According To Luke: A Day Before Jesus

According To Luke: A Day Before Jesus The Gospel According To Luke is H istorical and H elpful ! Point: The Gospel according to Luke is a interesting perspective of the life of Jesus Christ. I will explain that in a moment. From the very beginning of Luke we see the setting in which Jesus lived. It was a brutal time. A difficult time if you were a Jew. Luke’s account is also helpful. Luke gives a unique insight into the life of Jesus. Specifically we see how Jesus interacted with people. We know that Jesus had dealings with the common man. He also had interaction with the religious elite and politicians. Jesus was a common man living a very uncommon life. Transition Statement: This morning, open your Bibles to Luke 3:1-14. This morning I am reading from the English Standard Version. Scripture: Luke 3:1-6 ESV In the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, Pontius Pilate being governor of ...