Jesus In His Own Words: I AM… The Way, The Truth, And The Life

 Jesus In His Own Words: 

I AM… The Way, The Truth, And The Life

Good Morning:

Good morning brothers and sisters. Welcome to Eastern Shore Baptist Church. What a joy it is to see each of you here this morning. Over the last several weeks, we have been examining the “I AM” statements of Jesus Christ. What do I mean by the “I AM” statements? During the days of Jesus’ ministry here on earth, it was not unusual to spend His days teaching and preaching in temples and synagogues. His message of a relationship with God by way of repentance and renewal may seem to be common to us today, although depending on what church you attend and what preacher you are listening to, the message of repentance is not being preached much these days. Still, Jesus’ message of relationship, repentance, renewal, was very new and fresh for His audience. So fresh and new was Jesus’ message that thousands would travel with Jesus just to hang on every word that He spoke. To support His teachings, Jesus would perform miracles, signs and wonders. This made His popularity even more grand. Word of Christ traveled fast, spreading from community to community. Not everyone was happy to see Jesus however. Jesus’ teachings threatened the status quo of the religious elite. These religious elite were named the Pharisees. The Pharisees plotted to kill Jesus because Jesus was a threat to their power. As Jesus traveled from city to city, teaching and preaching, He would often use symbolic pictures and simple statements to illustrate complex spiritual truths. Jesus had a usual ability to shine light on Scripture that had otherwise gone unnoticed or misinterpreted for thousands of years. 

When Jesus would talk about Himself, His purpose, His mission, or His power, He would preclude His illustrations with the opener “I AM”. For instance. In John 6, Jesus speaks of His power to fill our souls by saying, “I AM the Bread of Life”. Again, in John 8 Jesus speaks of His ability to shine the light of truth, penetrating the darkness of this world saying “I AM the Light of the World”. In John 10, Jesus sets Himself against the false teachings of the Pharisees, standing squarely against man made traditions and legalism saying, “I AM the Door”. Do remember the message from last week? Jesus wanted His followers to know that He is the ultimate source of life when He resurrected Lazarus. He said “I AM the Resurrection and the Life”. Today we dive into another story about Jesus and His disciples. Today we will read from John 14 where Jesus states the following, “I AM the Truth, the Way, and the Life. No one comes to the Father unless he comes through me”.

Opening Illustration:

Brothers and sisters, one of my favorite books was written by Jon Krakauer and it is called “Into the Wild”. The book is about Christopher McCandless. The book chronicles McCandless following his graduation from Emory University. He was smart. He was handsome. His parents were pushing him to immediately jump into the work force, find a steady job, make lots of money, buy fancy things, and maybe start a family. The only problem is that Chris had become disenfranchised with materialism. Upon his graduation from Emory, Chris emptied his bank accounts. He cut up his credit cards. Sold all of his possessions. At that moment Chris started a journey of walking across America, sleeping on the streets, working odd jobs, all in the pursuit of ultimate unfettered freedom. (Show Chris Pic 1) 

Eventually Chris McCandless decides that ultimate freedom can only be found apart from society and people. Real truth, real life could only be found living off the land and living alone. He made his way to Alaska where he went deep into the interior. He crossed rivers, forged through thick forests, and finally rested in the wilderness at an abandoned school bus. (Show Chris Pic 2) 

Chris had finally found freedom. McCandless lived in that school bus for a period of months. Days would pass and Chris had finally come to realize a deep truth, we were not created to live alone. We need people. He had a spiritual reawakening and he decided that it was time to rejoin society. He packed his bags and set out to come back home. Sadly, the river that he had crossed to get to the school bus was now a raging river because of the spring melt. Chris was trapped. Chris, fearing the worst turned back toward his school bus home. (Show Chris Pic 3) 

This photo is the last picture of Chris McCandless. Weeks would go by and Chris became sick and was unable to eat. Three hunters would find Chris’ body not long after in the school bus. What makes this story even more tragic is that if Chris would have traveled three miles up river he would have come to a chair lift that would have safely taken him across the river. You see, Chris was lost in more ways than one. He had become disoriented, defeated, and his life drab. He was searching for freedom but had become a slave. 

There is a real lesson to learn from Chris McCandless’ life. You see brothers and sisters, humans all look for truth, for life, for direction and for freedom. Some find it but sadly many do not. It brings new definition to the words of Christ captured in Matthew 7:13 AMP

"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad and easy to travel is the path that leads the way to destruction and eternal loss, and there are many who enter through it.” Maybe that is what you are looking for this morning. Freedom. Truth. Direction. Life. If that is you, you have come to the right place. You will be reading from right book this morning. You will be listening to the right person this morning and I am not talking about myself, I am talking about Jesus Christ. 

Fill in these blanks for me this morning. Let’s answer “Today’s Thought”. Are you disoriented? What about defeated? Is your life drab, lacking purpose and meaning? If that’s you, I have good news! Jesus offers me and you direction and a new day. That’s right, Jesus offers us all a new start, a new day. No matter what you have done, where you are going, or where you have been. Jesus promises all of us that He will give us direction, victory, and a new life. Amen to that! 


Today’s Thought:

Are You Disoriented? Defeated? Drab?

If That’s You, I Have Good News

Jesus Offers You Direction and a New Day!

Today we will be reading one of the most famous passages of Scripture. Jesus words. Jesus gives another “I AM” statement. He will tell His disciples that He is the way, the truth, and the life. Now what does that mean? We will talk about that in just a moment. Matthew Henry, author of one of the oldest, one of the most tried and true commentaries that there is, has this to say about Jesus being the way, the truth and the life. Listen to “Today’s Quote”. “Christ is the sinner's Way to the Father and to heaven. He is the Truth, as fulfilling all the prophecies of a Savior; believing which, sinners come by him the Way. He is the Life, by whose life-giving Spirit the dead in sin are quickened. By Christ, as the Way, our prayers go to God, and his blessings come to us; this is the Way that leads to rest, the good old Way.

Today’s Quote:

“Christ is the sinner's Way to the Father and to heaven. He is the Truth, as fulfilling all the prophecies of a Savior; believing which, sinners come by him the Way. He is the Life, by whose life-giving Spirit the dead in sin are quickened. By Christ, as the Way, our prayers go to God, and his blessings come to us; this is the Way that leads to rest, the good old Way.

-Matthew Henry’s Commentary

Background and Context:

This morning we are going to be reading from John 14:1-7. Before we jump into God’s Word, I would like to share the background and context of the passage for you. I have learned that you cannot fully understand or appreciate the passage of Scripture that we are reading if you don’t know what is happening in the background. We need to understand the characters and discover their motivations. So, what is really happening here?

What we are reading in John 14 captures the last night, the final evening of Jesus’ life. By this time the next day, Jesus will have been executed on the cross and laid in a borrowed grave. John 13 remembers the scene of Jesus with the disciples in the upper room. Judas, the betrayer has been identified although the disciples at large are still confused as to what Judas is up to. Jesus has now been left with the other disciples. After telling the 11 to love one another as He has loved them, He tells them that He will be going away. Jesus is going away to a place where they cannot follow, at least not yet. Peter wants to know why and Jesus asks Peter if he is ready to lay his life down for Him. This is where we start John 14. The scene has not changed. The news that Jesus is leaving has upset the 11. In fact they are broken hearted. They are wondering if they have offended the Master. Is Jesus upset with us? Have we done something that has discredited ourselves from His ministry they must have been wondering? Scripture tells us that their hearts were troubled. Jesus, understanding their hurt, decides to comfort them. Think about that for a second, Jesus is not just observing their facial expressions. He is not just witnessing their body language. Jesus is hearing the utterances of their hearts. Jesus is privy to their inner most thoughts and feelings. He understands their pain and His first priority is to comfort them. This coming from a man who is about to be brutally murdered on a cross. Shouldn’t it be the other way around? Shouldn’t the disciples be consoling Christ, ministering to Him? Maybe but that is not what happens. This moment really shows how much Jesus loves us. Brothers and sisters, you may think that you are suffering alone this morning. You may think that no one can understand your pain. You may think that no one has ever been betrayed like you’ve been betrayed. Let me tell you right here, right now that Jesus underpants. Jesus is familiar. Jesus loves you and He desires to comfort you. Isn’t that good news for those of us today that are carrying burdens? So, open your Bibles to John 14:1-7. I am reading from the English Standard Version. 

Statement of Belief:

We believe the Bible to be inspired, God breathed, infallible, and authoritative. We believe the Bible is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training believer’s in righteousness. God’s Word gives life. It provides peace in trouble and protection in tribulation. It is alive, active, and cuts to the core of the human soul. Since there is no other book like it, let us stand to show our reverence and respect. 

Today’s Scripture: 

John 14:1-7 ESV

"Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. [2] In my Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? [3] And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. [4] And you know the way to where I am going." [5] Thomas said to him, "Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?" [6] Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. [7] If you had known me, you would have known my Father also. From now on you do know him and have seen him."

The Disciple’s Information Is Our Inspiration?

I. Jesus Is The Way

John 14:6 ESV

Jesus said to him, "I am the way…


So, let’s break down this powerful statement of Christ. Remember, the disciples are brokenhearted. Jesus has just told them that He is going way. They cannot follow. They are processing this information. 

Question for you this morning, have you received bad news this week? Im not talking about your favorite football team got beat sort of news. Im talking about “you’re sick and it’s cancer” sort of news. Im talking “I don’t love you anymore” kind of news. Im talking about “we are letting you go” kind of news. Life changing news. News that devastates you. News that leaves you reeling, wondering how you are going to survive. That sort of news. 

That is what Thomas and the disciples are coming to grips with that night. Their Teacher, their Master, the one man who gave purpose to their entire lives is leaving them. Suddenly the rug has been ripped out from underneath Thomas. Jesus was their everything. Jesus fed them. Provided for them. Protected them. Jesus was their security. Quite literally it was Jesus who quieted the storms of their lives and walked on the waves of hardship and trail. What in the world would they do without Jesus?

At that moment, Jesus gives Thomas hope. “Thomas, Thomas, do not worry. You know the way Thomas. You know the way to where I am going. Remember Thomas, I am the way, I am the truth, and I am the life.”

Let’s focus on the first point of Jesus’ statement. Jesus declares that He is the “way”. What exactly does that mean?

The Greek word that Jesus uses for “way” is hod-os' (Ha-Das). Jesus used the definite article to distinguish Himself as “the only way”. It means a traveled way, or a road. That is the way that I have always read that passage to mean. I have always thought that Jesus is talking about Himself as being the road to heaven. “Thomas, if you want to go to heaven, you have to travel my road”. That is not a bad understanding of that passage. In fact, that is a true and good way of reading that text. 

Luke even supports that thought in Acts 4:12 saying that there is “salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heave given among men by which we must be saved”. Simply put, if you want to go to heaven you better travel the Jesus road. Some road may promise heaven but they will fall short. 

Sadly our culture has so twisted good from bad and good from evil. I doubt many of you watched the Grammy awards this past weekend. There was a performance that occurred and I will not glorify it by naming the artist.  The performers dressed as devils, demons, and Satan. The performers were androgynous homosexuals and trans-gendered men and women. It was a blatant Satanic worship service on primetime televisions. The CBS Twitter account posted a picture of the event and tweeted that they were “ready to worship”. CBS broadcasted the event. Our culture now celebrates Satan as being good and God as evil. Satan is the road to freedom and God is restrictive. Satan is something to be worshipped and God is something to be mocked. The entire audience cheered gleefully with lit devil horns on their head during the performance. Our culture wants our youth to believe that this is the way to true joy, true happiness, and true fulfillment. 

Jesus maintains that He is the “way”. He is the only road. Still, there is deeper meaning to Jesus’ words. He is not just stating that He is the only way, the only road to heaven. Jesus is also stating that He is the only way to live. Jesus is the way to holiness. 


Over the years I have had people come to me and express to me every justification for sin under the sun. Generally most every justification comes down to personal gratification. Personal satisfaction. Personal happiness. 

“Stuart I know that this is sin but I cannot believe that God would not want me to be happy.”

Im sure that David was not happy when Saul was trying to kill him. 

Im sure that Jonah was not happy when he was in the belly of the whale. 

Im sure that the prophets of God were not happy as they were being killed. 

Im sure that Hosea was not happy when God called him to marry Gomer the prostitute. 

Im sure that John was not happy when he was being beheaded. 

Im sure that Peter was not happy when he heard the rooster crow after he denied Jesus. 

Im sure that Paul was not happy when he was matyred.

Im sure that the Apostle John was not happy when he was excited and sentenced to hard labor. 

I am sure that Jesus was not happy when He was being nailed to the cross. 

Brothers and sisters, God is not as concerned for our earthly happiness as He is for our earthly holiness. Happiness awaits us in heaven when we have pursued Earthly holiness. Holiness always trumps happiness. 

Jesus in saying that He is the “way” is actually saying that He is providing for us an example to follow. His example was putting a premium on pursing righteousness and holiness instead of revelry and hedonism. His way leads to heaven, the world’s way will lead to hell. Sadly there will be a mass of people wearing lit devil horns charging into hell convinced that sexual pleasure was their chief pursuit and when they arrive they will be confused because they shook their fist at God while alive all the while calling Jesus a criminal. 


What way are you pursing this morning? What road are you walking? Are you and I pursing holiness in our lives or are we bowing down the god of our own desires?

Acts 4:12 ESV

And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”

The Disciple’s Information Is Our Inspiration?

I. Jesus Is The Way

II. Jesus Is The Truth

John 14:6 ESV

Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth…


So, Jesus is the only way to real life. He has also provided us all a way to live. An example. We also know that Jesus is the “truth”. Fill in that blank this morning. Jesus is the Truth. 


This is an important statement this morning and I want all of us to hear it. I know that for some of you that this statement is elementary and you may be wondering why I am speaking it. The reason that I am saying this statement is because God’s Word is increasingly under assault and His followers are increasingly more persecuted. Here is the statement. 

God Word is true and what we believe about God’s Word matters. What we believe about God’s Word impacts our very eternal outcome. Everlasting life. Jesus Christ is the living embodiment of God’s Word, therefore, He is the living embodiment of truth. If you want to discover truth, you will look to the person of Jesus Christ and follow His ways. You will be obedient to Him. 

But why does truth matter? Why does Jesus bring up truth? Did you know that Jesus is quoted nearly 70 times saying “I tell you the truth”. Jesus didn’t say “I tell you the truth” nearly 70 times in Scripture because He was fearful that we might think that He was lying. No way. Jesus said “I tell you the truth” nearly 70 times to illustrate the point that He Himself is truth and if you are searching for truth, you will ultimately be seeking Him. Not only did Jesus claim that He was the truth, He backed it up as well. He backed it up by reciting Scriptures that boldly pointed to Him and His ministry. He backed it up by performing miracles, healing thousands of people. He backed up His claim as being the truth with authoritative preaching an d teaching that destroyed every human argument against Him. It is important that no lie can ever defeat the truth. In the same way, Satan, the Father of Lies, cannot stand against Jesus, God’s Truth. He backed up His truth statement by erupting from the grave. 

You see friend, if Jesus did not resurrect from the grave, He would have been a liar. But He wasn’t a liar, He is the Lord and the Lord is true. Everything that He did was truthful and everything He said was truthful. Every promise that He made was based in truth and every life that He transformed was grounded in truth. 

If you are tired of the world’s lies, come to Jesus. 

Brothers and sisters, some of the worst lies that we believe are the lies we tell ourselves. 

No one loves me.

My husband will abandon me. 

My wife hates me.

Im no good. I have no talent. No skills. Im worthless. I have no value. Im a loser. 

All lies and since Jesus doesn’t lie, where do you think those lies originate? That’s right, hell. Satan. 

Are you tired of believing the lies, investing your life in lies, telling yourself lies? If you are, choose truth. If you want to be free, choose Jesus. Listen to Jesus’ truth captured in John 8, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” 

John 8:31-32 ESV

So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

The Disciple’s Information Is Our Inspiration?

I. Jesus Is The Way

II. Jesus Is The Truth

III. Jesus Is The Life

John 14:6 ESV

Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. 


When I was a kid, I played basketball in high school. I loved basketball. My junior and senior years we went to back to back final fours. We had some pretty good teams. I vividly remember our team had a team t-shirt that we all bought. We would wear the shirt at the shoot around before games or on the bus heading over to the game. 

The t shirt had a basketball on the front and it had these words on it, “Basketball is Life, Everything Else is Just Details”. In fact, I have a picture of the shirt. There it is. (Show Basketball Life Pic)

Basketball is life, everything else is just details. 

Think about that statement for just a second. Basketball is life. What does that mean? It meant that basketball is the most important thing. Nothing else takes priority over basketball. It means that no relationship is more important that the pursuit of that game. It means that all my time, all my energy, all my resources should be dedicated to basketball. Why? Because basketball is life. 

Basketball is the most important. The most valuable. The most worthy pursuit. 

Here is the problem. I wasn’t very good at basketball. In fact, I hardly ever played. I was a bench sitter. I wore the shirt that said “Basketball is Life” but you know what, there was more to me than basketball. There had to be more to life than basketball. 

What is life for you?

What would your t-shirt say?

My job is life, the rest is just details. What happens when you get sick of your job or you get laid off or God forbid you get fired? Where is your life then?

My exercise is life, the rest is just details. What happens when you get sick? You can’t work out. Where is your life then?

My special relationship is life, the rest is details. What happens when that person leaves? Where is your life then?

It can be anything. 

The t-shirt is really just communicating a deeper spiritual problem. All of us, every single one of us are guilty of putting something worldly in front of the one person who can actually give us life. By the way, any time we put a thing or an activity at the center of our life is called idolatry. 

How can you know if you fall into this type of thinking? Let me help you. Where do you spend most of your time? Where do you spend most of your money? On what are you dedicating the lion’s share of your thoughts? 

The Bible tells us that “where our heart is, there too will be our treasure”. If you say anything other than your walk with the Lord, then you are guilty of wearing the shirt. 


The Greek word being used here is zōē (dzo-ay’). The word is translated as life and that is correct. When you think of life you often think of animation. Life is the ability to think, to move, to be animated. God certainly did give us life. Genesis recalls the creation of Adam. God breathed into Adam nostrils the “breath of life” which gave to Adam animation. God is the giver of life.

The New Testament goes even further. The Apostle Paul tells us in Colossians that Jesus is not just the life giver, He is the life sustainer. All things were created by Him, for Him, and all things are held together by Him. That’s right friend, every molecule in your body is being held together by the might, the power and the authority of Jesus Christ. 

Still, Jesus is telling Thomas and the disciples more than He is the road to life, to animation. The word Zoe also means soul. The absolute fullness of life. Jesus is saying that He is the source to a living, reinvigorated soul. 

Brothers and sisters, Scripture tells us that before we knew God through Jesus Christ that we were alienated from God. We are dead in our transgressions. Yes, we have the original gift of life. Physically we are alive, but spiritually because of our sin we are dead. Our bodies are alive but our souls are dead. When we encounter Christ, it is like our souls are hooked to a spiritual defibrillator. Jesus Christ powers us, brings us to new life. Nicodemus, in a conversation with Jesus, is told that he must be reborn, experience a rebirth, to have everlasting life. When Jesus tells us that He is the way, the truth and the life, what is really saying that all other life outside of Himself really just leads to death. Jesus wakes our dead soul to meet our live physical bodies. Our physical bodies while still under the curse of sin will die, but our souls under the new covenant of His blood will live forever in heaven with Him. 

That friends is the good news of the Gospel. 


So, are you alive? Physically you would all say “yes” but are you really alive? 

You may think that you have time to come to Christ. What’s the rush after all. The rush is that you are not guaranteed the next second, the next moment. Brothers and sisters, I received news last week from a former church member that her husband had tragically passed away. He was strong. Healthy. Tough. He had just started a trucking career. He had his entire life in front of him. He had plans and goals. He was going places. The story goes that he parked his truck at a stop in Missouri. He stepped out, slipped on a patch of ice, and his his head. In that moment he was escorted into eternity. Thankfully he was a believer in Christ. He had not planned on that moment being his last but he was prepared for it. Are you? 

Do you know the way? Have you discovered the truth? Have you embraced the life of Jesus Christ?

Remember the wisdom of Solomon captured in Proverbs 21:21… 

Proverbs 21:21 ESV

Whoever pursues righteousness and kindness will find life…

Take Time to Treasures These Thoughts!


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