According to Luke: Who Do You Say That I Am? Opening Illustration: A few years ago I heard a story about a Missouri man who spent nearly 17 years behind bars for a robbery that he never committed. Finally, after a long 17 years, this man had all charges dropped and he was immediately released. This man who was wrongly accused is named Richard Jones. The man who actually committed the crime was also named Richard Jones, although he went by Ricky. Both men are 41 years old and share the same birthday. Both men also lived just a matter of blocks apart and had never met. When the police looked at the film footage from the robbery, they thought they were witnessing Richard Jones commit the crime when in actuality it was Richard Ricky Jones. Both men were the exact same height, the same weight and were nearly identical even though they were not related. Eventually Ricky was jailed for another crime and rumors began to swirl about the two men. The inmates rallied around th...