According To Luke: Faithful Friends

According To Luke: Faithful Friends Opening Illustration: In the mid to late 1990’s, “Friends” was the most popular show on TV. It was, as NBC stated, Must See TV. Every Thursday night kids my age would sit down to see the comedy of Rachel, Monica, Phoebe, Chandler, Ross and Joey. Each week we would meet them in their apartment and at the coffee shop. There were lots of funny conversations around the coffee table at the Central Perk. As I remember back on that show, I remember the relationships between the fictional friends as funny, but not very fruitful. The characters seemed to always be in trouble. Their personal lives were always a mess. Each episode, while humorous, highlighted the brokenness of their lives. They all had trouble at work. They all had trouble in their dating lives. Ross, who had been previously married, had trouble with his ex-wife and child. Truthfully, when you really think about it, each character was a wreck of a human bei...