Contending With Giving

Contending With Giving Opening Illustration: Something Cheap A husband on a business trip decided to buy a gift to take home for his wife. He asked the store clerk, "How much does this perfume cost?" "This bottle costs $30," she answered. "Thirty dollars! For that little bottle?" he exclaimed in disbelief. "Can you show me something cheap?" "Sure," she replied. She handed him a mirror. When You Give, Are You G rumbling or G lad ? Background Of Malachi The final book of the Old Testament, Malachi received its name from its author (Malachi 1:1). In Hebrew, the name comes from a word meaning “messenger,” which points to Malachi’s role as a prophet of the Lord, delivering God’s message to God’s people.1 Malachi offered no other identifying information about himself, leaving out markers typical of other prophets such as his father’s name or the current leader of Israel. However, based on the cont...