Profound Perspectives From Vacation Bible School

 Profound Perspectives From Vacation Bible School

“Say Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yes…To Va, Va, VBS”


When I was a child, I prayed as a child. I started my prayers like this, “God is great, God is good”. How many of you prayed a similar prayer? Today, I am closing in on the age of 44 and while I do not pray that prayer any longer, my prayers tend to be a bit more serious and a bit longer, maybe a bit deeper as well. I do not pray those exact words any longer, but I still believe in my heart that God is great and that God is good. If you were to open your Bibles to the very first book, the book of Genesis, you will see that God created everything in a matter of 6 days. He rested on the 7th day. Imagine that, God created all that we know, all that we are unaware of, the visible and the invisible, the largest mountain and the smallest molecule…He did all of this in 6 days. I was doing some reading the other day. The paper was written by one of our country’s leading astrophysicists. This is a man that is much much smarter than me. He claimed that our universe is leaking energy. He came to this conclusion by means of very complicated mathematical equations, observation, and testing that has cost millions of dollars in research. “We are leaking energy” he said. He then went on and theorized that the energy that we a leading from this reality must be bleeding into another reality. Another dimension. He then made claims that in his estimation that there were untold number of unseen dimensions that remain hidden from our view. We are unable to see these other realities through the lens of a microscope or telescope. He stated that our reality is made up of a grand multiverse and that by some unknown scientific feat, it is all held together. 

Friends, God is great and God is good. You see Christians, we have known about these other realities, these untold realms for thousands of years. He is correct, you cannot see these unseen realms through the lens of a microscope or telescope, but you can see them through the lens of Scripture. 

Ephesians 6:12 ESV

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.

Peter, James and John were witness to this unseen, what we call spiritual places in Luke 9. 

Now about eight days after these sayings he took with him Peter and John and James and went up on the mountain to pray. And as he was praying, the appearance of his face was altered, and his clothing became dazzling white. And behold, two men were talking with him, Moses and Elijah, who appeared in glory and spoke of his departure, which he was about to accomplish at Jerusalem. Now Peter and those who were with him were heavy with sleep, but when they became fully awake they saw his glory and the two men who stood with him.

Church, we know who holds not only this universe, but all universes together. His name is Jesus and He is mighty. He is great and and He is good. 

Colossians 1:15-17 ESV

15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. 16 For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. 17 And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. 

Our God is great and He is good. Brothers and sisters that is what we have been discussing all week this week with our students. We are fresh off the heals of our Vacation Bible School. Our theme was Sparks Studio and the idea behind the theme is that God is not only our Creator, but He is incredibly, powerfully, creative. We will talk about that in a few minutes. We shared with our students that when they draw, paint, sing, write a poem, write a song, perform, act, even play a game, that those activities of creation are really a divine spark that testifies to them being created in the image of God. 

Brothers and sisters, I want you to know what our students learned this week, that you were created, designed, and empowered by God. You were created with gifts and talents unique only to you. You have been given a spiritual gift that is uniquely yours. You have been designed with a purpose in mind. Everythign about you was preplanned and God has outfitted you with a personality, intellect, and abilities that help you accomplish His will in your life. You have been empowered by God’s Holy Spirit to use your physical and spiritual gifts to take the Gospel to the furthest reaches of the planet. 

This week, we had more than 10 students give their hearts and their lives to Jesus Christ. These are first time, never before baptized children, who said “yes” to Jesus. They heard the Gospel message and responded. I had the privilege of praying with several of these students. 

If you have ever doubted the power of Vacation Bible School, let that number soak in your spirit for a moment. More than 10 students are now destined for heaven instead of hell. They are no longer enemies of God, alienated from Him, They arena adopted into His family. Praise God. As I reflected on that number, I was reminded of a quote from esteemed pastor Dr. Steve Parr. 

“The reality is that the fewer children a congregation has, the more important an outreach ministry for children and families like Vacation Bible School is.”

Vacation Bible School has never been more important. This world is attacking our children, indoctrinating them in perverted sexual ideology and introducing heinous Satanic values disguised as progressive education. Vacation Bible School is one way the church pushes back and says “no”. Do you believe that children are our future? Do you believe that our teenagers are our future? If you do, as I also believe that they are our future, we must do all that we can to invest in their spiritual and Scriptural health. I am so thankful for Leann Gentry, our Children’s Pastor, and all of our volunteers. Leann had amazing help, Brenda Taylor, Jonathan Smith, Patti Turner, Nan, Alan, Crystal, Heather, Jamie, Bill, Sylvia, Angela, Jennifer, McKayla, and the list could go on and on. Without them, there is no Vacation Bible School. In fact, if you had anything to do with Vacation Bible School this week, would you please stand so that we can properly thank you for your participation. 

Today’s Thought:

You Were Created, Designed and Empowered!

Today’s Quote:

“The reality is that the fewer children a congregation has, the more important an outreach ministry for children and families like Vacation Bible School is.”

Dr. Steve R. Parr

Background and Context of Scripture:

Our theme verse for the week came from Ephesians 2:10. Ephesians was written by the Apostle Paul. The letter was written during Paul’s first imprisonment in Rome. The city existed in what is now modern day Turkey. When Paul wrote this letter, the city of Ephesus was one of the most important Greek cities and the most important trading center in the Mediterranean region. Remember that when Paul wrote this letter that Christians were very discouraged. They were being persecuted daily. Paul wanted to encourage them and energize their faith. So he penned this letter to propel them forward in their passion for Christ. In the passage that I am going to read for you this morning, you will get a taste of Paul’s desire to uplift the brethren. So, let’s read this single verse this morning. It is my hope that you will be encouraged by hearing these words from the Apostle Paul. 

Ephesians 2:10, reading from the English Standard Version.

Today Scripture:

Ephesians 2:10 ESV

 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

3 Profound Perspectives From VBS

Perspective 1: God’s Workmanship

Ephesians 2:10 ESV:

“For we are his workmanship…”


For we are His workmanship. What exactly does that mean? Workmanship means “that which is made, a work, a work of art”. The Greek word for “workmanship” is poy-a-mah. It is where we get our English word for “poem”. The Greek word came to mean or refer to an author’s “magnum opus”, or his greatest literary achievement. If you were an artist, it would refer to his “masterpiece”. 

What Paul is communicating is that the redeemed saints of God, the followers of Christ, are His masterpiece. For those who have responded to the call of Christ to be saved, we are God’s greatest prize, His greatest victory. Christians all over the world are the result of God’s greatest act of love, the death of His Son, Jesus the Christ. 

A few weeks ago, we had a tragedy occur. We have a very special spoon holder that sits on our oven. This spoon holder was created and molded from Clay by the renowned artist Brenda Anderson. Sadly, it was knocked from our stove and it shattered. Thankfully, days later, Brenda created a new holder for us, this time a beautiful blue color. This is just a small sample of her artistry. When I started looking around my house, I found more works of art. What about this beautiful picture of the West Wall in Jerusalem painted by the incredible Judi Jesse. A priceless gift that Angela and I will treasure. Sitting in our den we have a pine table that was built by the creative hands of Josh Raybon. This table was a gift for my beautiful wife on her birthday. Another fantastic example of workmanship. Then I have this beaitufl cross that was created and carved by my brother Kenny Hoven. Every time I see it I am reminded to pray for him. This cross is his workmanship. What about this painting given to me by Kay Cox? It is a painting of the light house that sit in Mobile Bay. Again, another wonderful example of workmanship. 

Do you know something interesting about all of these creations? They testify to their creators! I cannot fully appreciate these creations without fully appreciating their creators. Every time I see these creations, I am thankful, even prayer for the creators. 

I have an image that I would like to share with you. What do you see? A baby. True. This is a baby in utero. A precious child in the womb of his mother. Someone asked me the other day why there are so many miracles in the Bible but there are no more miracles today. I just laughed and thought to myself that every time I see an expectant mother, I see a growing miracle. 

Did you know that at the moment of conception, we all existed as one single cell. One small, microscopic cell. Then after two hours, we grew to 2 cells. Four hours after that we were 6 cells. At 28 days we had enough cellular growth to make out limbs, arms and legs. By 40 days  we developed eyes, ears, and a nose. By 5 weeks, the one cell has now grown to over a billion cells. That my friend is a miracle. You cannot celebrate truly the creation without recognizing the Creator. 

If you are saved, your life is God’s love letter to a lost, dead world. He has written His love in you and on you. And through you, He tells this world that He loves sinners; that His Son died to redeem the lost; that there is life-changing power in the grace of God; that the Gospel is real, and that Jesus Christ makes a difference in every life He redeems through the power of His blood. You are God’s billboard upon which He writes His love for the lost. 

No artist paints a painting to hide it in a closet. No sculptor fashions a sculpture just to hide it away in an unseen place. No writer pens a literary work to keep it away from the eyes of others. Every artist wants his paintings to be seen by many. Ever sculptor wants his work to be viewed by others. Every writer wants his words to be read by other people.

God did not save us to sequester us within the walls of the church. God saved us to display us to the world. He saved us so that through us He might show others what He can do for them. If you are saved, you are God’s testimony to the world that He saves sinners. Let the world see what God has done in you, with you and for you! 

As surely as the stars, planets, sun and moon declare the existence and power of God, nothing declares His glory, His power and His existence any more than a life that has been redeemed by grace! Every child of God, who walks, talks, acts, thinks, and lives differently because of grace, is a bold, powerful witness to the power of our great God. 

All around this room are living, breathing testimonies to the live-changing power of God. All around this room sit the examples of His “workmanship.” All around this room sits the tangible evidence that God makes a new thing when He saves a soul! God is a Master Craftsman. He took something worthless and transformed into something of infinite value. That’s about enough to make a Baptist shout!

Isaiah 64:8 ESV

But now, O Lord, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand.

3 Profound Perspectives From VBS

Perspective 1: God’s Workmanship

Perspective 2: Our Works

Ephesians 2:10 ESV

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works…


Some Christians are satisfied with the fact that God created them. He created them well, good, they may even say that they are great. That is true. Our very existence is a miracle. However, you were not created to just marvel at yourself. You were created for a purpose. You were created to do something. You were made to do something good. Paul reminds us that while God did indeed make us, create us, He created us in Christ Jesus for good works. 

Good works! Understand church that works do not save anyone. We are not Pharisees here at Eastern Shore Baptist Church. We believe fully in the sufficiency of Christ’s work on the cross to save any man or woman that might come to Him. However works are a by-product of a redeemed heart. 

The trouble with Christianity today is that we have to many who claim to be Christians, claiming to be saved. They pray a public prayer at the alter, they have made a profession of faith, they even joined a church. They may even give and contribute regularly. They may sing a song, they may teach a Sunday school class. They are doing good thing but they have missed on critical thing, they missed Jesus. Their lives never really changed. Their hearts were never truly regenerated. 

God’s desire for all of us that truly know Him is that we would bear good fruit. Christianity is not a list of do’s and don’ts. 

It reminds me of Matthew 7. People were looking to build a house. They had two locations in mind. One location was the sand. Beach front property they said. It will be great they said. So they built their home on the sand. The other location was bedrock. No, it was not on the beach and the view of the world was not as good, but it seemed sturdy enough. So they built their home on the rock. You know the rest of the story. The wind and the waves came. The house built on the sand was blown away while the house on the rock remained. So it will be when the wrath of God falls on those who do not know Jesus Christ. If that life has never been redeemed by the blood of Jesus and saved by the grace of God, that person will not stand in the judgment, but they will be swept away into the fires of eternal separation.

Brothers and sisters, let me encourage you to inspect your fruit. When is the last time you actually measured up your life to the standard of the Bible. No, we are not looking for perfection. No one can measure up to that standard. Also, we are not looking for you to measure up to your standard. In that case, everyone including yourself would pass. Are you be obedient to God’s Word? Look at your language. Look at your pursuits. Examine your thought life. If you are not measure up, repent, turn from your sins and pursue Christ. 

Titus 3:14 ESV

And let our people learn to devote themselves to good works, so as to help cases of urgent need, and not be unfruitful.

3 Profound Perspectives From VBS

Perspective 1: God’s Workmanship

Perspective 2: Our Works

Perspective 3: Our Walk

Ephesians 2:10 ESV

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.


You were created. A masterpiece. You were made for a purpose. You were designed. Now you are empowered. God has given you all that you need, physically and spiritually, to do His will. Paul tells us that we should walk in them. The Greek word being used here means that we are to “make one’s way, to regulate one’s life, to make full use of every opportunity”. The word has been written in a tense that suggests a “once for all decision to walk in good works”. It means that your walk with God is not something that you do for 6 months and then fall away, then come back to Him a year later, only to fall away again. God does not want you to live a yoyo life, up and down. The Christian life is not meant to be a roller coaster spiritually. Sure, life can feel like a roller coaster sometimes, but your walk with God should be solid, steady, and secure. 

What Paul is really talking about here is sanctification. That is a good spiritual word, a good seminary word. Sanctification, by my definition, is the process that all believers engage to be more and more like Jesus daily. Sanctification happens when we submit to Jesus’ commands, when we serve others in the manner that Jesus did, and when we seek to share the Gospel. The more we do these things, the more we are “sanctified”. The more we look like Jesus. 


This reminds me of a story from a Vacation Bible School that I heard not long ago. There was a Bible teacher teaching a group if 4th graders. There was a particular young boy who was acting rowdy. It was Friday and the teacher had finally had enough. She looked at the child and said, “Im sick and tired of you acting this way. You have acted this way all week. Why do you act that way? Don you know who made you?”

The boy said, “God did, but He aint done with me yet.”

Sadly, God is not done with any of us yet. He is working on everyone in this room. You. Me. Everyone. Let’s be honest, He is working harder on some of you more than others. That’s the truth; we are all a work in progress. But, I have it on good authority that God will finish what He started in our lives.

Philippians 1:6 ESV

And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.

How Does God Expect His People To Walk?

In Love-Romans 5:5 ESV

In Obedience-John 14:15,21 ESV

In Faithfulness-I Corinthians 4:2 ESV

In Holiness-I Peter 1:16

Martin Luther, who had made himself the apostle and champion of faith alone, wrote the following: “Faith is a living, busy, active, powerful thing; it is impossible for it not to do us good continually. It never asks whether good works are to be done, but has done them before there is time to ask the question, and it is always doing them.”

A faith that is real reveals itself through works that are righteous! When God, through His grace, saves a sinner from the deadness, the deception, the depravity and the doom of his sins, He does not save that person to live as they please.

·      He brings them out of death so they can live a new life through Christ!

·      He brings them out of deception so they can know the truth.

·      He saves them out of depravity so they can walk in righteousness.

·      He saves them from their doom so they can enjoy the blessings of His salvation.

·      God does not save us so that we can live for ourselves; He saves us so we can live for Him!

·      He saves us so that we can walk in newness of life.

·      He saves us so that He can use us for His glory in this world!

·      He saves us to put us to work for Him in bringing a lost world to Jesus Christ.

Have you been saved and changed by God’s grace?

Is your life marked, not by perfection, but by a profound change and by works that glorify God? 

Are you doing everything God has called you to do?

Are you grateful to Him for His work of grace in your life?

Philippians 1:6 ESV

And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.

Ponder and Pray Over These Perspectives Today!


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