
Showing posts from February, 2025

Turning Points:“The Rock’s Realization”

  Turning Points Introduction: Good morning friends and family. Welcome to Eastern Shore Baptist Church. My name is Stuart Davidson and I am the pastor here at ESBC. If you are a guest, welcome. If you are watching this morning online, we are thankful that you are here. This morning we are in the seventh week of a series called “Turning Points”. “Turning Points” is a characters study. We have been examining characters in the Bible at some of their most challenging moments. Some of these characters have been presented with dark scenarios, dangerous situations, and potentially discouraging outcomes. They have a choice to make. Will they follow their instincts? Will they listen to the crowd? Will they go the way of the mob? We have learned from characters like Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Rahab, King David, and Elijah. This morning, we are going to be heading, for the first time mind you, into the New Testament. We will be looking at Peter.  Do me a favor this morning, open your B...