The Tremendous Ten: Time To Take A Break

The Tremendous Ten: Time To Take A Break Opening Illustration: Running…But Not On The Sabbath The crack of the starter gun echoed through the stadium on the hot Friday evening in July of 1924. Eric Liddell sprinted forward in his unusual running style, his head thrown back, his arms waving at his side, his feet barely touching the track as he ran. No one, not even Eric himself, thought he had a chance of winning the 400-meter race. But Eric was determined to do his best. Eric Liddell was Scotland's fastest sprinter. He was their hero. He had won every 100-meter race he had run since early in his running career. His quick speed earned him a spot on the 100-meter British Olympic team. Eric Liddell was a great athlete but he was also a dedicated Christian. His most famous quote says “I believe that God made me for a purpose, but he also made me fast and when I run I feel his pleasure.” A Day of Rest However, Eric Liddell had announced to his cou...