
Showing posts from July, 2018

According To Luke: Making Good Judgements

According To Luke: Making Good Judgements  Do We React In The H eat of the Moment or With The H eart of God ? Opening Illustration: Steven Covey recalls riding on the New York subway one Sunday morning. It was a quiet time with many simply reading the paper, resting, or thinking quietly to themselves. But the quiet was shatter when a man and his children entered the car Covey was sitting in. The man sat down and appeared impervious to the noisy and rambunctious children who began to disturb the other passengers. After a few moments Covey could take it no longer. He turned to the man and said, "Sir, your children are really disturbing a lot of people. I wonder if you couldn't control them a little more?" It brought the man back to consciousness of the situation, Covey goes on to say, which caused the father to say, "Oh, you're right. I guess I should do something about it. We just came from the hospital an hour ago where their mother di...

A New Day For A Dead Man

A New Day For A Dead Man What Is Your Reaction To Tragedy? Denial, Debilitated or Dependent Prayer And Background 🔴 Location: Bethany Located on the east side of the Mount of Olives about two miles southeast of Jerusalem. Hometown of Mary, Martha and Simon the Leper. This is generally thought to be the area where Jesus ascended.   🔴 Lazarus: We will meet his sisters.  We know that he was loved by Jesus and he is mentioned here and in John 12. Lazarus is not to be confused with the beggar who died and went to Abraham's side in Luke 16. 🔴 Mary is not Jesus' mother.  She is mentioned in Luke 10:42 and John 12.  She was a deep worshipper of Jesus.  Martha was a worker and is rebuked by Jesus but is given the great delight of being the first to proclaim His resurrection in John 11:27.  John 11:1,3-44 (NASB) Now a certain man was sick, Lazarus of Bethany, the village of Mary and her sister Martha. [3] So the sisters sent word to Him,...

According to Luke: Loving Your Enemies

According to Luke: Loving Your Enemies  Opening Illustration: One my say that Jesus, during the days of His ministry, was the most loved and the most hated person walking. He was clearly loved. He was loved by His followers and His disciples. Well, he was loved by those people until His teachings called for them to abandon everything and everyone they knew to follow Him. They loved Him until He declared that in order to be His followers they had to completely obey Him. They loved Him until His teachings became difficult or to hard to understand.  Jesus was also hated. I mean really hated. Hated to the point of death. There was a specific group of people that despised Jesus. Their name was the Pharisees. The truth is that the Pharisees did hate Jesus, and He rightly isn’t known for showing them a great deal of grace. He called them out for their hypocrisy. He exposed their inner tombs. But the hatred they felt for Him wasn’t mere sour grapes at His approval rating, n...