According To Luke: It’s Never To Late For Jesus!

According To Luke: It’s Never To Late For Jesus! Opening Illustration: When I was a kid, I loved wrestling. That’s right, the big guys in tights that jumped off the ropes and hit each other with tables and chairs. Call it bad parenting but there was a short time that I was sort of into it. These guys seemed like super heroes to me and there was always a story line of good vs. evil taking place. I rooted for characters like Hulk Hogan and the Ultimate Warrior. Then there was Sting and Rowdy Roddy Piper. Of course there were carefully choreographed matches that already had predetermined outcomes. Now, as a kid I had not idea what was really taking place behind the curtain. It was just good clean boy fun. Then there were the tag team matches. Two top wrestlers teamed up against another couple of wrestlers. Only one wrestler could fight at a time of course. About half way through the match, one wrestler would get pinned. He would be on the mat, sweating, exhausted, and ...