According To Luke: Sanctified To Serve
According To Luke: Sanctified To Serve Illustration: I heard a story recently about a baseball pitcher. He was struggling badly with throwing strikes. He just couldn’t get the ball to go over the plate. Sensing his pitcher struggling, the catcher called timeout and made the all to familiar journey to the mound. He looked at his pitcher in the eye and said “you know what, I think that figured it out. You seem to struggle, you seem to loose control at the same point in every game.” The pitcher breathed a sigh and asked, “when is that”? The catcher said “right after the national anthem”. Point: Friends, we all struggle with someone. Maybe you are like this pitcher and you seem to struggle the second you wake up and put your feet on the ground. Do you ever struggle finding time to spend with the Lord? You intend to wake up early and do it in the morning but the kids are demanding and you have to get them to school. Do you struggle with bad language? You really desir...