Sanctified Servers: The Partners of Serving

What Have We Learned? Serving Should Be A Priority (Mark 9:35) Serving Should Be Practiced (I Peter 4:8-11) Today’s Lesson: Maximum Service Requires P artners ! Opening Illustration: The Ice Cream Cone Is Born During the summer of 1904 an unlikely partnership was formed at the World’s Fair in St. Louis. The summer was unusually hot and people were searching the fair for something to help cool them off… A vendor named Arnold had just what they were looking for… ice cream. People lined up for what seemed like miles to get some of his cool and satisfying ice cream but there was one problem. Arnold was not prepared for the demand and ran out of paper bowls. Next to Arnold’s ice cream booth was a man named Ernest… a pastry chef … who was making a Persian wafer desert. Ernest also had a problem, his pastry was not selling. He noticed the problem Arnold was having and took some warm pastry and rolled i...