Everything Is Awesome & Nobody Is Happy Pressing On, Finishing The Race
Everything Is Awesome & Nobody Is Happy Pressing On, Finishing The Race Opening Illustration: How many of you have iPhones? Lots of you do. Good. Then you may have experienced something that I have experienced on a regular basis. Like most of you, I get lots and lots of texts. I would say that the majority of texts that I get are people requesting prayer. They may have a relationship on the verge of breaking down. They may be looking for a new job and ask me to pray for them. They may even be considering asking a young lady to marry them. Again, “Stuart will you pray for me”. On every occasion that I receive a text like that, asking for prayer, I inevitably reply “yes”. I do my very best to stop and pray for that person right there. Sometimes that are times where closing my eyes in prayer is not a good idea so I have to delay the prayer. I have actually gotten into a pretty cool habit. When someone texts me for prayer, I usually respond with a prayer via text. I say all...