Spread The Word A Plentiful Harvest

 Spread The Word

A Plentiful Harvest 

Opening Illustration:

Over the last several weeks we have been invested in a sermon series entitled “Spread The Word”. This series, for those of you who may be visiting with us is all about evangelism, sharing your faith, speaking your testimony those who do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ. If you were to pole Christians on what scares them the most about being a Christ follower, I bet the overwhelming answer would be that most believers fear sharing the Gospel. They are afraid that they do not possess enough knowledge. They do not know the Bible well enough. They are afraid that they will be persecuted, fired, canceled, or shunned by their friends or co-workers. Some are afraid that they will sound unintelligent. They are afraid that if a debate breaks out that they will lose the battle, making themselves look foolish. After all we do live in a “gotcha” world where people like to post videos of people “failing”. Did you know that some people are more afraid of sharing their faith than dying? It’s true. There are people that are more afraid of shoving off this mortal coil than having a simple honest and hope conversation about Jesus Christ with a stranger. 

Why are we so afraid? I think the answer is that we know what hangs in the balance. We believe that there is a heaven and hell. We fear that if we do a poor job of sharing the Gospel that someone will die without Christ and be condemned to hell forever. So what do we do to quench our fear, we say nothing. Does that make any sense to you? Of course not! Fear keeps us from speaking up because we are fearful that we will not do an adequate job of leading someone to Christ so we say nothing at all. We run the risk that they will never be exposed to the Gospel thus sealing their eternal separation from a God who loves them. 

Ultimately our problem is pressure. We put to much pressure on ourselves. Somewhere down deep we believe that someone’s salvation is our responsibility. Brothers and sisters, salvation is not our responsibility. Sowing is our responsibility. It is God’s job to settle the seed, fertilize the seed, water the seed, sun the seed, and germinate the seed. We are are but humble farmers sowing our story with Christ into the lives of pre-believers. 

“A farmer went out to sow his seed. 4 As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. 5 Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. 6 But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root. 7 Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants. 8 Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.” 

That’s Matthew 13:4-8. You see friends we are all farmers. The seed is the testimony, our personal testimony, our story about how Christ saved us. The ground represents the types of people in this world. Some hear. Some hear then refuse. Some hear, respond but fall away. Some hear, respond, salvation takes root, and they become true followers of Christ. A Christian who is fearful about sharing his or her testimony makes about as much sense as a farmer who is afraid to plant or sow seed. Imagine a farmer who has seed but is so afraid that it will not grow he decides to forgo planting. He will miss out on the joy of the harvest. Much in the same way that a Christian who never speaks of Christ misses out on the joy of seeing someone come to salvation. 

Remember this dear friends, heaven is filled with happy harvesters. You who are Christians are Christ followers because someone told you about Jesus. It is now up to you to continue the faith chain. That is today’s thought. You can fill it in if you like, heaven is filled with happy harvesters. 

Today’s Thought:

Heaven Is Filled With Happy Harvesters

Background and Context:

I use the word harvester because that is where today’s passage of Scripture takes us. We will be reading from Matthew 9:35-38. Matthew 9 is a very exciting chapter in the Bible. We see Jesus on the move if you will. He is healing people thought beyond help. Jesus is raising people from the dead. This was was a common occurrence in Jesus’ ministry. He would regularly raise people from the dead. In this chapter He raised up a small child, a young girl. Not only that, Jesus cures a blind man and another man unable to speak. Amazing! So a huge portion of Jesus’ ministry is work. Real work. He was meeting the physical needs of the people, really getting His hands dirty. I bring out this point because it is important. It is important that Jesus was not just a preacher who would come to an area, say a few flowery words, and move on. No way. Jesus was a man of the people. He cared about people, hugged them, touched them, and fed them. Jesus often healed people by touching them. However, in Matthew 9:35-38, we see Jesus explain to His disciples that there is so much work to be done, it is impossible for one man to do alone. I love the fact that Jesus was both God and man. Fully divine but fully man. I don’t fully understand how that works but Jesus choose to employ people into the work of His ministry. Did Jesus have the power to heal everyone? I believe that He did. Still, Jesus was man, bound by the terms of His flesh. Jesus, even though He could have healed everyone with a word, wanted His followers to be a part of the harvest, the healing, and the giving of hope. In this passage, Jesus is going to give His disciples instructions for how to live as followers of His. We’re going to discover three steps which we must take as followers of Jesus also. So, let’s read together Matthew 9:35-38, from the English Standard Version. 

Today’s Scripture:

Matthew 9:35-38 ESV

35 And Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction. 36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; 38 therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”


When I read this passage it reminds me of a quote that I heard a long time ago from Theodore Epp. Epp was a pastor, author and evangelist. He said that “God has given believers the responsibility of spreading the Gospel to all the world, and we need to use all at our disposal to accomplish this task.” As followers of Christ it is our chief mission to tell others about Jesus. Listen to what the author of Deuteronomy says, “For I proclaim the name [and presence] of the Lord; Ascribe greatness and honor to our God! Even before Jesus arrived on the scene, God wanted HIs people to speak of Him, share Him, and proclaim His glories to all the earth. Here is a good question for you this morning, when is the last time you told anyone about your faith, invited someone to church, or told about your conversion?

Today’s Quote:

“God has given believers the responsibility of spreading the Gospel to all the world, and we need to use all at our disposal to accomplish this task.”

-Theodore Epp

Deuteronomy 32:3 AMP

“For I proclaim the name [and presence] of the Lord;
Ascribe greatness and honor to our God!


There are several things about today’s Scripture that I absolutely love. This passage really reveals the heart of Christ, the things that He really cared for, and the motivation behind His ministry. Let’s look at a few of those things this morning. What kind of heart did Jesus possess?

What Kind of Heart Did Jesus Possess?

Jesus Possessed A…Compassionate Heart vs. 36

Matthew 9:36 ESV

36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 


Probably there was nothing unusual about the crowd that approached Jesus and the disciples that day. There may have been a few more sick and disabled people than in a normal crowd, but no more than there had been on previous days. But the disciples probably thought, as they did on another occasion when the needs were overwhelming, “Send them away!” But Jesus saw them differently and He felt compassion for them.


It is interesting to see how other translations of the Bible render this verse. The English Standard version says that the people were harassed and helpless. I appreciate the alteration of the ESV. 

The New Living Translation puts it like this, “When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.”

The King James Bible reads, “But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd.”

The New American Standard Bible states, “Seeing the crowds, He felt compassion for them, because they were distressed and downcast, like sheep without a shepherd.”

Jesus saw lost people as distressed. The word means “troubled” or “vexed.” It points to the load of problems that people apart from Christ bear. Do you ever look carefully into people’s faces when you’re in public? If you do, you’ll see a lot of distressed, troubled people.

Jesus saw lost people as dispirited. The word means, “downcast” or “thrown down.” It points to the utterly helpless and forsaken condition of people who are lost in sin without the Savior. Matthew gives us a mental image of a sheep that has tipped over. Did you know that if a sheep stumbles, falls, or tips over, that they cannot right themselves. Without a shepherd there to pick it up, the sheep dies. We are the exact same way. Our sin has flipped our entire world upside down. Without a Shepherd, a Good Shepherd, we die. 


I think that you are getting the point. Without Jesus, we are all hopeless. We are lost causes. Thankful Jesus is compassionate. That’s what Matthew 9:36 tells us. Still, what are we really talking about here? Did Jesus just feel sort of bad for the people? Was His brand of compassion kind of like mine, “well bless there hearts” sort of compassion. Jesus had deep compassion for the people whom He encountered!I don’t usually refer to the original Greek language, but in this case, it is helpful to communicate the meaning of this passage. 

The Greek word here is splanchnizomai (splank-knee-so-my), which can refer to a feeling from the gut. Way down deep inside.  This compassion of which Matthew speaks is deep, gut-level, genuine compassion. 


Brothers and sisters, do you see people they way that Jesus did and does, as sheep without a shepherd? Do you have a deep longing to see them saved, restored, and renewed? When you see that neighbor acting the fool, do you look upon them as sheep without a shepherd?

When you see that person in the community dressed in a way which you disapprove, or doing an act which you disapprove, do you look upon them as sheep without a shepherd?

When you see someone in the news who is a member of another religion, do you look upon them as sheep without a shepherd?

When you hear that gossiper in the church, do you look upon him or her as a sheep without a shepherd?

We must have compassion! We must have a deep gut desire that they would experience the life-transforming power of Jesus Christ!

You were once a sheep without a shepherd! I was once a sheep without a shepherd! God had compassion on us, not because we were some special sheep, but because of His great grace!

We must be compassionate. 

Psalm 86:15 ESV

But you, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.

Jesus Possessed A…Compassionate Heart vs. 36

Jesus Possessed A…Prayful Heart vs. 37

Matthew 9:37 ESV

37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; 38 therefore pray…


Jesus switches from a simile about sheep to a metaphor about a harvest.


When I was a teenager I worked as a landscaper. The little nursery that I worked for was called Green Thumb. In fact, Green Thumb is still in operation today. I had just turned 16 years old. I was up at 5 a.m., to work at 6 a.m., and home after dark. It was by far the hardest and hottest job that I have ever had. I vividly remember my first day on the job. We loaded a truck with 1000 plastic pots of jasmine and went to a new neighborhood there in Montgomery. 1000 plastic pots! When we arrived there my supervisor told me to lay out the pots according to the drawing. I complied and then he told me to start digging. I remember the conversation well. 

“Start digging!” I said…”You’ve got to be joking. I have to plant 1000 pots of jasmine by myself?”

“Yup! Get to work kid”. He handed me a shovel and walked away. 

I thought that I would never get finished. It took me days. If you have never dug a hole in Montgomery, AL. prairie soil in June, you can’t really understand how horrible this task was. I remember praying that God would send someone to help. He never did. Apparently God was teaching me about prayer, patience, and perseverance. 


Now go back to Jesus’ metaphor. His disciples probably would have pictured a field of grain that is vast and difficult to harvest. Jesus said that there are few workers, yet the harvest is abundant! It’s a lot of work for a few workers to do!

Again, keep in mind that Jesus is encountering vast amounts of people on whom He has deep compassion. 

He wants them to be reached with God’s love! He tells His disciples, “We need more disciples! We need more workers!”

Jesus is saying, “Pray! Pray to God, the Lord of the harvest, for more workers!”

Listen, church, we must pray for more workers! According to the Association of Religion Data Archives or the ARDA for short, there are 85,347 people in Baldwin County alone who are unchurched or do not profess to having a religious affiliation. Let me say that number again, 85,347 people who do not know Jesus living in our own backyard. 

The world has over 7 billion people, most who do not know the Lord of the harvest. They do not know the great Shepherd. They are like lost and helpless sheep. 

We need more people on mission to reach them with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

We need to be praying. 

We need to pray for more pastors, we need to pray for more missionaries, and we need to pray for more disciples who are simply following Jesus in their everyday lives and reaching people with the Gospel. 

We need more disciples in the world, we need more disciples in Baldwin County, we need more disciples in Daphne, Spanish Fort, and Fairhope, and we need more disciples at Eastern Shore Baptist Church. 

I Corinthians 9:22 ESV

To the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all people, that by all means I might save some.

That leads us to our final step:

Jesus Possessed A…Compassionate Heart vs. 36

Jesus Possessed A…Prayerful Heart vs. 37

Jesus Possessed A…Diligent Heart vs. 37-38

Matthew 6:37-38 ESV

37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; 38 therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”


Brothers and sisters, did you know that you have been prayed for? You have! Jesus says “therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” If the disciples were obedient in that moment of Jesus’ command, this means that they prayed for you and me. Can you see yourself there in verses 37-38? You and I are laborers that have been prayed for, prepared by the Holy Spirit to do good works, and equipped to do ministry in the name of Jesus Christ. That is pretty amazing isn’t it?

Jesus said, “The harvest is abundant.” So, we must get to work! We must get to praying!


Do you do that? Do you pray that the Lord would raise up and send out workers from this church? Maybe they will serve in the ministries of the church here locally. Maybe God will send them to another culture or country with the gospel. But in some mysterious fashion that I do not understand, God works through our prayers. If we all prayed for more workers, maybe we would have more people wanting to serve than we had openings for service! That would be a unique problem, wouldn’t it!

But let me warn you: Praying for workers for the harvest is dangerous business! It is dangerous business because the worker that you are praying for may just turn out to be yourself. 

I John 5:14 ESV

And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us.

So, let’s hit briefly the application of today’s message!

Today’s Application:

1. Pray For More Compassion

Some of us need help to be compassionate. I know I do.

I know this also: I want to be like Jesus. 

To be like Jesus, I need to have compassion. Therefore, I should pray for compassion.

Challenge yourself this week to pray for compassion as well. 

2. Pray For More Workers

This one is easy to understand. Jesus commanded this.

Spend some time this week in prayer for more workers. More pastors, more ministers, and more faithful Christians living on mission, every day. 

3. Take Personal Responsibility To Be A Worker

We are the workers for whom Jesus and His disciples prayed. 

We must take responsibility. 

If each of us led one person to Jesus each year, and they lived as disciples also and led someone to Jesus the next year, think about how that would change the world. Year one we would have about 150 new Christians. Year two we would have 300 new Christians. Year three 600 new Christians. Year four 1,200 new Christians.  Year five: five years from now, 2,400 new Christians. Year six: 4,800 new Christians. Year seven: 9,600 new Christians. Year eight: 19,200 new Christians. Year nine: 38,400 new Christians. Year ten: 76,800 new Christians. 

I’ve had a lot of people say that they want to see the church grow, and praise God, I do as well. However, we can hold about 1400 people in this room. If we’re serious about this we need a place to hold 76,800 sometime in the next ten years. 

Church, let’s each take personal responsibility to be a worker for the Gospel!

Souls are ready to be harvested, and God wants to use us as His workers. 

Turn Today’s Information Into Your Inspiration


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