A Fresh Vision “We Enjoy and Embrace The Journey”
A Fresh Vision
“We Enjoy and Embrace The Journey”
Good morning Eastern Shore Baptist Church. Do you know what these little babies are? That’s right, they are glasses but they are not just any glasses. They are my new glasses. The other day I went to the eye doctor. It had been several years since I had been to the eye doctor and do you know what I discovered? I discovered that my vision had degraded over time. That’s correct, my vision had become worse since the last time I visited. The visit to the eye doctor and the subsequent diagnosis was a startling reminder of age. In fact, the doctor told me that as I got older, the poorer my vision would become. He said that some people’s vision actually improves with age, but not me. My vision, because I have some very unique vision issues, will continue to degrade over time.
He told me, “Stuart, you really need to come in once a year to check your vision. You need to come in once a year to make sure that you are seeing correctly, that your eyes remain healthy, and that if we need to make course corrections, we can accomplish those corrections.”
So here I am, the owner of some new fresh glasses that will hopefully improve my vision.
The entire experience got me thinking about this new series that we are enjoying together. We are in the fifth week of a six week series entitled “A Fresh Vision”. You know a church, just like a pastor, needs to have it vision evaluated. A church needs to have it’s vision checked to make sure that it is seeing correctly, that it’s eyes remain healthy, and that if it needs to make course corrections, the church can accomplish those corrections.
Over the last 5 weeks we have been talking about our new fresh vision. Let’s read that together this morning. It is written there for you on your sermon notes.
ESBC is on mission to share Christ with every family in the community of Lake Forest and the greater Eastern Shore.
Our Fresh Vision:
ESBC is on mission to share Christ with every family in the community of Lake Forest and the greater Eastern Shore.
That is our vision. A church’s vision is what we hope to achieve. A vision is a destination, a place where we want to one day hopefully arrive. Yet, over the last 5 weeks we have been talking about our values as a church.
Our values represent our core beliefs. Our values make us who we are, who we want to be.
Our first value is that we put God first.
Our second value is that we do our best.
Our third value is that we are contributors, not consumers and we possess an eternal perspective.
Our fourth value is we above me. That’s right, we above me. At Eastern Shore Baptist Church, there is a place for you! We are not designed to walk in isolation, but rather in community. No matter your age or stage of life, you will find opportunities to build deep relationships where you are known and loved.
Our fifth value is that we enjoy and embrace the journey. Friends, in a fallen world, the journey is not always easy. But we know that Jesus has overcome the world! So we choose to live with contagious joy that only the power of the Holy Spirit can bring. We give generously, cheerfully, and sacrificially.
The journey, this life, is not always easy is it folks. Sometimes life can just flat beat you up. Chew you up. Spit you out. The world is a cold harsh place. I was 18 years old, probably a bit old to have this realization, but I was 18 years old when I realized that not everyone loved me. I was 18 when I found out that not everyone had my best interest at heart. People could be cruel. They could be unkind. They could be hurtful. That was a hard day. However, that was when I found my refuge. That was when I discovered my shelter in the storm. That shelter, that refuge was the church. The church, the pastors, the people were there for me when no one else was. I could run there like a fugitive in the Middle Ages running to the church and cry “sanctuary”.
I had a pastor tell me a long time ago that “we need Jesus and we need each other”. Do you believe that this morning because I sure do?
Friends, fill in the “Today’s Thought” in your sermon notes.
Whether you’re hurting or hopeful, happy or heartbroken, Eastern Shore Baptist Church is there for you!
Today’s Thought:
Whether You’re Hurting or Hopeful, Happy or Heartbroken, ESBC Is There For You!
By the way, I have seen this up close and personal. I heard shades of the same quote from two different people recently. Chris, Le Ann, and I were visiting Pam and Randy Stembridge the other day. Pam and Randy are such an amazing couple. As you know, Randy has been dealing with some significant health issues. Chris sang songs, Le Ann talked to Pam for a while, and I spent time laughing and praying for Randy. As we were leaving, Pam took me by the hand and said, “I don’t know what I would do without the church”.
A week later, Saturday, October 28th to get exact, I found myself in the Emergency Room with the Padgett family. Bryant Thompson had actually arrived before me. Ron had fallen and sustained some serious injuries. He had broken bones and was looking at a very serious surgery. Bryant and I prayed with Nita, Ron’s wife. We held hands together, prayed, laughed, cried. We were there for a while and as I was leaving, look at what Nita said to me,
“I don’t know how people make it in this world. I don’t know how people deal with all the problems, all the suffering, all the unknown without the church? The church has been so good to me. Their prayers have given me the strength to handle everything that has happened.”
Today’s Quote:
“I don’t know how people make it in this world. I don’t know how people deal with all the problems, all the suffering, all the unknown without the church? The church has been so good to me. Their prayers have given me the strength to handle everything that has happened.”
Mrs. Nita Padgett at Thomas Hospital on Saturday, October 28th, 2023
Eastern Shore Baptist Church Member
That is pretty powerful quote right? The church is a lot of things to a lot of people. The church should be a shelter to get out of the storm. The church should be a launching pad for ministry to take off. The church should be a hospital for sinners. The church should be a helping hand to the hurting. If I had to say there was a value that served as the heartbeat for all of our other values, we enjoy and embrace the journey would be that heartbeat. The church should be the place where we discover our closest friends. It should be the place where we receive our greatest encouragement. It should be the place where we God’s greatest movements.
We enjoy and embrace the journey.
Background and Context:
Turn in your Bibles to James 1:1-4. Before we begin, let me set up the context and background for you.
The book of James is traditionally attributed to James, who is believed to be James the Just, a half-brother of Jesus and a leader in the early Christian church in Jerusalem. He is also known as James the son of Alphaeus, to distinguish him from James, the son of Zebedee.
James addresses his letter "to the twelve tribes scattered among the nations." This is a reference to Jewish Christians who were living in various regions outside of Judea. These Jewish Christians were a people who had been dispersed across different lands and nations.
James wrote this letter to encourage and instruct these Jewish Christians. He addresses practical aspects of the Christian life and provides guidance on living out one's faith.
Before we read our Scripture today, let me remind you that…
Statement of Belief:
We believe the Bible to be inspired, God breathed, infallible, and authoritative. We believe the Bible is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training believer’s in righteousness. God’s Word gives life. It provides peace in trouble and protection in tribulation. It is alive, active, and cuts to the core of the human soul. Since there is no other book like it, let us stand to show our reverence and respect.
Today’s Scripture:
James 1:1-4 ESV
James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, To the twelve tribes in the Dispersion: Greetings. [2] Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, [3] for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. [4] And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.
Enjoy and Embrace The Journey…But How?
I. Serve The Lord Completely vs. 1
So, our fifth value is that we enjoy and embrace the journey. That’s sounds great right? Of course it does. Still, how do we do that? How do we accomplish this goal? Enjoying and embracing the journey is a nice sentiment but for those of us who are mature believers, we know that the journey of life is not always enjoyable. Life is hard. It can be difficult. So how do we enjoy and embrace the journey?
Well, let’s follow what James says in verse one.
James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, To the twelve tribes in the Dispersion: Greetings.
What’s the world that jumps off the page for you in that short verse? For me, it is the world “servant”. In fact, that is our first point this morning. Serve the Lord completely.
The Greek word being used here is the word “doulos”. You have probably heard other preachers say that word or give commentary on that word. Back in the days when James was writing, this was a common word, a common term. The same word was also used to discuss a servant or bondslave. James identifies himself as a “servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ,” emphasizing his submission and devotion to God and Jesus.
What James is really communicating is that he belongs wholeheartedly to Jesus Christ. James is all in. Sold out. Locked up and dialed in.
No matter what God calls him to do, no matter what Jesus demands, James is ready, willing, and obedient.
Question for you this morning, who do you serve? Most of us would say ourselves. You’d be correct. Most of us, including yours truly, serves himself. Serving others does not come naturally to any of us. From the moment we are born, we are focused on having our needs met. That is why babies cry when they exit the room. That baby wants to have its needs met. That baby might enter this world naked, cold, hungry, confused. What does the baby do? It cries. It screams. That baby demands that those needs are met immediately. Sadly, we do not change much as we age and mature. Instead of crying and screaming, we use our words. Although I have met plenty of people that still cry and scream when their needs, wants and demands aren’t met.
How do we serve the Lord completely? We serve the Lord completely when we love the Lord with all of our heart, soul and mind. We serve the Lord when we obey His commands. This means we wake daily to put ourselves second and God first. We serve the Lord completely when we serve others with love and humility.
Friends, ask yourselves this morning, who do you serve? Yourself? God? Who? Remember the words in I Samuel 12…
I Samuel 12:24 ESV
“Only fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart. For consider what great things he has done for you.”
Enjoy and Embrace The Journey…But How?
I. Serve The Lord Completely vs. 1
II. Seize Opportunities For Growth Cheerfully vs. 2-3
How can we enjoy and embrace the journey? Serve the Lord completely. Our second point is that we should seize opportunities for growth cheerfully.
[2] Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, [3] for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.
Did you hear that? Count it all joy when you meet trails of various kinds.
How many of you, when you meet trails of various kinds, are joyful? Anyone? Show of hands?
When you lose your job and you have a baby on the way, joyful?
When your husband falls, breaks his neck, faces a difficult surgery, joyful?
When your wife leaves, takes your children, and says “I don’t love you anymore”, joyful?
When you are so far behind in your classes that you don’t think that you are going to pass, joyful?
I think that you are getting the point. Is what James even saying even possible? How can you be joyful when you are facing obstacles on every corner?
Friends, as Christians you need to know that one of God’s greatest tools for Christian growth is hardship, difficulty, and trials. Have you ever noticed that the greatest personal growth seems to always come in moments of great turmoil?
James instructs us to consider that our trails are a joy. He also invites us to see how our trials present us with unique opportunities to have our faith tested so that we can grow to maturity and endurance. He wants us to know that the test of our faith is a gift, not a curse.
The best news is that this testing is not done in a vacuum. These trails do not happen to you and you alone. When you suffer, when you go through these hardships, you are not alone. If you are a part of a church, you have people who have suffered like you, who can encourage you. They have been there before and come out on the other side. They can pray for you like no one else can. In the church you have people who have lost their job just like you. We have people whose businesses when under, just like yours. We have people whose marriages failed, just like yours. We have people who have lost sons and daughters, just like you did. We have people who have had to walk through the deep waters of suicide, just like you are walk though now. You are not alone. The church is there to help.
Not only can the church pray for you in ways that no one else can. The church can also encourage you in ways that no one else can. When you are being tested, afflicted, or suffering, the church is there to hold your hand. The church becomes the literal presence of Jesus in your life. Inspiring you. Uplifting you. Pushing you forward.
I know that it is hard to be cheerful in days of defeat. I get it. Ive been there. However, God uses those days to sharpen us, to teach us, to grow us.
Speaking of growth, this is a pumpkin that my son Jett grew recently. Do you know how long it took for Jett to grow this pumpkin? More than 150 days. This pumpkin grew through the harshest of summer days. It had to push up through the dirt, through the muck, to finally reach the light. There were days when it wasn’t watered. There were days when the sun beat down on it, scorching the leaves and vines. At one point, I thought for sure that the vine was dead. I even cut it back, not with a knife or scissors. No no. I used a weed eater. That was pretty brutal on that little vine I imagine. Still, it kept growing. Finally, the other day I was in the back yard and found this pumpkin. After all that, the vine finally produced.
Friends, we are a lot like that vine. We have to go through some pretty difficult times. But God uses those days, those times, to grow us. To make us stronger, wiser, more dependent on Him. The more dependent we are, the more He can use us.
Be the pumpkin.
Seize the opportunity for growth cheerfully.
Listen to Paul’s words in Romans 5
Romans 5:3-5 ESV
“Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.”
Enjoy and Embrace The Journey…But How?
I. Serve The Lord Completely vs. 1
II. Seize Opportunities For Growth Cheerfully vs. 2-3
III. Stand Firm Continually vs. 4
So, how can we enjoy and embrace the journey? Serve the Lord. Seize opportunities for growth with cheer and gladness. Lastly, stand firm continually.
And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.
Again the Greek word being used here for steadfastness is “hedraiotes”. It means to be firm, unwavering, and resolute in one’s beliefs or actions.
It means to not compromise.
Remember James’ audience. These were Jewish Christians. They were facing desperate persecution. Many of them were being hunted down, losing their businesses, and they were often threatened. So James is trying to encourage them that God has a point for their pain. He has a plan for their problems. He is building a testimony from their turmoil.
The Lord does the same with us. The promise, although given to these ancient Jewish Christians, the principle of that promise is for us today.
Stand firm friend.
Brothers and sisters, one of the things that makes it easy to stand firm is when we realize that we are not standing alone.
Friday, Bill Browning, myself, and another church member were with Ron and Nita Padgett. Ron was in his hospital bed. There was Nita, holding his hand. There was Nita going through this terrible difficultly. I looked at Ron and told him, “brother, there is not a day that goes by where someone does not ask me about you. Ron, did you know that there were several people there at the hospital during your surgery? Ron, Grady was there. So was Wayne. Bryant was there too.”
Nita stopped me.
“Pastor, we had 16 people there. 16 people that came, that prayed, that kept me company. Ive never felt more loved in all my life.”
Brothers and sisters, that is the church. The church carries you when you can’t walk. The church prays when you can’t pray. The church pulls you along when you can no longer walk.
That’s enjoying the journey.
The other day I was watching an old Pixar movie. You know the one, Finding Nemo. Remember that movie? There is a scene in the movie when Marlin, the main character who is trying to find his son Nemo. Marlin is trying to make it to Sydney, Australia by way of the East Australia Current, also known as the EAC. On his way, Marlin runs into a swarm of deadly jelly fish. Marlin is nearly stung to death. You know, the world will do that to you won’t it? The world is filled with deadly jelly fish just out there waiting to sting you. Marlin after being stung nearly to death wakes up on the back of a swift moving sea turtle named Crush. Remember that scene? Crush is just riding along without a care in the world. No problems. No issues. Just riding along. Then there is poor Marlin whose son Nemo has disappeared. He is carrying the world on his shoulders. He is discouraged, defeated and depressed. He has been stung repeatedly by the jellyfish in the world. It was in this moment that he landed right where he needed to be. Right in the middle of the EAC, riding Crush’s shell. Crush had been carrying him the entire time.
Crush is the epitome of enjoying the journey. As Crush sails along, he screams “righteous…righteous”. Crush is a lot like the church as a whole and Marlin is a lot like you and me, sometimes needing to be carried.
In fact it was righteous. It is the most righteous thing ever to carry one another when we are feeling defeated, down, discouraged.
It is always easier to stand when you are not standing by yourself.
Reminds me of I Chronicles 16:11,
I Chronicles 16:11 ESV
“Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually!”
That’s our fifth value, enjoy and embrace the journey. Sure, the journey can be hard or it can be joyful. Either way, God wants to use it to grow the church and grow you and me.
Remember…You Are Not Alone!
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