According to Luke: The Bitterness of Betrayal

 According to Luke: The Bitterness of Betrayal

Opening Illustration:

My oldest son was probably 2 years old. We were living in Montgomery at the time. In the den, we had built for Jay a playpen. It was a square, about 4 feet by 4 feet. I don’t remember what he had done but he had gotten in trouble for something so Angela had put him in that pen for punishment. Sort of a time out sort deal. Parents, you know what I am talking about. We have all been there before with our children. As memory serves, my father and mother in law were at the house. It was probably around thanksgiving or Christmas. We had lots of family over at the time. As Jay was in the pen for punishment, Chuck walked in and his grandfatherly instincts kicked into high gear. He saw the tears and knelt down to pick Jay up. Angela was in the kitchen and she saw her Dad and told him quickly that Jay was being punished and that he was not to leave the pen. Chuck was in a tough spot. He didn’t want to walk off and leave little Jay crying in the play pen. Imagine the betrayal? Of course, he could not just pick up Jay because he would be betraying the confidence of his daughter, my wife, Jay’s Mom. What is this grandfather to do? Chuck did the only thing he could do, he got in the 4ft x 4ft play pen with Jay. Chuck said that if Jay was going to be punished, he would be punished with him. There was probably something that he had gotten away with as a kid anyway and he probably had it coming. 

Ill never forget that memory. 

Oh friends, there is nothing that hurts quite like a friend or a loved one who betrays you. If you are breathing than you have probably experienced some form of betrayal. You told a trusted someone a secret only to have that someone reveal that secret to the public. In high school I asked out a girl to a dance. Her name was...get this…Daphne. True story! Oh Daphne was beautiful She was the new girl at school and boy did I have eyes for her. There was a dance at the local country club so I worked up the nerve to ask her to go with me to the dance. To my surprise she said “yes”. She did ask me a curious question, “when will the limo pick me up”. That should have tipped me off that something was amiss. At the time I was driving a 1988 Mitsubishi Galant. It was an ok car but it was no limo. I informed her that there was no money for a limo and that I would be picking her up. A few days later she told me that she would not be going to the dance with me after all. Another guy, an upper class-man, had asked her to the dance and he had a…you guess it…a limo. Oh the betrayal! My little heart was broken but the anguish was real. 

Sadly as I got older the betrayals only got worse and they hurt more. I imagine that my story is your story. We have all been betrayed and each time it hurts, it stings, and it is something that we never truly forget. Well if you have been betrayed, you are not alone. Jesus was betrayed as well. We know the story. For 30 pieces of silver, Judas turned over his master to the religious elite. Judas betrayed Jesus and pushed into motion the crucifixion of Jesus. Jesus, an innocent man was murdered because of Judas’ betrayal. Thats why people do not name their children “Judas” today. We know plenty of people named Peter, Andrew, James, John, even Thomas, but not Judas. 

Not only have we experienced betrayal, but friends, we are all guilty at some point in our lives of being the betrayer! We are guilty of denying Jesus, turning our backs on Him, and shaming His name. That is what makes Jesus’ sacrifice so amazing. As Romans 5:8 states, Jesus died for us while we were still sinners. While we were in the midst of our betrayal, Jesus blesses us with mercy. 

Fill in that blank this morning. Even in our betrayal, Jesus brings blessing. 

Even In Our Betrayal, Jesus Brings Blessing!

Background and Context:

Give me one moment to reveal to you the background and context of today’s passage. 

Religion is one of the greatest forces for evil in this world. Satan has probably done more to damage genuine Christianity through religion than through blatant wickedness or any other evil. In fact, the greatest crime in history came about when Satan used a very religious man to betray the Son of God into the hands of other religious men who murdered Him.

Our text introduces the events that directly led to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Judas Iscariot went to the Jewish religious leaders and struck a bargain to betray Jesus into their hands. The religious leaders’ problem was that Jesus was popular with the crowds. If they arrested Him publicly, it could start a riot that would backfire on them. They were considering waiting until the crowds dispersed after the festival. But when Judas came to them, it suddenly opened up new possibilities. If he could hand Jesus over to them in a private setting, they could achieve their goal and yet avoid a riot. If the people raised any objections, the leaders could blame Judas. It seemed like the opportunity they had been waiting for.

Little did those leaders know that their sinister plot, including the change of timing, perfectly fulfilled the eternal counsel of God, who had ordained that His Passover Lamb would be slain precisely at the time of the Jewish Passover celebration. They were responsible for their terrible sin, and yet they inadvertently carried out God’s plan for the salvation of the world! 

So, let’s take a moment and read from God’s Word. Today I will be reading from Luke 22:1-6. I am reading form the New Living Translation. 


Luke 22:1-6 NLT

The Festival of Unleavened Bread, which is also called Passover, was approaching. 2 The leading priests and teachers of religious law were plotting how to kill Jesus, but they were afraid of the people’s reaction.

3 Then Satan entered into Judas Iscariot, who was one of the twelve disciples, 4 and he went to the leading priests and captains of the Temple guard to discuss the best way to betray Jesus to them. 5 They were delighted, and they promised to give him money. 6 So he agreed and began looking for an opportunity to betray Jesus so they could arrest him when the crowds weren’t around.

Lessons From The Betrayal of Jesus

Lesson 1: Betrayal’s Exclusion vs. 1-2

Luke 22:1-2 ESV

The Festival of Unleavened Bread, which is also called Passover, was approaching. 2 The leading priests and teachers of religious law were plotting how to kill Jesus, but they were afraid of the people’s reaction.


Notice that Luke 22 takes place at a religious time. It was the Passover. Passover was and still is one of teh most holy days on the Jewish calendar. The Passover is the time where the Jews celebrated and remembered when God set them free from the clutches of the oppressive Egyptians.  The Passover celebration recalls the 10th plague of Egypt, the Angel of Death, which killed the first born of all the Egyptians. That same Angel of Death pass over all the Jewish homes who’s doors were painted in the blood of an unblemished sacrifice. 

If one really wanted to experience the holiness of the Passover, one must experience it in the holiest of places. Therefore, Jews from all over the known world would travel to Jerusalem to celebrate, sacrifice, worship, and fellowship. 

You see, Judas’ betrayal of Jesus involved more than himself. Judas’ betrayal involved religious associates, specifically the leading priests and teaches of the religious law, otherwise known as the Pharisees. 

The betrayal of Christ took place during a religious season. 

It took place in a religious place.

The betrayal was perpetrated not only by one of Jesus’ closest friends, it was perpetrated by some of the most religious people. 

When it comes to betrayal, not even religious people are excluded. In fact, there is nothing that hurts more than when people who claim to know God betray you, hurt you, and damage you. 


I believe that we have all experienced this type of betrayal. A betrayal from a friend, a fellow brother in Christ, that you never saw coming. I call this spiritual anomaly “The Spirit of Judas”. The Spirit of Judas will show up at you work, in your school, sometimes even in your house. Judas was in Jesus’ inner circle. One of Jesus’ closest confidants. One minute he is offering to help Jesus, offering to mind His finances. Judas slithers his way to the table so that he can eat with Jesus. So familiar with Jesus that Judas even greeted Christ with kisses. 

In my experience, the Spirit of Judas wears a smile on his face. He acts like he wants to help you, even advise you, and will even tell you that he loves you. Beware. Watch out. Be careful. 


Isn’t it sad that Satan moves so freely, so unfettered, in the midst of holy, religious, and righteous people. Brothers and sisters, let me tell you here and now that the Spirit of Judas is alive and well today. I have seen churches torn apart at the seams because of the Spirit of Judas. If we are not careful, the Spirit of Judas can take root right here at Eastern Shore Baptist Church. That’s right, ESBC is not exclusive or immune. How can you recognize the Judas Spirit?

First of all Judas is a liar. A Judas will lie right to your face. A Judas spirit will lie about what other people are saying about you and then lie to them sayin ghat you are saying this or that bout when when you are not. Meanwhile you are walking around wondering why this or that person has stopped speaking and talking to you. 

The Judas spirit loves to pit one side against another. Judas does not care about destroying relationships. Judas enjoys strife, conflict and confrontation. 

Judas is greedy. He is not just greedy for money. Judas is greedy for power and position. He wants to be in control. 

A Judas spirit is one that wants recognition. He wants thanks. He wants the spotlight. A Judas spirit complains about how much he or she is compensated for work. A Judas spirit always wants more money to do less work. 

A Judas spirit is a jealous spirit. Judas was a very jealous man. He will betray your confidence and is willing to share intimate knowledge about you to the public at large. He is sneaky and underhanded. 

Ultimately Judas is discouraging towards the higher things of God, things like worship and giving. 

Have you met a Judas spirit before? I know I have. Oh friends I have been doing vocational church work for nearly half my life. During that time I have looked in the eyes of many a Judas spirit. I have seen pastors be lied about, slandered in their own congregations, and accused of things that never happened by religious people in possession of the Judas spirit. Brothers and sisters, recognize the Judas spirit. Correct it. Beware of it and run from it. The Judas spirit was around long before Judas himself was around. Listen to the Psalmist in Psalm 41:9. 

Psalm 41:9 ESV

Even my close friend in whom I trusted, who ate my bread, has lifted his heel against me.

Lessons From The Betrayal of Jesus

Lesson 1: Betrayal’s Exclusion vs. 1-2

Lesson 2: Betrayal’s Enticement vs. 3-4

Luke 22:3-4 ESV

3 Then Satan entered into Judas Iscariot, who was one of the twelve disciples, 4 and he went to the leading priests and captains of the Temple guard to discuss the best way to betray Jesus to them. 


Verse three is one of the most fascinating sentences in all the Bible. “Then Satan entered into Judas Iscariot”. Satanic possession is fairly common in Scripture. We see Jesus encountering demons all the time. We know that Jesus has power of demons as He is able to command them with ease. We know that demons are terrified of Jesus. By their own admission, Jesus has the power to destroy them. Jesus has the ability to punish them. Yet, this is the only time in Scripture that not just any old demon possesses another human soul. This is the only time in Scripture where Satan himself possesses another human being. What in the world happened here? How did this happen? 

First of all we need to remember that Jesus was a follower of Christ. He was a man who had at one point in his life made a commitment to Christ. He left everything for Christ. He was an active member of the disciples. So active was Judas that he was given the gift of healing and exercised demons. He was a Gospel preacher. Judas was given the greatest gift ever, he walked with Jesus. He witnessed Jesus’ miracles. He even talked with Jesus. He was taught by Jesus. Even though Judas knew Jesus, he never received Jesus. Somewhere along the way, he abandoned the faith and he forsook Jesus. We see this all the time. A child is brought up in a Christian home. He or she is raised to love the Lord. Something happens. Perhaps a trauma of some sort. Maybe there is some worldly intellectual assault that shakes loose the faith from a child. That child trades their faith for a fraud. 


Satan made a relentless assault on Judas’s soul, as he makes a relentless assault on everyone who chooses to follow Christ. We read about Satan’s attacks on Judas:

Then Satan entered into Judas Iscariot. This is seen in our text today.

The devil had already put it into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon’s son, to betray him. (John 13:2)

Satan entered into him. (John 13:27)

The Bible’s clear statements about Satan’s activity have led some to say, “Well, poor Judas, he didn’t have a chance. Satan entered into him. What could he do about that?” But this evaluation overlooks the fact that Judas opened the door to Satan.

Judas had been stealing from the collective money bag, and when he kept this sin secret, Satan entered into him. He made a deal with the chief priests and then sat down at our Lord’s table with known sins he would not confess, and Satan entered even further into his life. Unconfessed sin always opens the door to Satan’s power.

Satan doesn’t gain a foothold in the lives of people who are walking in the light with Jesus. He only gains access when we open the door. Satan operates in a perverse way that mimics the ways of Christ. Just as you once invited Christ into you life, one must also invite Satan into their life. Friend, if you are Christian, you are a possessed human being. You are possessed by a Spirit, God’s Spirit. In the same way, Satan only takes possession of which was offered to him. At some point, Judas makes himself available to being possessed by Satan. Perhaps offscreen, in the same way that Satan tempts Jesus, Satan tempted Judas. Perhaps Satan made promises to Judas and Judas took him up on the offer. Either way, Judas told the Devil that he could come on in and set up shop! 


Brothers and sisters, in an age when many are abandoning the faith they once professed, the story of Judas warns us to guard our hearts, lest we drift away. The story of Judas also equips us to reach out to those who may be close to walking away from the faith. Christ calls us to “be merciful to those who doubt; save others by snatching them out of the fire” (Jude 22-23). Finally, the story of Judas reminds us that nothing good can come from giving up on Jesus Christ. He is of supreme value, and following him is worth any cost.

Micah 7:5-7 ESV

Put no trust in a neighbor; have no confidence in a friend; guard the doors of your mouth from her who lies in your arms; for the son treats the father with contempt, the daughter rises up against her mother, the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; a man's enemies are the men of his own house. But as for me, I will look to the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation; my God will hear me.

Lessons From The Betrayal of Jesus

Lesson 1: Betrayal’s Exclusion vs. 1-2

Lesson 2: Betrayal’s Enticement vs. 3-4

Lesson 3: Betrayal’s Encouragement vs. 5-6

Luke 22:5-6 ESV

5 They were delighted, and they promised to give him money. 6 So he agreed and began looking for an opportunity to betray Jesus so they could arrest him when the crowds weren’t around.


Isn’t it interesting that when Judas betrays Jesus there are people that are there ready to applaud the action. There are people that are there to say “atta boy”. You know, not much has changed in this world. Our world loves to see Christians turn their backs on their Savior. Our world applauds when people lose their religion. You see friend, as I have read this story, I realize that I have a lot of Judas in me. There is a lot of Judas in you. I would love to say that I would be like the Apostle John. I want to believe that I would be the last one standing at the cross of Christ. John was bold. He never left His master. John was the beloved disciple. Sadly, I see more Judas. Thankfully I have never invited Satan into my life and nor will I. But my life is filled with little betrayals of Jesus. 

I have betrayed Jesus when I spoke ill of someone. I have betrayed Jesus when I let my anger get the better of my and in my flesh allowed bitterness to overtake me. When I was in high school, I remember cheating on a quiz with a buddy of mine. No one ever found out about it and it was a one off. Still, a betrayal of Christ. There was the time in grade school where I stole something from a classmate. Can’t remember what it was but it was a betrayal. I can remember bullying a kid because I was not comfortable in my own skin. Another betrayal. Every time I was unkind. Every time I lied. Every time I stole. Every time I heard God’s command in my ear and told him “no” was a betrayal. Your life is also filled with little betrayals and if you were honest with yourself, you are probably more like Judas than any other disciple. 

Thankfully Jesus loves this Judas. Jesus died for this Judas. Jesus will never leave or forsake this Judas. This Judas has been covered in the righteous blood of the Messiah and because of that I am no longer a Judas but I am a son. Adopted into a holy family. Saved by the sacrifice of Jesus. 

Closing Illustration:

Closing Illustration: Charles Templeton Denies Jesus 

As many of you know, Billy Graham and Charles Templeton were evangelists who rose to fame in the 40s (Graham, of course, is still an evangelist). Early in their careers they were friends – close friends. Many have said Templeton was the one that everyone thought was going to overturn the world with the Gospel. However, Templeton ended up leaving the Christian faith, eventually becoming an atheist. 

After a conversation with Templeton following his conversion to atheism, Billy Graham had these words about the Bible and faith: I’ve discovered something in my ministry: When I take the Bible literally, when I proclaim it as the word of God, my preaching has power. When I stand on the platform and say, ‘God says,’ or ‘The Bible says,’ the Holy Spirit uses me. There are results. Wiser men than you or I have been arguing questions like this for centuries. I don’t have the time or the intellect to examine all sides of the theological dispute, so I’ve decided once for all to accept the Bible as God’s word.’

One man ignored the the truth and the other accepted it as Gospel and changed the world in radical ways.  

The decision is ours to make, will be accept Christ as Mr. Graham did or deny him as Charles Templeton did?

Proverbs 19:5 ESV

A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who breathes out lies will not escape.

Listen and Learn From Judas’ Wicked Example


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