Storytellers: Paul and Barnabas

Storytellers: Paul and Barnabas llustration: About three years ago, my wife and I made a trip to Beijing, China. Yes, China. Now were were on a mission to adopt our third son Jett, so we didn’t just go over there to visit. So, Angela and I decided to take advantage of the trip so we did some sight seeing. One of the most interesting things we did is visit The Great Wall of China. When I visited the Wall, I realized why they call it Great. The Great Wall was built over several of the imperial Chinese dynasties. The Great Wall was built to protect China from northern invaders or barbarians as we know them. It is an impressive structure. It is said that over 400,000 men died while building the wall and to cut the costs of burials, the men were placed right inside the wall. The Wall is 4000 miles long. So, just how long is 4000 miles? 4000 miles would stretch from the American East Coast to the W...