
Showing posts from July, 2024

“The Greatest Commandment: Love In Action”

  The Book of Mark Encountering The Miracles and Mission of Jesus Christ Good morning friends. Good morning Eastern Shore Baptist Church. Good morning visitors. Welcome. Our church exists to reach the neighborhood of Lake Forest. Through that neighborhood holding nearly 3,400 people, 3,500 families, our church desires to reach the nations of the world for Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ, the one and only way to heaven. Jesus Christ, born of a virgin, lived among men, died a sinner’s death on a cross. His body placed in a borrowed tomb. Rising as He promised and as the prophets foretold on the third day. Today, this Jesus, our Lord, is seated at the right hand of the Father, the first born from among the dead. Jesus, holding all things together by the sheer might of His will. Jesus the Creator of all things. All things made by Him, for Him, and through Him according to the Apostle Paul.  I share these truths this morning because we at Eastern Shore Baptist Church love our neighbors, no