Desiring God: The Prescription for Prayer

Desiring God: The Prescription for Prayer Introduction: How many of you received a prescription this week? Wow, so several of you. Ok, if you raised your hand, come up on stage and tell everyone what it was for. Ok, ok, just kidding. Seriously though, several of us received prescriptions from medically trained personnel. We took that prescription in faith that the doctor knows what is best in hopes that it would make us feel better. Now that is faith. Right? Think about it. We received prescriptions from doctors whose names we cannot pronounce. We trust them even though we have not fully verified their medical degrees of licensing. We just trust that they are in good standing. We take these prescriptions, which no one can read, to a pharmacist. This pharmacist then takes this illegible note, and gives us pills made up of chemical compounds that we do not understand. We then travel home a...