According to Luke: A Witnessing Woe!

According to Luke: A Witnessing Woe!

Opening Illustration:
We have all seen the commercials. It opens with a soft fade to a starving child. Usually this child is living in squalor, in a third world country, and this child is usually alone. The flies are buzzing around the child’s face and we notice the distended belly of the boy or girl. It is a hard visual to consider and most of are guilty of picking up the remote and flipping the channel. We don’t want to think of a world that is starving, homeless and hungry. After all, what can we do to minimize the effect of famine and disease. It is much easier to return to our normal programming. 

Sadly, hunger is all around us. We have grown blind to the most serious, the most critical form of hunger. We have grown blind to spiritual hunger. No, those that are spiritually hungry do not look like that 3rd world child. They do not look starving from the outside, but they are seeking a spiritual food that might satisfy them. 

I sat down the other day and tried to think of a Biblical character that was not starving spiritually at some point in their lives. In each case, these Biblical characters tried to fill their spiritual hunger with someone or something other than God. In each case, they came back starving all the more. 

In just a moment, we will hear from Jesus. He gives us our second “Woe”. For me, when I hear the word “woe” I think of a horse being pulled to stop. Certainly Jesus did not use the word in that context but the principle of the word still works. Jesus’ “woe” was a word akin to being remorseful and grief stricken. However, any good “woe” should give us pause. When Jesus says “Woe to you who are full”, I am sure those who were full stopped and pause. So this morning, let’s let Jesus’ “woe” give us pause. Let’s think about His words. Let Jesus’ “woe” call us to pray. Perhaps we should ask God to find the areas of our lives that need improvement or an attitude changed so that we can be more effective for Christ. Let’s Jesus’ “woe” move us to prioritize in a better way. Jesus has a funny way of shaping our priorities doesn’t he? He can shift a world view and He can point us into better directions. 

So, when Jesus says “woe”, pause, pray and prioritize!

When Jesus Says “Woe”, Pause, Pray and Prioritize!

Have you ever had a time when your mentor gathered you and several others around, looked you in the eyes, and said, "There's something you need to understand...."? This is one of those times for Jesus' disciples.

A large crowd is crammed together to listen to an increasingly famous teacher -- people all the way from Judea and Jerusalem in the south, as well as hearers from the Gentile lands along the coasts of Tyre and Sidon to the north, present-day Lebanon. Jesus is healing the sick with great power, and many, many are being healed.

But at this moment he is speaking to his disciples. The word "disciples" in vs. 20 is broader than just the Twelve. These disciples are Jesus' followers, his adherents, but they are distinguished from the multitudes who are present on this occasion. Still, there is a "large crowd" (6:17) of disciples. Jesus is speaking to followers.

This morning we are looking at Jesus’ second woe. Specifically, Jesus is talking to those who are full. Many equate Jesus’ words to those with full bellies. This is true. We will talk about that in a moment. However, I believe that Jesus is talking to God’s people, the Israelites. He is speaking I think to a spiritual hunger that the world has and the Jews knew the answer was God. Ultimately Jesus is speaking of Himself. They will know Jesus first and it is incumbent upon them to make Jesus available throughout the world using the tool of the Gospel. Let’s read together this morning. 


Luke 6: 21, 25 ESV
21 “Blessed are you who are hungry now, for you shall be satisfied.

25 “Woe to you who are full now, for you shall be hungry.

Let Jesus’ “Woe” Witness To You!

I. Consider The Starving vs. 25


Did you know that 842 million people suffer from world hunger worldwide. That’s nearly 12 percent of the population on planet earth. Oddly enough, India has the highest population of starving people, 190.7 million people. I spoke to a pastor recently about a trip to India he took. He told me that the number must be correct. Everywhere he looked, he saw starving people. He also told me that everywhere he looked, he saw food walking in the form of a cow throughout their streets. He told me that their false religion kept them from the two things that they need, salvation and food for living. 

Hunger is a real problem worldwide. 

Hunger is also a problem here in the United States. Hunger is a problem right here in Daphne. The other day I was at Daphne East Elementary School and I ran across a young man that I had met from the ball field. I ask him if he was looking forward to school ending and he said yes and no. I thought his answer was curious and I asked him to explain. You see, the school feeds him breakfast and lunch. When school ends, he will only have dinner. 

His story shocked me. I spoke to an educator about it and she told me that his story was actually common. There are hundreds of students in Baldwin county that will come back to school in the fall a good bit thinner than when they left school in the spring. 

What is our response to hungry people that show up on our doorstep? There are probably lots of answers to that question but there is really only one good answer. When you see someone hungry, you feed them. Period. We don’t get to judge them, be critical of them, question them, we should feed them. Why? Jesus said so, that’s why! 

As I stated earlier, physical hunger is one thing but spiritual hunger is even more sinister. It is harder to spot the spiritually hungry. In many cases, a physically starving person may be spiritually full and a physically full person may be spiritually hungry. It is an interesting paradox. 

Let me share some further news with you. 

Two thirds of the world’s population is lost. That total comes out to about 4.6 billion people that are enslaved in a false religion or do not believe in God at all. That means that close to 4.6 billion people are spiritually hungry. If in a terrible turn of events, these people were to die today, 4.6 billion people would live separated from God forever. 

So, what do we do when a spiritually hungry person shows up on our doorstep? There are probably lots of answers to that question but there is only one right answer. When you see someone spiritually hungry, you feed them. Period. We don’t get to judge them, be critical of them, question them, we should feed them. Why? Jesus said so, that’s why! 

We may know that answer to be true but we have a serious problem. According to George Barna, when asked if they have a personal responsibility to share their faith with others, 73% of born again Christians said yes. When this conviction is put into practice, however, the numbers shift downward. Only half (52%) of born again Christians say they actually did share the Gospel at least once this past year to someone with different beliefs, in the hope that they might accept Jesus Christ as their Savior.

Brother’s and sisters, have we grown blind to the hungry? Are we blind to the physically and spiritually hungry that are right in our back yard? Have we grown to judgmental, to prejudice, to selfish to see the basic needs of food and faith around us?

Luke 3:11 ESV
And he answered them, “Whoever has two tunics is to share with him who has none, and whoever has food is to do likewise.”

Let Jesus’ “Woe” Witness To You!

I. Consider The Starving vs. 25
II. Consider Our Supply vs. 25

Now this is a short point. Every person in this room is living with abundance. Even the poorest amongst us has more than most in other parts of the world. There are starving, destitute people who would give anything to be poor in America because being poor in America means that they have so much more than what they have in their home country. 

When Angela and I went China to adopt Jett, we met our tour guide Jimmy. Jimmy was a well kept, educated man. However, when we talked about America, Jimmy was very animated. In a cab ride in Beijing, Jimmy told us that it was his dream to come to America. Sadly, it was a dream that he thought would never come true. Jimmy wanted to come to America because of the abundance we have. God has certainly blessed America and the world has taken notice. 

Think about it, when you go home, you have pantries full of food. You have refrigerators filled with food. If you are running low, you can head over to Publix. Don’t feel like cooking, no problem. Everywhere we go, there is food. That is clearly not the case in the rest of the world. 

Friends, you have been given much so that you can give much. 

You have been given the opportunity to strike down the most basic of problems, human hunger. 

Let’s go back to that spiritual hunger issue. It is harder to spot, that is for sure. However, the spiritual hunger issue is truly devastating. However, we have the answer to that as well. You have been given much to give much. If you are a believer in Jesus Christ it is imperative that we share the Good News of the Gospel TODAY! Without hesitation the Gospel of Jesus Christ must be told from the neighborhood to the nations. We cannot worry about offending. If someone dies, and they die without Jesus Christ, they are born into hell where there is no hope, no healing, and no rescue. We are the rescue mission and the time is NOW! 

Point: A Warning
Friends, we need to be warned. When you consider the ample supply of what we have both physically and spiritually, God will hold us to a high standard. Let’s read from Amos 6. God’s people had been blessed but they were resting on their blessing and not meeting the needs around them. It is a stark warning to all of us that if we do not use what God has given to us in a constructive and positive way, judgement is coming. 

Amos 6:1-7
“Woe to those who are at ease in Zion,
    and to those who feel secure on the mountain of Samaria,
the notable men of the first of the nations,
    to whom the house of Israel comes!
2 Pass over to Calneh, and see,
    and from there go to Hamath the great;
    then go down to Gath of the Philistines.
Are you better than these kingdoms?
    Or is their territory greater than your territory,
3 O you who put far away the day of disaster
    and bring near the seat of violence?
4 “Woe to those who lie on beds of ivory
    and stretch themselves out on their couches,
and eat lambs from the flock
    and calves from the midst of the stall,
5 who sing idle songs to the sound of the harp
    and like David invent for themselves instruments of music,
6 who drink wine in bowls
    and anoint themselves with the finest oils,
    but are not grieved over the ruin of Joseph!
7 Therefore they shall now be the first of those who go into exile,
    and the revelry of those who stretch themselves out shall pass away.

You may not think that you have been given enough to meet the need of the spiritually hungry. Not true. You have been given the gift of the Holy Spirit who will direct your words. You have been given a basic knowledge of Scriptures that will inform your words. You have been given the gift of your testimony that will inspire your words. You have been given the gift of prayer that will bring depth to your words. You have been given the gift of fellow believers that will embolden your words. You have more than you know and more than you are using currently. It is time to deploy the word of Christ so that the lost can hear and the Kingdom be advanced. 

Matthew 25:35 ESV
35 For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me…

Let Jesus’ “Woe” Witness To You!

I. Consider The Starving vs. 25
II. Consider Our Supply vs. 25
III. Consider Our Strategy vs. 25

So, how do we do it? If we know the needs, what is the action step? The first step is to open our eyes. Look around. Look beyond our preconceived notions and our prejudices and see people as image bearers of God. Look at people for their potential not for their problems. Second, understand their need. Are they hungry? Feed them. Do they need clothing? Clothe them. 

“Well preacher, what if they take advantage of me?” Brothers and sisters, aren’t you glad that the people that helped you out most in life did not stop to consider whether or not you were going to take advantage of them. They just helped you. 

A little know fact about me is that I really like country music. Outside of the typical gospel music that I listen to in my office, the second most played music I listen to us country. I ran across a song the other day by Walker Hayes. It is called Craig. It is a true story about Walker. He was trying to figure out God and church and met a man named Craig. Craig was a real genuine Christian. Not judgmental. Just a real person living out his faith in a very strategic way. I think that the song gives us a strategy for meeting the needs of the hungry people around us. Take a listen. 

So, what is the strategy? Pretty easy. Show Jesus to people by meeting their physical needs and by modeling spiritual maturity. When the spiritually hungry shows up at your doorstep, love them. Invite them to church. Bring them to church. Just be Jesus. 

1 John 3:17-18 ESV
But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.

Let Jesus’ “Woe” Witness To You!

I. Consider The Starving vs. 25
II. Consider Our Supply vs. 25
III. Consider Our Strategy vs. 25
IV. Consider The Savior vs. 25

Why do we do all of this? Why should we care about the hungry, spirally and physically? Why? Jesus! Consider what Jesus has done for you. The blessings that He has given you and you will be inspired to help and to serve. Jesus is our ultimate model of feeding the hungry. Jesus met the physical and spiritual need of everyone He met. When you consider Jesus, how is it possible that we would not act. 

John 6:35 ESV
Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.

Turn This Information Into Your Inspiration!


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