Therefore…Present Your Bodies As Living Sacrifices

 Therefore…Present Your Bodies As Living Sacrifices

Opening Illustration:

There I was, in my first class in seminary taught by Dr. Teman Knight. Dr. Knight is now the pastor at Heritage Baptist Church in Montgomery, AL. Dr. Knight has been in ministry for a long long time. He has had a distinguished career, marked with honesty, character, and integrity. He was my Old Testament professor. His class was absolutely amazing. The guys just knew how to teach, making Scripture come to life. I loved his class. There was one particular class where we were talking about the setting up and utilization of alters in the Old Testament. Alters were places used for sacrifice. Animals would be placed upon these alters. They would be slaughtered, killed, and cut up to pay for the sins, or to use a seminary word, to make atonement, for the one making the sacrifice. The animal died so that the man could live. The animal was sacrificed so that the person doing the sacrifice could be at peace with a righteous and just God. This clearly pointed people to the coming sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. That man would die so that all men could live. 

Dr. Knight, in discussing alters and sacrifice, diverted ever so slightly to talking about ministers and pastors giving. He said that we men of God were to lead the way in giving in our church. He was not talking about the ways that a lot of pastors talk about giving. Pastors today talk about giving our time or our talents but seem to leave out the necessary giving of our treasures, our finances. Not Dr. Knight. No way. He said that pastors were to be givers. We were to give our money, our pesos, our euros, to King Jesus. We were to give a tenth or a tithe. If I earned a dollar I give ten cents back to the church. He said that he was sick and tired of seeing ministers of the Gospel working at churches but giving nothing back. 

“Hypocrites”, Dr. Knight shouted. 

I’ll never forget that moment. 

He said that if we were planning on serving the Body of Christ on a church staff that we should give. He said that if we were not committed to giving to the church that we should get out of the ministry. We should participate in some other field of study or some other work environment. 

“Ministry is sacrifice and sacrifice is ministry”, another one of Dr. Knight’s quotes that I remembered. 

Brothers and sisters, last week Josh Raybon talked to us about one word. Do you remember that word? That’s right, he talked to us about “freedom”. Today we are going to talk about sacrifice. That is the one word that I want you to think about this morning. Sacrifice. Is your life marked by sacrifice or selfishness? Are you self seeking or seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness? Are you the center of your own universe or do you look to the needs of others? 

Today is a marvelous day to consider sacrifice because we are talking about Mother’s Day! 

Happy Mother’s Day by the way. Happy Mother’s day to my Mom. Love you Mom. Happy Mother’s Day to my wife. She is the mother to my children and boy is she ever a great Mom. It has been interesting looking back at everything that my Mother did for me. She provided for me. She loved me through the hard stages of my life. During my teenage years, those argumentative rebellious years, I would often fight with my mother. I would lash out at her. I would not dare argue with my Dad. No way no how. I was very brave when facing a petite 5 foot 1 inch woman. Nevertheless, my I never doubted the love that my Mother had for me. We got into the most arguments during my senior year of high school. I knew just the words to hurt her. 

“I cannot wait to leave this place”. I would say that phrase because my Mom wanted nothing more than for me to stay home. 

Still she loved me.

Now I have lived with a woman, a Mom in her own right, for the last 17 and a half years. I have seen my wife tireless give, serve, pray for, and encourage her children. I have seen her take money that she earned, money that she had planned to use on herself, only to give it to her children. 

I think that we would all say that we are thankful for good Godly mothers. 

A mother’s life, a Godly mother’s life is constructed on purity and patience. That is the thesis statement for today’s message. In fact, you can fill in those blanks this morning if you like. Today’s Thought. A mother’s life is constricted on purity and patience. 

Oh our Mother’s are treasures aren’t they? Recently, when studying for today’s message, I ran across a quote by Helen Steiner Rice. Rice was born in 1900 and was introduced to tragedy early in her life. Her father died in the last pandemic that plagued our great country. He died from the Spanish Flu in 1918. Still, Helen Steiner Rice turned to her faith and her faith revealed a talent for writing and Christian poetry. Obviously, with the death of her father fresh on her mind, Rice deeply loved and appreciated her mother. Listen to what she had to say about her dear mother. 

“A mother’s love is something that no one can explain-It is made of deep devotion and of sacrifice and pain. It is endless and unselfish and enduring, come what may, for nothing can destroy it or take that love away. It is patient and forgiving when all others are forsaking. And it never fails or falters even though the heart is breaking.”

Did you hear that friends? A mother’s love is made of deep devotion, sacrifice and pain. There’s that word again…sacrifice. 

This morning we are going to read Romans 12. That’s right, we are going to read the entire chapter so buckle your pew belts. 

Background and Context:

Romans 12 is one of my most favorite chapters in all of Scripture. Paul’s letter to the Romans discusses some of the most important themes of the Christian faith, including sin, salvation, and justification by faith. In Romans 12, the focus shifts to practical instructions for Christian living, including how to use one's spiritual gifts for the benefit of the community, how to love and serve others, and how to live in harmony with others. The chapter also emphasizes the importance of humility, forgiveness, and generosity, and encourages believers to overcome evil with good.

The book of Romans was written by the apostle Paul while he was in the city of Corinth, most likely in the mid-to-late 50s AD. Paul wrote the letter to the Christians in Rome, whom he had not yet met in person, in order to introduce himself, express his desire to visit them, and provide a clear and systematic explanation of the gospel message. The book was written to a very diverse audience of Jewish and Gentile Christians. Most scholars and theologians believe that Romans is one of the most important books of the entire Bible. It is one of the most studied books and it addresses theological and practical issues facing Christians. 

Statement of Belief:

We believe the Bible to be inspired, God breathed, infallible, and authoritative. We believe the Bible is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training believer’s in righteousness. God’s Word gives life. It provides peace in trouble and protection in tribulation. It is alive, active, and cuts to the core of the human soul. Since there is no other book like it, let us stand to show our reverence and respect.  

Today’s Thought:

A Mother’s Life Is Constructed on Purity and Patience!

Today’s Quote:

“A mother’s love is something that no one can explain-It is made of deep devotion and of sacrifice and pain. It is endless and unselfish and enduring, come what may, for nothing can destroy it or take that love away. It is patient and forgiving when all others are forsaking. And it never fails or falters even though the heart is breaking.”

-Christian Poet and Writer Helen Steiner Rice

Today’s Scripture:

Romans 12:1-21 ESV

I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. [2] Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. [3] For by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned. [4] For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, [5] so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. [6] Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, in proportion to our faith; [7] if service, in our serving; the one who teaches, in his teaching; [8] the one who exhorts, in his exhortation; the one who contributes, in generosity; the one who leads, with zeal; the one who does acts of mercy, with cheerfulness. [9] Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. [10] Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. [11] Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. [12] Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. [13] Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality. [14] Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them. [15] Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. [16] Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight. [17] Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. [18] If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. [19] Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord." [20] To the contrary, "if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head." [21] Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

3 Marks of a Biblically Minded Mother!

I. A Biblically Minded Mother is Sacrificial vs. 1-2

Romans 12:1-2 ESV

I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. [2] Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

So, let’s dive into these three short points this morning. Using Romans 12 as our guide, I believe that there are roughly 3 marks of a Biblically minded mother. The first mark is this: A Biblically Minded Mother is Sacrificial. There’s that word once more. Sacrifice. I would take this point one extra step. A Biblically minded man, woman, husband, father, or even child is sacrifice. Paul declares that we are to present ourselves as living sacrifices. 

This reminds me of a short story. The story is told of the pig and the chicken that went to Church and heard the Pastor was going to do his birthday. Each offered to donate towards the birthday. The Chicken offered to donate eggs and asked the pig to give bacon so that the pastor would have a good breakfast. The pig looked at the chicken and said: “Do you understand what you are saying? To you an egg is an offering; to me, bacon is a total sacrifice!”

Certainly mothers and moms are an apt description or illustration of what sacrifice looks like. From the very beginning of motherhood, women sacrifice. While pregnant women sacrifice their very bodies, physical health, and mental well being to play host to a growing child. They suffer from morning sickness, swelling legs, ankles and feet, lack of sleep, irritability, ever changing hormones, and strange cravings like pickles and ice cream. Gross. Many of these Mothers continue to work, care for other children, and meet the varied needs of their husbands. While life quietly incubates in their wombs, these women go about their days toiling. 

Let’s be honest, some of us didn’t have great Mothers. Maybe your mother abandoned you as a child. Maybe she walked out on you and your siblings. Maybe your mother abused you. Who knows? You may have had the worst Mother in the world, but do you know what she did for you? She allowed for you to live. God used her to give you life and breath. That is why we can celebrate all sorts of mom’s today. Every person in this room was born of a woman and we should be grateful that in a world that devalues human life at the fetal embryonic stage, she valued you enough to allow you to be born. 

Im not talking about dead beat moms this morning though, I am talking about Godly Christian moms. Thank God for their sacrifice. She sacrificed for us not just during pregnancy. She sacrificed through every stage mine and yours development. 

You know that this reminds me of a story from the Old Testament book of I Kings. I Kings 3 to be specific. The story involves 2 women. These women were also prostitutes. They come to visit King Solomon and they are seeking his wisdom. They live in the same house together. One of the women has recently had a child. Three days after the child was born, the other woman also gives birth to a child. Now we have two women, both mothers to infants. 

Sadly during the night, one of the infants dies while laying with his mother. In desperation and stricken with grief, the mother awakes to find the child passed. So what does she do? She gets up quietly in the night and takes the other woman’s child as her own and leaves her child who had recently passed for the other woman to discover. This is a terrible tragedy and it appears to be spiraling out of control. 

An argument breaks out right there in the court. The two women arguing over the living child, both maintaining that the living child belongs to them. There is no DNA testing. Maury Povich is not going to come out and declare the findings of the maternity test. What will Solomon do?

“Bring me a sword”. So they brought a sword for the king. He then gave an order: “Cut the living child in two and give half to one and half to the other.”

The woman whose son was alive was deeply moved out of love for her son and said to the King, “Please, my Lord, give her the living baby! Don’t kill him!”

But the other said, “Neither I nor you shall have him. Cut him in two!”

Then the King gave his ruling: “Give the living baby to the first woman. Do not kill him; she is his mother”.

I Kings 3:26 from the KJV reads as follows, “the bowels of the woman reared for her son”. What in the world does that mean? The woman who was truly the mother to the infant had bowels that reared for her son. Come again?

Let me explain. The Hebrew word for “bowels” is “Racham”. It can be translated to “womb, compassion, mercy, or pity”. The word translated as “yearn” is the Hebrew word “Kamar”. Another way of reading the word is “to grow warm and tender”. I get the feeling that this woman’s empty womb ached at the thought of her son being brutally murdered and killed. She couldn’t let it happen. The child was innocent and she was willing to sacrifice her own rightful mothering so that the child could live. She would rather give the child to another woman than to see the child destroyed. 

That is sacrifice. Sacrifice means doing anything, traveling any distance, scaling any mountain, sinking to the very depths, to make sure that another is saved. John 15:13 reminds us that “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” 

This sort of sacrifice reminds me of Jesus. Long before you and I ever were born or even before we sinned, God the Father made a bold strategy for a rescue. He knew that the punishment of sin would be death, eternal separation. Rather than trying to find ways to keep us from sinning, He sent His Son Jesus Christ to die in our place. Jesus chose to make that sacrifice and put Himself in our place because He loved us just that much. Much in the same way that woman loved her son enough to live without him, God loves us enough to die in our place. 

That is sacrifice! 

This reminds me of the words captured in Hebrews 13.

Hebrews 13:16 ESV

Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.

3 Marks of a Biblically Minded Mother!

I. A Biblically Minded Mother is Sacrificial vs. 1-2

II. A Biblically Minded Mother is Serious  vs. 9-13

Romans 12:9-13 ESV

Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. [10] Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. [11] Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. [12] Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. [13] Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.

So, a Biblically minded mother is sacrificial. A Biblically minded mother is also serious. Paul tells us that we should not be slothful or lazy. We should be fervent in spirit. We should serve the Lord. Display hopefulness, patience, and be prayerful. 

Paul is essentially telling us that this Christian life is not a joke. It is serious and it should be taken seriously. 

Mothers and Fathers, there is perhaps nothing more serious than raising children to love and show affection toward God. Our children and our families are under attack. Protecting our children is a serious matter and Godly mothers should outfit themselves with the spiritual weapons of war. 

Ephesians 6:10-18 ESV

10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

Moms, the news is disturbing and God has placed you on the front lines. You are God’s earthly protection for your children agains the evil schemes of the devil. How often are you reading Scripture with your children? How often are you praying for your children? How often are you getting you children to church? While travel ball and dance are important, what are you doing to prepare your children for life after sports and life after the arts? On average, children will not be able to chase sports and artistic pursuits past the age of 20. They will enter the real world and will be face with real problems. The average lifespan today is about 80-82. What type of spiritual nourishment will your children have to lean on for the 60 years they have left in the world after they leave your protection?

How many of you have heard the story of famed evangelist R.A. Torrey from the early 20th century? 

When Dr. R.A. Torrey was a young man, he had no faith in God or the Bible. His mother, however, was a devout Christian who constantly prayed for his conversion and often witnessed to him. One day he said to her, "I don't want to hear about my sins and your prayers; I'm going to leave and not bother you any more." With tear‑filled eyes the woman followed him to the gate and pleaded with him to change his mind. But he would not be detained. Frantically she cried, "Son, you are going the wrong way, but when you come to the end of your rope and everything seems hopeless, call upon your mother's God with all your heart and He will surely help you!" After Torrey left home, he went deeper into the ways of sin. One night in a hotel room he was unable to sleep. Weary from the problems pressing in on every hand, he decided to take the gun he kept in his dresser and end his life. Just as he reached for the weapon, he remembered his mother's last words. Convicted by the Holy Spirit, he fell on his knees and cried out, "O God of my mother, if there is such a Being, I need Your help. If You will give it to me, I'll follow You!" In a moment his darkened heart was illumined, and peace filled his soul. Later R.A. Torrey became an outstanding evangelist who led thousands to Christ!

Mothers, never give up on your children, never stop praying for them. Ask God to place His hand on them and even when they stray, God will bring them home. Again, recall Hebrews 10:23. 

Hebrews 10:23 ESV

Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful.

3 Marks of a Biblically Minded Mother!

I. A Biblically Minded Mother is Sacrificial vs. 1-2

II. A Biblically Minded Mother is Serious  vs. 9-13

III. A Biblically Minded Mother is Self-Controlled vs. 14-21

Romans 12:14-21 ESV

Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them. [15] Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. [16] Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight. [17] Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. [18] If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. [19] Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord." [20] To the contrary, "if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head." [21] Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

So, a Biblical minded mother is sacrificial, serious in her commitment to defending and protecting her children, and she is also self controlled.  “Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight.”

Stress makes mortals of all men. Stress makes mortals of all women as well. Especially Moms. Some of the most stressed out people on planet earth are Moms. I bet that if I did a show of hands asking how many of you Moms lived in a constant state of panic, worry, anxiety and stress, most of you would raise your hands. The women who did not raise their hands would be lying. 

But preacher, I bet that your house is a perfect balance of Bible study and “Kumbaya”. I bet you and Angela have rich Bible studies daily and that the Holy Spirit prevents you and Angela from being impacted by stress, anxiety and fear. If that is what you think, you would be thinking very wrong. 

We too deal with the effects of stress in our home and sometimes that stress can transform into heated exchanges, arguments, and hurt feelings. 

That’s where self control comes in. Self control is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. This means that none of us have self control naturally. Self control is something that the Holy Spirit generates in us. Self control is God’s grace working in and through you. Self control is God’s way of disciplining you to chose the fruit of the Spirit when you would rather lash out in anger, exhaustion, or wanting to be secluded from problems. 

Moms, ever wanted to yank your hair out when you precious child put your lip stick in the dryer?

Moms, ever wanted to run away when your precious little one brings home a terrible grade from school. That was the test that you and him studied for for hours and hours throughout the week and you were certain he understood the material?

Moms, ever wanted to just go back to bed when your husband comes in from work, tells you about all of his problems at work and then quietly asks “what’s for dinner” as you have juggled 2 toddlers, one with RSV and the other with pink eye? Not to mention that you have not seen another adult face for days. 

Been there and done that Moms. You are not alone. 

Ask for self control. Pray for it. God is faithful to give it. There are so many ways to give God your stress, anxiety and fear. Sing it out. Praise Him in the morning, the noon, and the evening. Journal it. Write out your feelings and give those feelings to God. Ask your husband to pray for you and with you. If your husband is half the spiritual leader he should be, he should be more than willing to pray with you and help you as you serve the family. Come to church. Youll find likeminded brothers and sisters who can identify with you, your struggles, and they will pray for you as well. 

Oh sure, hard days will come. They came for Christ , they came for the church, and they will come for you as well. However, Godly mothers are always marked with self control. There is always a point to our fiery trails. 

I Peter 4:12-14 ESV

Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ's sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed. If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you.

Oh friends, are you thankful for Godly mothers? I certainly hope so. Therefore, be thankful for these Godly Mothers that have impacted our lives. 


Therefore…Be Thankful For Godly Mothers!




"The Mission of Motherhood" by Sally Clarkson

"The Power of a Praying Mom" by Stormie Omartian

"Prayers for the Mother of the Bride" by Traci Matt

"The Ministry of Motherhood" by Sally Clarkson

"The Better Mom" by Ruth Schwenk

"The Lifegiving Home" by Sally and Joanne Miller

"The 5 Love Languages of Children" by Gary Chapman and Ross Campbell

"Shepherding a Child's Heart" by Tedd Tripp

“Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World" by Kristen Welch

"Parenting with Love and Logic" by Foster Cline and Charles Fay.


"Romans: An Expositional Commentary" by James Montgomery Boice

"The Epistle to the Romans: A Commentary" by Douglas J. Moo

"Romans: A Shorter Commentary" by C.E.B. Cranfield

"Romans: A Commentary on the Book of Romans" by David Guzik

"Romans: A 12-Week Study" by Jared C. Wilson

"Romans: Righteousness from Heaven" by R. Kent Hughes.


"10 Characteristics of a Godly Mother" by Kristen Wetherell -

"What Does It Mean to Be a Godly Mother?" by Jennifer Maggio -

"5 Traits of a Godly Mother" by Betsy de Cruz -

"What the Bible Says About Being a Godly Mom" by Ashley Willis -


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