Jesus In His Own Words: I AM…The Gate
Jesus In His Own Words: I AM…The Gate
Opening Illustration:
This morning, to start today’s message, I want to read for you a passage of Scripture from Genesis 6:14-16. It is the story of when God spoke to a normal man, his name being Noah. God instructed Noah to do something very strange. He instructed him to build a boat. We do not know exactly where the boat was built but we do know that after the flood it came to rest in what is today modern day Turkey on Mount Ararat. This is one of the strangest stories in all of the Bible. Most scholars believe that God told Noah to build a boat where there was no large bodies of water. Nothing like the ark had ever been constructed by human hands. The Bible tells us that the ark would be built to combat a global flood. This was unbelievable in Noah’s day because Scripture tells us that the earth had never experienced rain. That’s right, there was a global canopy of moisture that brought water to plants and all living things. It had never rained. So the thought of rain was bizarre to the people of the day which made the thought of a flood even more preposterous. I’m not focusing on the flood this morning. I’m not even focusing on the ark. Listen to the word of the Lord as it came to Noah.
"Build a large boat from cypress wood and waterproof it with tar, inside and out. Then construct decks and stalls throughout its interior. [15] Make the boat 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high. [16] Leave an 18-inch opening below the roof all the way around the boat. Put the door on the side, and build three decks inside the boat-lower, middle, and upper.”
Specifically verse 16.
“Leave an 18-inch opening below the roof all the way around the boat. Put the door on the side, and build three decks inside the boat-lower, middle, and upper.”
The ark, as it was built by Noah and as it was directed by God, only had one singular door. One entrance. One way in and one way out. How many of you have been on a cruise in the last 10 years? Wonderful. A good many of you have. I have been on a few cruises in my day. Modern day cruise ships are filled with doors. From forward to aft, from port to stern, doors everywhere on modern ships. Not so with Noah’s Ark. Only one way in and one way out. One door.
Several years ago my family went to Kentucky to visit Ken Hamm’s Ark Encounter
I highly recommend it if you have never been. I also recommend the Creation Museum. The Ark Encounter is unique because Hamm took the exact measurements given in the Bible and constructed a modern day look at how the ark may have appeared. You can see in this first picture the size and scale of the ark. You can also see in this picture the one singular door for the ark as prescribed in Genesis 6:16.
You can see here from the inside how large the door was for Noah and his family. It was through this door that animals of all kinds entered and were saved.
“Enter the ark, you and your whole family, for I have found you righteous before Me in this generation…So Noah and his sons and his wife and his sons’ wives went into the ark because of the waters of the flood.” Noah and his family entered the one door and were saved. The animals entered the one door and were saved.
One door. One salvation.
Now fast forward a few thousand years to the days of Jesus. In just a moment we will read from John 10. In this passage of Scripture Jesus delivers to His followers another “I Am” statement. This time He will tell them that He is the door, or in some translations “gate”. In this next photo you will see the explanation behind why the ark had only one door. Naturally the ark points to Jesus. “The ark’s door reminds us that we need to go through a door to be saved. Jesus Christ is our one door to salvation, the ‘ark’ that saves us from God’s judgement for eternity.”
Do me a favor this morning. Fill in the blanks for today’s thought. The road to redemption runs through Jesus! He is worthy and He is the only way!
Today’s Thought:
The Road To Redemption Runs Through Jesus!
He is Worthy and He Is The Only Way!
One of my favorite Christian writers and thinkers is A.W. Tozer. He certainly knew and understood the deep truth that Jesus is the only way, the only door to heaven. Listen to what he says, “Jesus is not one of many ways to approach God, nor is He the best of several ways; He is the only way.”
Today’s Quote:
“Jesus is not one of many ways to approach God,
nor is He the best of several ways;
He is the only way.”
-A.W. Tozer
Background and Context:
Before we read from God’s Word, let me set up the context and background of the passage. In the previous chapter there is heard a story about a blind man receiving his sight. His vision is restored by Jesus. This miracle caused such commotion in the city that the formerly blind man is brought before the religious leaders, the Pharisees. Instead of being awestruck at what Jesus had done for the man, the Pharisees were indignant. They grumbled against Christ and started plotting against Him. They were angry that Jesus had healed on the Sabbath day. In their eyes Jesus had broken the law which meant, for them at least, that Jesus could not have been from God. The blind man, who could now see, was then brought before the Sanhedrin and renounced as a sinner. The Sanhedrin then excommunicated him from the body, throwing him out of the synagogue. The Pharisees made an example out of him for all the people to see. Basically the Pharisees were saying, “if you side with Jesus, you are out of the faith”. The behavior of the Pharisees showed that they were, in fact, claiming to be the gatekeepers of God. They believed that they held the keys as to who entered the good graces of God and who didn’t. If you wanted to get to heaven, you were going to have to get there by way of the Pharisees.
So, in John 10, Jesus is addressing the Pharisees. “Very truly I tell you Pharisees, anyone who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate, but climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a robber. The one who enters by the gate is the shepherd of the sheep.” Jesus was saying that He was the true gate, the one true door, and that He was the only access point to heaven. You’ll see that the Pharisees didn’t understand what Jesus was telling them so He spells it out for them in no uncertain terms. “I am the gate”. Not just any gate mind you, the only gate. Middle Eastern sheep pens were made from one uninterrupted wall, with a single opening. There is no other entrance to the sheep pen. He is the only gateway for the people.
So, this morning I will be reading from John 10:1-10 from the New Living Translation.
Statement of Belief:
We believe the Bible to be inspired, God breathed, infallible, and authoritative. We believe the Bible is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training believer’s in righteousness. God’s Word gives life. It provides peace in trouble and protection in tribulation. It is alive, active, and cuts to the core of the human soul. Since there is no other book like it, let us stand to show our reverence and respect.
Today’s Scripture:
John 10:1-10 NLT
"I tell you the truth, anyone who sneaks over the wall of a sheepfold, rather than going through the gate, must surely be a thief and a robber! [2] But the one who enters through the gate is the shepherd of the sheep. [3] The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep recognize his voice and come to him. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. [4] After he has gathered his own flock, he walks ahead of them, and they follow him because they know his voice. [5] They won't follow a stranger; they will run from him because they don't know his voice." [6] Those who heard Jesus use this illustration didn't understand what he meant, [7] so he explained it to them: "I tell you the truth, I am the gate for the sheep. [8] All who came before me were thieves and robbers. But the true sheep did not listen to them. [9] Yes, I am the gate. Those who come in through me will be saved. They will come and go freely and will find good pastures. [10] The thief's purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.
3 Truths From Jesus’ Teaching “I AM The Gate”
Truth One: Gates are Preventative vs. 1,8 and 10
There are so many reasons to love Jesus. Chances are if I asked every single individual in this room this morning why you particularly loved Jesus, each of you would be able to give me a different reason. One thing that I love about my Savior is His ability to turn an illustration. The Pharisees prided themselves in their intellect. They acted so pious and superior because they fancied themselves as smarter than the average person. They were the educated and the elite. No one would debate the supreme knowledge and intellect of Jesus. All of us here today would say that the knowledge of the smartest human amounts to nothing in the grand display of Christ’s eternal comprehension. Still Jesus spoke of the simple to explain the sophisticated. He used the common things of this world to express the complicated. Jesus often used uncomplicated illustrations to illuminate the unfathomable.
Here Jesus compares Himself to something that everyone in this crowd would have understood. He contrasts Himself with an object that everyone would have understood and used. “I tell you the truth, I am the gate for the sheep”. Other translations of this familiar passage exchange the word “gate” for the word “door”. Jesus has been compared to many things over the years. Two weeks ago Jesus was bread. Last week He was light. Today, Jesus is a door. A door people.
Is there anything more simple than a door? Everyone understands what doors do and how doors work. Even my dog understands how the various doors in my home operate. Doors or gates are universal. Doors have been around for thousands of years and have served varied purposes. It doesn’t matter if you are sitting here in this room in 2023 or if you lived over 2000 years ago, doors are simple devices that are deployed in modernity or in ancient times. Doors and gates do not require degrees to operate. Doors or gates function beyond linguistic barriers. There is no such thing as an English door or a Spanish door. There are just doors. Doors are doors no matter where you are from, what part of the world you hail from, no matter your ethnicity or nationality. If you see a door, you get it.
Jesus is the gate! The only door!
What is Jesus trying to communicate by telling us that He is the door or gate? Well I will answer that for you in just a second. Let’s fill in this first blank. Jesus gives us a powerful truth here when He states that He is the gate. Point I, gates are preventative. “I tell you the truth, anyone who sneaks over the wall of a sheepfold, rather than going through the gate, must surely be a thief and a robber!”
The primary job of any good door is to keep evil out. Thankfully we live in a relatively safe community. I know that there are several of you who leave your homes without locking your doors. When you sleep you don’t bother to bolt your doors. Thank goodness Daphne is a safe place. Angela and I are not nearly as trusting. We lock our doors. We set our alarm. I have cameras on every corner of my home, smart locks on my doors, and dead bolts on both entrances to my backyard. I can see everything happening both inside and outside of my home on my phone. Security is important to me because my home houses the most precious gifts that God has ever given to me, my wife and sons.
Jesus is the gate to the sheep pen and this gate keeps out the robber and the thief. Who is Jesus talking about here? Who is this robber and thief? Well simply put, Jesus is talking about several things. First and foremost I believe that He is talking about Satan, the Devil, the Prince of the Power of the Air, Lucifer. I also believe that He is talking about the Pharisees and their false teachings. Lastly, I think that He is talking about false teachers in general who have set their sights on harming the church, the bride of Christ.
Brothers and sisters, Satan is real. He is not an allegory or a symbol. He is a real entity. A real being. He has set his will against the Almighty and he desires to harm God by harming the chief among His creation, namely humanity. Satan is mentioned in both Old and New Testaments. His presence is mentioned at the start of creation and at the end of time itself in Revelation. Satan wants to damage you, dismantle your witness, and discourage you. He wants to rob you of your faith and convince you that your testimony is cheap and worthless. Here is the good news today, Satan may try to pry his way into your life but with Jesus as your door, Satan has no access. Believers, Satan has no power over you this morning. Jesus is greater. Satan although a worthy opponent is a defeated foe. Satan my try to overcome you, he may try to obstruct you, he may even try to set obstacles against you, he will never have victory over you. Do you know why? He can’t get to you because he does not have access. Jesus is the door and He is barring Satan from taking victory.
Thank God that Jesus is our door. Jesus is the door that prevents Satan from having victory. Jesus is also the door that prevents false teachers from finding success. False teachers look like a member of the flock but through their deceptive teachings, their true form is revealed. Verse five of John 10 states “they will never follow a stranger; in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger’s voice.” The door that guards the sheep prevents us from following a stranger’s voice. The door prevents our hearts from wondering and encourages us to open God’s Word so that we can hear the voice of the one true shepherd.
So, doors prevent. Doors protect. Jesus is the one and only door. Paul understood this when he encouraged believers to be warned of Satan in Ephesians 6:11.
Ephesians 6:11 ESV
Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.
3 Truths From Jesus’ Teaching “I AM The Gate”
Truth One: Gates are Preventative vs. 1,8 and 10
Truth Two: Gates are Permissive vs. 2, 7-8
Gates are preventative. Jesus is the gate that prevents Satan from having power over our lives. He is the gate the protects us from false teachers like the Pharisees. Gates and doors are good for something else as well. They keep evil out but they let good in. That gate lets good in and also lets good out into the world. That’s our second point this morning. Truth Two, gates are permissive. Jesus is the gate that permits the sheep to enter and the sheep to exit.
Let’s play a game this morning. We all like playing games. I bet that most of us have our favorite brands of fast food. How many of you would say these following restaurants are your favorite…
Papa Johns
Burger King
Wow, lots of hands went up with Chick-fil-a. I love Chick-fil-a. What about those waffle fries? Am I right? Those chicken strips! I love the number one which is a chicken sandwich. I always put bacon and a fresh slice of Colby jack cheese on my sandwich. Then I get it with a cold Dr. Pepper. If Im feeling up to it, I will walk out with one of their chocolate shakes. Anybody want to just cut this thing short and go to Chick-fil-a right now? Yeah, a bunch of you!
Oh, there’s just one small problem. Chick-fil-a is closed. That’s right they are closed on Sunday. Every Sunday. It doesn’t matter how much money you have, how much power you possess, no one is getting a chicken sandwich from Chick-fil-a on a Sunday. They are closed!
There is nothing more frustrating than a closed sign on a business. Thankfully, Jesus is the open sign for all those interested in mercy, peace, and eternity. Jesus is the gate. Jesus as the gate protect His sheep from Satanic attack and false teachers. Still, Jesus as the gate is open to let more sheep in the sheep pin. In John 10, Jesus talks briefly about the sheep pin. The sheep pin in this case is symbolic of the church at large. What Jesus is really saying is that He is the foundation, the opening, the entrance to the church. Sadly, churches are known more today for being places that are closed country clubs. I had lunch with a church member on Tuesday who told me that he worked with a gentleman who is very frustrated with the “church” because all he ever sees of the church is politics over people. Oh friends, may it never be said of Eastern Shore Baptist Church that this sheep pin is closed off to sheep trying to find a home.
There is nothing more frustrating than a closed sign. Remember that the Pharisees saw themselves as God’s gatekeepers. They prided themselves on who they let in and who they kept out. If you had a disease, you were out. If you didnt keep the law perfect, you were out. Tax collector, out. Prostitute, no way. Ritually unclean, you know the drill, outta here. Widow, no room for you. Woman, you’ve got to be kidding. Orphan, they deserved it. Elderly, try again. If the Pharisees had it their way only the Pharisees would be able to enter the Kingdom of God.
Not so with Jesus. There is room for everyone in God’s Kingdom. The hurt, the lame, the broken, the bruised, the buried, all welcome. Remember what Jesus said, “It is not the well who need a doctor but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners”. Brothers and sisters, that is good news for all of us this morning. That means that there is a big flashing neon open sign hanging on the doors of heaven this morning and that sign is welcoming sinners like me and you. More good news, Jesus accepts sinners but rest assured, sinners don’t stay that way for long. When you ask Christ to step into your life you experience a transformation. Sin loses its luster and likeness and sanctification takes hold. Jesus is the door. He is the gate and all are welcome in.
Ephesians 1:7-10 ESV
In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace, which he lavished upon us, in all wisdom and insight making known to us the mystery of his will, according to his purpose, which he set forth in Christ as a plan for the fullness of time, to unite all things in him, things in heaven and things on earth.
3 Truths From Jesus’ Teaching “I AM The Gate”
Truth One: Gates are Preventative vs. 1,8 and 10
Truth Two: Gates are Permissive vs. 2, 7-8
Truth Three: Gates are Profitable vs. 10
John 10:10 NLT
[10] The thief's purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.
Let’s fill in this final point this morning. Gates are preventative. Gates are permissive. Point three, Gates are profitable. Perhaps one of the most famous pieces of Scripture is John 10:10. “My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.” Friends, take Jesus at His word this morning. Jesus did not come to condemn you and I. He did not come to laugh at your suffering. He did not come to confuse you or kick you while you are down. Jesus came to give you a rich and satisfying life. It is sad to me that some people refuse to come to Christ because they buy the lie that Jesus is some cosmic kill joy. They believe that a life with Jesus is a life of boredom and a life filled with judgement. None of that is true. My relationship with Christ introduced me to the women of my dreams. Because of Jesus I have seen sites and visited far away countries that I would have never ever have seen before. Because of Jesus I have been able to help people that I would have never met and because of Jesus I have been helped by smart, capable, and intelligent followers. Because of Jesus I have been able to navigate through difficulties, Ive seen victory over sin, I have peace in the midst of storms, protection through trials, and peace in hardship.
Because of Jesus I have a rich and satisfying life. Do me a favor this morning. If you have a rich and satisfying life this morning because of Jesus Christ would you stand to your feet? If you have a rich and satisfying life this morning because of Jesus would you say “amen”? Repeat X’2
If you are inside the sheep pen, have you come in through the gate? Have you passed under the blood of Jesus? Did he become the outcast so that you could come in?
If you are outside the sheep pen and want to go in, will you hear Jesus’s personal invitation to enter? Jesus knows you by name. He longs for you to see that your debt of sin has been paid for you. He wants you to come to the cross of the Lord Jesus.
Come to the gate and enter, believing the truth of Jesus’s words in verse 9:‘I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved.
John 5:24 ESV
Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life. He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life.
Turn This Information Into Your Inspiration!
I am the Gate by Osho
He Walks With Me by Warren Wiersbe
God the Son Incarnate: The Doctrine of Christ by Stephen Wellum
Jesus Revealed: The I AM Statements in the Gospel of John by Matt Rawie
Letting God Meet Your Emotional Needs by Cindi McMenamin
I AM: The Statements of Jesus by John Pennylegion
I AM by Matt Fry
Walvoord, John and Roy Zuck. The Bible Knowledge Commentary New Testament. United States of America: Victor Books, 1983.
Wiersbe, Warren. The Wiersbe Bible Commentary. Colorado Springs: David C. Cook, 2007.
Wilmington, H.L. Wilmington’s Guide to the Bible. Wheaton: Tyndale House Publishers, 1981.
The NET Bible First Edition Notes
The Bible Reader’s Companion-John 6
The Authority of Jesus is the Foundation for All True Morality as Evidenced In the Seven I AM Statements and Seven Signs in John by MJ Helton
Jesus And The Kingdom of God by GR Beasley-Murray
Jesus and Sinners by EP Sanders
Jesus of Nazareth by J Becker
I Am: Jesus’ Claim to be Jehovah The God of the Israelites in the Old Testament by FV Avramidis
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