue. No sane person would allow himself or herself to be so tortured for a lie.
People try to discredit Jesus’ resurrection by saying that he was taken prematurely from the cross. They say that He merely swooned on the cross. He fainted. Somehow, Jesus recovered from His injuries, rolled away a heavy stone, and presented Himself as alive. This doesn’t hold water friends. Roman crucifixion was a popular form of execution and capital punishment. Large scale crucifixions occurred in the Roman Empire where it is estimated that Romans soldiers put to death hundreds of thousands of people at one time. Roman executioners were excellent at their job. Historians like Josephus chronicle events such as the Roman siege of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. where thousands of individuals were crucified at one time. Roman soldiers could recognize a dead man. Scripture even tells us that there was no need to break Jesus’ legs because He was clearly dead. After they took Jesus off the cross, Joseph of Arimathea, Nicodemus, Mary, Martha, JoAnna, John examined the body of Jesus. It was even reported to Pilot that Jesus had died. No friends, the disciples did not die for a lie. Jesus did not swoon.
What about the grave robbery theory? Somehow, the terrified and scattered disciples whose leader had moments earlier denied Christ’s relationship to a young girl somehow mustered enough courage to overcome trained military men. After they overcame these soldiers, they somehow managed to break the seal of Jesus’ tomb and roll away a stone that is estimated to weigh more than 2 tons. No friends, this doesn’t make sense. It doesn’t make sense that fisherman, tax collectors, and failed Jewish Rabbis, were able to rob the grave of its contents.
You know what does make the most sense? They say in an investigation that the simplest answer is usually the right answer. All the evidence, all the proof, all the arrows, point to the fact that Jesus gave up His Spirit on the cross, that His physical body died, and that He was raised from the dead by His Father.
This is the truth. This is the reality of Easter. This is why today is the most important, the most exceptional day on the calendar.
Jesus is not dead. HE IS ALIVE!
Do me a favor this morning. Fill in the blanks under today’s thought. Great news. Great news indeed. Christ is alive and His Kingdom is Advancing.
Christ’s Kingdom is marching on person by person, soul by soul. Every time you tell someone about what Christ has done for you, you plant a seed. A seed that germinates through the power of the Holy Spirit. When that person accepts Christ, is baptized, and when they are discipled, God’s Kingdom grows. Little by little, the words of Christ in the Lord’s prayer is realized. God’s Kingdom on earth as it is done in heaven.
This is the Christian’s greatest call, his greatest priority. Telling others about Jesus. In fact, if you have ever stopped to consider your own salvation. Ask yourself, do I long to see people to Christ. If you are missing that compulsion, that calling, you might want to check your salvation. I love the way the Prince of Preachers puts it, Charles Spurgeon states, “have you no wish for others to be saved? Then you're not saved yourself, be sure of that!”
Today’s Thought:
Great News! Christ Is Alive And His Kingdom Is Advancing!
Today’s Quote:
“Have you no wish for others to be saved? Then you're not saved yourself, be sure of that!”
― Charles Spurgeon
Background and Context:
This morning we are going to be rereading the last words of Jesus Christ. In Christian circles, we call His last words the Great Commission. Think of it like this, the last words of a person are usually the most important. That is why we gather our our loved one’s bed. We want to hear any parting wisdom, listen to any stories that they might share. Well, here is Jesus. He is about to leave. His about to ascend to heaven. This moment is captured in Acts 1.
Acts 1:6-9 NLT
So when the apostles were with Jesus, they kept asking him, "Lord, has the time come for you to free Israel and restore our kingdom?" [7] He replied, "The Father alone has the authority to set those dates and times, and they are not for you to know. [8] But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere-in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." [9] After saying this, he was taken up into a cloud while they were watching, and they could no longer see him.
Thankfully, Matthew’s Gospel gives us some extra insight. He captures Jesus words to the disciples. Now you might be thinking to yourself that Jesus’ words were for the disciples, not us. He was not speaking to the multitudes after all, He was clearly speaking to those men and to take what He said to those men and spread it across time to us today is inappropriate. Well, let me disprove that notion for you. The Great Commission is absolutely for you and I. First, think of the job. Jesus tells the disciples to “go and make disciples of all the nations”. How could 11 men, that’s right 11 men because Judas is no longer alive, how could 11 men spread the news of the Gospel to the “nations”. These men were held hostage by the time that they were living in. There was not mass transit. No air traffic. No trains. Jesus is clearly indicating that the job is for more than just these men. This message that Christ is giving to them is clearly to be presented and passed along. Next, consider the past that these men have experienced. In Luke 10, Jesus sends out more than 70 people in the surrounding villages and towns. These people were sent to drive out demons, to heal, and to spread the Gospel, the Good News. These men were already trained to take the Gospel message with partners. Lastly, Jesus final words to the disciples are “I am with you always, even to the end of the age”. The Greek word for “age” is ahee-ohn' and is pronounced “I own”. The word literally means “forever” and “eternity”. Clearly it was understood that this task of sharing the Gospel was going to go far beyond the disciple’s lives. Jesus intended the message, His last words, to be carried first by the disciples but at the right time, they were to hand the ball off to future generations. Today, we are the recipients of the Great Commission. So, who have you told about Jesus? When is the last time you shared your resurrection story with a friend, family member, coworker, or even stranger? That is what we will be looking at this morning.
Statement of Belief:
We believe the Bible to be inspired, God breathed, infallible, and authoritative. We believe the Bible is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training believer’s in righteousness. God’s Word gives life. It provides peace in trouble and protection in tribulation. It is alive, active, and cuts to the core of the human soul. Since there is no other book like it, let us stand to show our reverence and respect.
Im reading from the Amplified Bible this morning. I hope that you enjoy this translation because I think that it offers us some context. Let’s read it together.
Today’s Scripture:
Matthew 28:16-20 AMP
Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain which Jesus had designated. [17] And when they saw Him, they worshiped Him; but some doubted [that it was really He]. [18] Jesus came up and said to them, "All authority (all power of absolute rule) in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. [19] Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations [help the people to learn of Me, believe in Me, and obey My words], baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, [20] teaching them to observe everything that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always [remaining with you perpetually-regardless of circumstance, and on every occasion], even to the end of the age."
Stuart: “This is the Word of the Lord”
Congregation: “Praise His name, praise His Holy name.”
Three Lessons For Us To Know This Resurrection Sunday…
Lesson One: We Are Lost
This morning, using the Great Commission as a jumping off point, I want to share with you 3 lessons to know this Resurrection Sunday. 3 lessons. Our first lesson is that we are all lost.
Many of you may not remember the story of Ryker Webb. His story took place in January of 2022. Ryker Webb is a precocious little 3 year old boy. Headstrong but fun loving. Ryker’s family was visiting the mountains of Montana. His family went out on a walk together and as it happens, Ryker went missing. He got separated from his parents, started going down a path that he shouldn’t go do, and fell down a ravine. No one could hear his cries. He couldn’t crawl back up the massive hill. The sun was setting and it was starting to get cold. His parents felt awful. How in the world could they have lost their beloved son? They shouted for him. They went deep into the woods. It was like, at least to them, that little Ryker had vanished off the face of the planet.
Finally after two days, the 3 year old was saved. Somehow, the 3 year old boy was uninjured. He was unharmed even though there are bears and mountain lions in the area where he went missing. Do you know what saved him? He found refuge in an abandoned shack deep with in the woods. The search team was shouting his name and they heard a tiny voice from within the cabin. They opened the door and there he was. He was saved.
Friends, it is easy to see the parallel isn’t it. We have all broken away from our Father. We have all traveled our own way. We have charted our own course. You have and so have I. At one point, each of us have thumbed our nose at God and said to Him, “my way is better”. It reminds me of something that Jesus once said…
Matthew 7:13 NLT
"You can enter God's Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way.
Just like Ryker, we went our own way and just like Ryker, we fell into sin. We went the way of the Prodigal Son. Living far away from the Father. The longer that we chose to live this way, the deeper into sin we got. Unable to save ourselves. Unable to crawl out of the pit. We were lost. I read a devotional the other day and it was all about being lost and captured in a pit.
“If you’ve ever been in the pit, I don’t have to tell you what it’s like. The sense of hopelessness or utter despair can be so powerful it’s easy to believe there’s no way out.
Whether it be from the pain of rejection, the sting of betrayal, loneliness in your marriage, the ache of an addiction, or even the loss of a job or dream, we can begin sinking down into a dark, slimy pit and before long we’re wondering if we’ll ever be able to crawl back out.
But no pit is impenetrable to a God who specializes in pulling people from the slimiest of pits.”
But don’t forget friends, not only are we lost, we are also being hunted. The search team was amazed that little Ryker had not been harmed by a wild animal. Sound familiar? We also have a real enemy who is hunting you and I. He has evil intentions. He wants to destroy you and me. His name is Satan. I Peter 5:8 states, “Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.” Jesus even tells us that the mission of Satan is to “steal, kill and destroy”.
But there is good news. We may be lost. We may be hunted.
Ephesians 2:4-5 NLT
But God is so rich in mercy, and he loved us so much, [5] that even though we were dead because of our sins, he gave us life when he raised Christ from the dead. (It is only by God's grace that you have been saved!)
“But no pit is impenetrable to a God who specializes in pulling people from the slimiest of pits.”
Jesus has come to pull us from the pit. He has come to save us from the ravine of death and despair. The Psalmist writes in chapter 40 verse 2 that “He lifted me up from the pit of despair, out of the miry clay; He set my feet upon a rock, and made my footsteps firm.”
Just like that search team member found Ryker in the shelter, thanks be to God that He didn’t leave Him there. He drew Him out and restored Ryker back to his father and mother.
Friends, the greatest implication of Easter is that we are made alive in Christ. We are restored, redeemed, and purchased back from death. We are reunited with our Father.
Oh friends, there is not a single person who has ever lived or ever will live that will not need this salvation. Romans 3:23 reminds us that
“everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God's glorious standard.”
The Psalmist again writes in Psalm 14:3…
Psalm 14:3 ESV
They have all turned aside; together they have become corrupt; there is none who does good, not even one.
Three Lessons For Us To Know This Resurrection Sunday…
Lesson One: We Are Lost
Lesson Two: Jesus Lives
So, our first lesson is that we are lost. Our second lesson is that Jesus lives. Jesus Is ALIVE! Can we stand this morning and give Jesus a round of applause? Let’s show Him our gratefulness and our gratitude this morning. Jesus Is ALIVE!
Can you feel the power of that statement? Jesus, the one who conquered death, who shattered the chains of sin, who rose triumphantly from the grave—He is alive, and His presence pulsates through every fiber of creation. It's not just a story we tell; it's a truth that infuses hope into every corner of our lives.
So why does it matter? Why does the fact of Jesus' resurrection have such seismic significance for us today? Well, think about it. His resurrection is the ultimate declaration of victory over darkness, despair, and death itself. It's the cosmic exclamation point at the end of the sentence of salvation, reminding us that no matter how bleak things may seem, light always triumphs over darkness.
But it's not just about a distant victory. Oh no, dear friends! Jesus being alive means He's present with us right here, right now. He walks beside us in our joys and our sorrows, offering comfort, guidance, and unending grace. His resurrection power is not confined to the pages of history; it's alive and active in our lives today.
And oh, the transformation it brings! When we grasp the reality of Jesus' resurrection, it changes everything. It transforms our fear into faith, our doubts into certainty, and our despair into hope. Suddenly, the things that once held us captive lose their power, for we serve a risen Savior who has conquered all.
I have always loved the Graham family. Anne Graham Lotz is Billy Graham’s daughter. Years ago she wrote a poem entitled “Give Me Jesus”. Mrs. Lotz was going through a particularly difficult season in her life. She was facing death, disease, divorce, and hardship. She knew that she wasn’t lost anymore. Jesus had found her. She was saved. Still, even though we are saved, we are not immune to life’s troubles. We are not immune to suffering.
So, as a word of encouragement, she wrote a poem about Jesus, her Savior and her Lord.
He is Enduringly Strong
He is Entirely Sincere
He is Eternally Steadfast
He is Immortally Gracious
He is Imperially Powerful
He is Impartially Merciful
He is the Greatest Phenomenon that has ever crossed the horizons of the globe
He is God’s Son
He is the sinners Savior
He is the captive’s Ransom
He is the Breadth of Life
He is the Centerpiece of Civilization
He Stands in the Solitude of Himself
He is August and He is unique
He is Unparalleled and Unprecedented
He is Undisputed and Undefined
He is Unsurpassed and Unshakable
He is the Lofty Idea in philosophy
He is the Highest Personality in psychology
He is the Supreme Subject in Literature
He is the Unavoidable problem in higher criticism
He is the Fundamental Doctrine of Theology
He is the Cornerstone, the Capstone and the Stumbling Stone of all religion
He is the Miracle of the Ages
Just give me Jesus
No means of measure can define His Limitless Love
No far seeing telescope can bring into visibility the coastline of His shore-less supply
No barrier can hinder Him from pouring out His blessings
He forgives and He forgets
He creates and He cleanses
He restores and He rebuilds
He heals and He helps
He reconciles and He redeems
He comforts and He carries
He lives and He loves
He is the God of the second chance, the fat chance, the slim chance, the no chance
Just give me Jesus
He discharges debtors
He delivers the captives
He defends the feeble
He blesses the young
He serves the unfortunate
He regards the aged
He rewards the diligent
He beautifies the meek
He is the key to knowledge
He is the fountain of life
He is the wellspring of joy
He is the storehouse of wisdom
He is the foundation of faith
He is the doorway of deliverance
He is the pathway to peace
He is the roadway of righteousness
He is the gateway to glory
He is the highway to happiness
Just give me Jesus
He supplies strength to the weary
He increases power to the faint
He offers escape to the tempted
He sympathizes with the hurting
He saves the hopeless
He shields the helpless
He sustains the homeless
He gives purpose to the aimless
He gives reason to our meaninglessness
He gives fulfillment to our emptiness
He gives light in the darkness, comfort in the loneliness, fruit in the barrenness, future to the hopeless, life to the lifeless
Just give me Jesus
He guards the young
He seeks the stray
He finds the lost
He guides the faithful
He rights the wronged
He ad-verges the abused
He defends the weak
He comforts the oppressed
He welcomes the prodigal
He heals the sick
He cleanses the dirty
He beautifies the meek
He restores the failure
He mends the broken
He blesses the poor
He fills the empty
He clothes the naked
He satisfies the hungry
He elevates the humble
He forgives the sinner and He raises the dead
Just give me Jesus
His office is manifold and His promise is assured
His life is matchless and goodness is limitless
His mercy is enough and grace is sufficient
His reign is righteous
His yoke is easy and His burden is light
He is indestructible
He is indescribable
He is incomprehensible
He is inescapable
He is invisible
He is irresistible
He is irrefutable
I can’t get Him out of my mind and I can’t get Him out of my heart.
I can’t outlive Him and I can’t live without Him.
The pharisees couldn’t stand Him.
The family couldn’t stop Him
satan tried to tempt Him but found he couldn’t trip Him
pilate examined Him on trial but found no fault in Him
The romans crucified Him but couldn’t take His life
death couldn’t handle Him and the grave couldn’t hold Him
Just give me Jesus
He had no predecessor and would have no successor
He is the Lion and the Lamb
He is God and He is Man
He is the seven-way King:
He is the King of the Jews; that is a racial King
He is the King of Israel; that is a national King
He is the King of Righteousness; that is a Moral King
He is the King of the Ages; that is an eternal King
He is the King of Heaven; that is a universal King
He is the King of Glory; that is a celestial King
He is the King of kings and the Lord of Lords
Please just give me Jesus
Friends, are you thankful this morning that Jesus is alive? Paul reminds is that “Christ, being raised from the dead, will never die again; death no longer has dominion over him.”
Romans 6:9 ESV
“We know that Christ, being raised from the dead, will never die again; death no longer has dominion over him.”
Three Lessons For Us To Know This Resurrection Sunday…
Lesson One: We Are Lost
Lesson Two: Jesus Lives
Lesson Three: Time Is Limited
Our last lesson this morning, the last lesson taken from Christ’s Great Commission is that our time is limited. Our time is limited to receive the Gospel and our time is limited to share the Gospel. Listen to Jesus words captured in John 9…
John 9:4-5 NLT
We must quickly carry out the tasks assigned us by the one who sent us. The night is coming, and then no one can work. [5] But while I am here in the world, I am the light of the world."
There will come a day friends when we will breathe our last. When that day comes, if you have not relented, turned from your wicked ways, turning to Christ, then you will be eternally separated from Christ forever in a place called Hell. There are millions of people playing a dangerous game today. They think that they have plenty of time. They think that they are young, they are not dying anytime soon. They think that they have plenty of time to get their lives in order, to get their lives in check, and to get their lives on track. They think that they are just having to much fun. After all, church and faith is all rules and regulations. Not true friend. Faith is akin to freedom. Jesus came to set the captives free, not to enslave them to a new master. Some people think that they are partying in the pit, living lives of addiction is better than being obedient to Christ. Gracious, how many different ways has Satan deceived us?
Just this year, I have conducted 7 funerals. Over the last couple of years, I have conducted funerals for young people, people that thought that they had time but their time ran out. Brothers and sisters, we are not guaranteed our next moment. Why are you playing spiritual roulette with your soul this morning?
We are also running out to time to share the Good News. Every day that passes is another day that we are closer to Christ’s return. You are thinking, “I’ll get around to it eventually, after all, there is plenty of time for me to share that story”. No friends, today is the day and salvation is at hand. As your pastor, let me encourage you to be bold. Be courageous. You might just be saving someone’s eternity.
Just this last week, you probably saw the horrible story of the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, MD. The bridge is a mile and a half long. Sadly massive tanker ship from Singapore was navigating the bridge. Suddenly, the ship lost power. It began to careen towards the bridge. It was aimed for one of the large supporting pile ons. The crew upon the ship began to frantically call the police. The begged the authorities to shut down the bridge. They knew that if the ship struck the bridge, the bridge would collapse leading to certain death for those on board. Thankfully, it not for the heroic actions of the crew on the ship, potentially hundreds of lives would have been lost. Sadly, some lives were still lost.
Imagine if the crew aboard the ship knew that they were heading straight for the bridge and they did nothing. They knew that hundreds of people would perish if they did not tell the shore the news about the oncoming disaster. Imagine the callous nature of those people if they were to have done that.
Well friends, that is what’s happening to our friends and family without Christ. Certain death and judgement. You have the power to call to shore. You have the opportunity to divert someone’s eternity, their eternal destiny. Why would you hold that information captive? Why would you not share it? I have discovered that people are more willing to hear the Gospel than we are to share it. I have also discovered that we are often times educated beyond our obedience. Meaning that we know that we should share the Gospel, but we lie to ourselves saying that we don’t want to offend anyone or that we have plenty of time. What would have happened if those crew members would have said, “well, it’s awfully early, it’s 1:30 in the morning, Id hate to wake someone up”? Friend, having the key to life and eternity is worth the risk of offense and offending.
Time is running out friends. Time is running out to share and time is running out to receive. Will you say “yes” to Jesus today?
This morning I want to offer you the opportunity to say yes to the Risen Savior. Jesus is alive. If you have never accepted Him, never professed Him as your Savior, then you are heading toward separation, heading to hell. I want to lead you in a prayer, that if you pray this prayer with me, it leads you to salvation. Scripture tells us that anyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved. Will you do that with me this morning?
"Dear Lord Jesus, I acknowledge that I am a sinner in need of your forgiveness. I believe that you died on the cross for my sins and rose again. I repent of my sins and ask for your forgiveness. Come into my heart, be my Lord and Savior, and guide my life from this day forward. Thank you for your grace and mercy. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen."
If you have prayed that prayer, please come talk to me in the back after the conclusion of this service. I want to help you as you take those next steps in your walk with Christ.
Let’s pray one last time together as Chris leads us in worship with “We Shall See Jesus”.
Closing Prayer:
Heavenly Father,
As we close this Easter service with hearts brimming with gratitude and joy, we thank You for the incredible gift of Your Son, Jesus Christ. In His resurrection, we find the ultimate victory over sin and death, and the promise of new life in You.
Lord, as we leave this place, may the truth of Easter resonate deeply within us. May Your love fill us to overflowing, spilling out into every interaction and every corner of our lives. Help us to carry the light of Christ wherever we go, shining brightly for all to see.
As we celebrate today, let us not forget the incredible hope we have in You. May Your resurrection power empower us to live boldly, love extravagantly, and serve wholeheartedly.
Bless each person here, Lord, with Your peace, Your joy, and Your unending grace. May we continue to grow in faith and walk in the confidence of Your promises.
In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.
Will You Say “Yes” To Jesus Today?
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