According To Luke: Tricks and Treason Part II

 According To Luke: Tricks and Treason Part II

Opening Illustration:

I read a funny story the other day about a husband and wife that were having marital problems. Their problems got so bad that the wife decided that she would take her husband to court and file for divorce. 

When she arrived at the court the judge asked her,

"Do you have any grounds?" the judge asked.

"Just two acres," she replied.

"That's not it, lady. I mean, do you have a grudge?"

"No, we park the car in the front of the house."

Frustrated, the judge continued: "Does your husband beat you up?"

She replied, "No, I get up before he does."

"Then why do you want a divorce?" the judge queried.

"Because," she confessed, "we just don't seem to be able to communicate."


Oh boy, do people have problems. Look around the room folks and what do you see? You see people. Let me share with you the truth, if you see a person, you see a problem. Some problems are easier to spot while some people have gotten awfully good at hiding their problems. We live in a society that asks “how are you” but what we really mean is “I acknowledge your presence but please don’t burden me with your problems because I have my own problems to worry about and I don’t have room for yours”. 

Friends, it is 2020 and we have problems all around us. We have problems in our marriages. We have problems with our schools, problems in the church, problems at work. Problems, problems, problems. How do we fix these problems? Well, to fix the problems we have to fix the people. Maybe if we do more religion. That might fix it. Maybe if we just get more involved in politics we can fix these problems. Maybe if we throw money at the problems, yeah, maybe more money will fix the problem. 

There is a great modern day theologian named Putf Daddy (of course I am kidding) who wrote a song and aptly entitled it “Mo Money Mo Problems”. We are all mature people, we know that money does not fix the problems with people. 

Just listen to Jesus’ words captured in John 16:33,

John 16:33 ESV

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

Jesus, yet again, telling us the truth. This world is filled with problems because this world is filled with people. The only answer to these problems, the only answer to the presence of sin is Jesus! He is not just the answer, He will defeat sin! You see, Jesus wants to trade our problems for His peace. Our tribulations and trials for His triumph. 

We learned a lot last week about people. People have problems and Jesus is the answer. Friends, fill these blanks in…people have problems but Jesus offers peace. 

People Have Problems But Jesus Offers Peace!

Let’s Review!

Context and Background:

If you remember Jesus is nearing to His final stand off with the Pharisees. It will not be long now and the cross is ever approaching. On this day, Jesus is teaching publicly in Jerusalem. He meets a group of individuals who appear to be friendly. They butter Jesus up with flattery and flowery words. They complement Him. They seemed to be followers of Christ but they were actually hired guns. They were philosophical assassins sent to trap Jesus. After complimenting Jesus on HIs teaching and authority, they begin to lie to Jesus. Then in hopes to disrupt Jesus’ ministry, they ask Him an unanswerable question. “Now tell us-is it right for us to pay taxes to Caesar or not?" If Jesus tells the crowd to pay their money to Caesar, the people will hate Him and He will be breaking the Levitical law of giving to the temple. If He says to withhold money from Rome and give it to the temple, Rome will see Jesus as a threat and treat Jesus as a traitor. There seemed to be no right answer. Of course we know the rest of the story. Jesus requests that they pull a coin from their possession and read the inscription. Notice Jesus does not pull the coin from His possession because Jesus did not deal in Roman currency. These men by revealing their money reveal where their loyalties lied. They also pulled from the abidance of their wealth, their money bags. Chances are these were men who were actually taking from the temple, stealing offerings from the people that faithfully gave. Jesus told these men to give to Caesar what belonged to Him and give to God what belonged to God. So, let’s review this morning before we read from Luke 20. What do we discover about people in general from today’s story. We learn that people are disingenuous, dishonest and disruptive. 

I. The Problem With People

A. Disingenuous

B. Dishonest

C. Disruptive


What we are going to learn today is that Jesus makes all the difference. When we encounter Jesus, our lives are utterly and completely transformed. We are quite literally new creations. How many of you have heard of a pastor by the name of Adam Tyson? Maybe a few of you have heard of him. Adam Tyson is the Senior Pastor at Placerita Bible Church in Newhall, CA. Ok, still never heard of him or his church? Well you probably have heard of a couple of his church members. They are somewhat known, at least to the younger generation. You see, Kayne West and Kim Kardashian are members of Pastor Adam’s church. For those of you who don’t know who Kanye West is, he is a prolific rapper. He has sold millions of albums and been on dozens of world tours. He is a millionaire many times over. West’s albums previous to a year ago were filled with expletives, sexual innuendos, and violent overtones. Not to mention that West preferred to be called Jezzus, a play on the name Jesus. In his concerts he would often mock the name of Christ, he would wear white robes and even a crown of thornes. Let’s just say that Kayne West was not a believer. 

Suddenly, almost unbeliveably West became convicted of his sin. He became convicted that he was running from God. Today West claims that he came out of darkness and into the light. Adam Tyson became West’s pastor and friend. They spend hours together and Tyson disciples West daily. He is teaching Kayne West all about Scripture, God’s Word, prayer, and the church. 

West no longer produces his lucrative rap albums. He has traded his former rap game for making music dedicated to Christ. He has even banned people from swearing in front of him. He tells his friends that he is now a born again Christian and that he no longer speaks in that language. About a year ago, West released his newest album, Jesus is King. 

You see, people have problems but Jesus brings peace. Jesus also brings a new perspective. He can take the Disingenuous, the dishonest, the disruptive and transform them into compassionate, called, children of light. If Jesus can do it for someone as lost as Kayne West, He can do it for anyone. 

Listen to this quote from the Prince of Preachers concerning what Christ can do and the transformative power of faith. 


“My faith rests not in what I am, or shall be, or feel, or know, but in what Christ is, in what he has done and in what he is now doing for me.”

-Charles H. Spurgeon

So, lets read from Luke 20:20-26 and discover the new perspective that Jesus offers to those that might come after Him. 


Luke 20:20-26 NLT

[20] Watching for their opportunity, the leaders sent spies pretending to be honest men. They tried to get Jesus to say something that could be reported to the Roman governor so he would arrest Jesus. [21] "Teacher," they said, "we know that you speak and teach what is right and are not influenced by what others think. You teach the way of God truthfully. [22] Now tell us-is it right for us to pay taxes to Caesar or not?" [23] He saw through their trickery and said, [24] "Show me a Roman coin. Whose picture and title are stamped on it?" "Caesar's," they replied. [25] "Well then," he said, "give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to God what belongs to God." [26] So they failed to trap him by what he said in front of the people. Instead, they were amazed by his answer, and they became silent.

II. The Perspective of Jesus 

A. Jesus Knows Man Intimately vs. 23

Luke 20:23 NLT

[23] He saw through their trickery and said…


This is one really cool verse. The Scripture tells us that Jesus saw through their trickery. The American Standard Version says that Jesus saw through their craftiness. The Good News Testament says that Jesus saw through their trick. Basically, these guys tried to pull a fast one over on Jesus and Jesus did not fall for it. Brothers and sisters, we cannot fool Jesus. We can try, but we will lose that battle. 

There are a couple of words that I want to take a closer look at this morning. The first word is the phrase “he saw through”. Ka-ta-nay-oh is the Greek word being used and it means “perceive”. Jesus perceived what they were doing, and saw through their trick. The word also means “to fix one’s eyes or mind”. In this instance, Jesus looked through these men, His mind so sharply distinguishing their motives. In that moment, Jesus knew these men more intimately than they knew themselves. He knew everything about them. There was no hiding from Christ. No dark place that He could not or would not reveal. 

Jesus knows us intimately as well. 

One reason to admire and trust Jesus above all other persons is that he knows more than anyone else. He knows all people thoroughly, their hearts and their thoughts. "He knew all men" (John 2:24). "You, Lord, . . . know the hearts of all men”(Acts 1:24) . "And Jesus knowing their thoughts said, 'Why are you thinking evil in your hearts?'" (Matthew 9:4). There is no one who perplexes Jesus. No thought or action is unintelligible to him. He knows its origin and end. The most convoluted psychotic and the most abstruse genius are open and laid bare to his understanding. He understands every motion of their minds.


Jesus not only knows all people thoroughly as they were and are today, he also knows what people will think and do tomorrow. He knows all things that will come to pass. "Jesus, [knew] all the things that were coming upon Him" (John 18:4). On the basis of this knowledge, he foretold numerous things that his friends and enemies would do. "[Jesus said] 'There are some of you who do not believe.' For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were who did not believe, and who it was that would betray Him" (John 6:64). "From now on," he said, "I am telling you before it comes to pass, so that when it does occur, you may believe that I am" (John 13:19). The reason he foretold these things, he explains, is so that we might know that "he is" - is what? That he is the divine Son of God. "I am" is the name for God in Exodus 3:14 and the designation of deity in Isaiah 43:10. Jesus knows all that will come to pass, and, to help our faith, he says, "Behold, I have told you in advance" (Matthew 24:25).


So, don’t hide from Jesus. It is a sad pitiful game that we play thinking that we can mask who we really are and what really motivates us. God knows. Confess. Repent. God is faithful even when we are unfaithful. He is good even when we are bad. He is loving even when we turn our backs on Him. He is our Creator. 


The extent of Jesus' knowledge was a compelling warrant for faith in his divine origin. At the end of his time on earth Jesus pressed Peter, "'Simon, son of John, do you love Me?' Peter was grieved because He said to him the third time, 'Do you love Me?' And he said to Him, 'Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You' (John 21:17). Peter did not conclude from Jesus' knowledge of his heart that he knew all things; rather he concluded from the omniscience of Jesus that he knew his heart. 

Proverbs 5:21 NLT

For the LORD sees clearly what a man does, examining every path he takes. 

II. The Perspective of Jesus 

A. Jesus Knows Man Intimately vs. 23

B. Jesus Commands To Give Faithfully vs. 25

Luke 20:25 NLT

[25] "Well then," he said, "give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to God what belongs to God."


Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar. Give to God what belongs to God. So, what does Caesar expect the people to give? A couple of things really: their money and their allegiance. What does God expect His people to give? What does God want from them, from you and me? Well depending on who you ask, that is a pretty loaded question. God demands our worship. God demands our sacrifice, our holiness, our commitment. God expects our lives. He does not just want part of us, or a fraction of us, He wants all of us. Jesus when He encountered the woman at the well, Jesus tells her what He expects. Go and sin no more! When it came to Jesus’ own life, Jesus said that He came to be obedient to the Father and to seek and save that which is lost. Where Caesar might just want what’s in your wallet, God wants what is in your heart. 


Still, we are called to give. Clearly Jesus is talking here about a financial obligation. We are to give to the government what we owe. We all pay taxes and we are not to evade that responsibility. We are also expected to give to God. After all, God owned it all anyway and we are merely stewards of these earthly resources. 

So let’s talk for a second about giving and what does the Lord expect us to do in that area of our lives. 


Ann Landers had an interesting letter in her column. It was from a girl who was writing about her uncle & aunt. She said, "My uncle was the tightest man I’ve ever known. All his life, every time he got paid he took $20 out of his paycheck & put it under his mattress.  Then he got sick & was about to die. As he was dying, he said to his wife, "I want you to promise me one thing." "Promise what?" she asked. "I want you to promise me that when I’m dead you’ll take my money from under the mattress & put it in my casket so that I can take it all with me."  The girl’s letter went on with the story. "He died, & his wife kept her promise. She went in & got all that money the day he died & went to the bank & deposited it, and wrote out a check and put it in his casket."

Point: A Starting Point

“According to Scripture, a tithe is a gift offered in support of the priests and priestly people—the Levites (Num. 18:21). Not all Levites were priests... but the whole tribe of Levi was a priestly people. Today an equivalent might be all ministers and those who serve the Church: religious sisters and brothers, missionaries and groups that serve the Kingdom of God.”

The word tithe means literally “ten,” and 10% constituted a full offering in the Bible. A tithe is also referred to as the “first fruits”: sacrificing to God the best we have to offer. In Old Testament times, this meant the best lambs or the best part of the harvest. Most of us work for money now, so the tangible fruits of our labor end up being figures in a checking account or stock holdings. The concept is the same.

A tithe serves two purposes. It supports the Church, and, more importantly, a tithe is a symbolic gesture that all we have really belongs to God. By offering back the first 10% of our income to God through the Church, we literally show that we trust Him. “God’s true desire is to be generous with us, but even more, as a loving Father, He wants us to imitate Him in generous love.” God the Father offered his “first fruit”—His Son—to us on the Cross, replacing the Old Testament sacrifices with His Son on the Cross and at Mass. We imitate the Father’s love by offering the best we have to offer. 


So, should we be legalistic about 10%.  I would say “no”.  Don’t misunderstand me.  10% should merely be the starting point.  There are some in this very church who give much much more than 10% of their overall income.  They give to missions and missionaries.  We have members who have gone far and above their normal tithe to purchase necessary items for our church.  Some have both carpet, paint and other electronics that helps us make “church happen”.  As a pastor, I am thankful for such generosity.  

So, what is Paul saying?  Is he saying that if I give $10,000 that God will give me $20,000?  Unfortunately no, that is not what he is saying.  Fortunately, God does not just reward generosity with money.  God brings the richness of His presence.  God brings unexplainable peace.  God brings fulfillment when we help the church and one another with our giving.  

Can God reward with material possessions?  Sure.  God can do anything.  However, that is not what this Scripture is promising.  It is simply stating that there is a reward.  A bountiful reward.  

Proverbs 11:24-25 NASB

There is one who scatters, and yet increases all the more, and there is one who withholds what is justly due, and yet it results only in want. The generous man will be prosperous, And he who waters will himself be watered.

2 Corinthians 9:6 ESV

The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.

II. The Perspective of Jesus 

A. Jesus Knows Man Intimately vs. 23

B. Jesus Commands To Give Faithfully vs. 2

C. Jesus Displays Humility vs. 26

Luke 20:26 ESV

[26] So they failed to trap him by what he said in front of the people. Instead, they were amazed by his answer, and they became silent.


I love the fact that Jesus answers the question. He knew these men’s heart. He knew what they were up to and instead of tearing them down from their foundations, He finished the conversation. Jesus told them the truth. 

Did Jesus embarrass them?

Did Jesus try to get the coveted sound bite so that He could win the Twitter gotcha moment?

Did Jesus reveal these men to be shysters, call them out, toss them out?


Jesus just plainly, calmly, gave them an answer to the question. No matter what their motives where, Jesus knew that these men deserved to have an opportunity to be saved. 

Oh how I wished that we Christians could see people that way today. Today, we see people that believe differently than us as evil. We see people in different political parties as enemies. We daily forget that men, all men were created in God’s image and are deserving of salvation, compassion and love. 

The way that Jesus responds to these men is a great reminder to myself to be patient with people that are hard to love, difficult to be around, and people that frankly don’t care for me or my family. If Jesus can know me intimately, give to me faithfully, and demonstrate true humility, then I should follow that example. 

I Peter 5:6 ESV

Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you…

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