The Armor of God-Feet That Are Ready

The Armor of God-Feet That Are Ready Opening Illustration: Boot Camp Do you know where the term “boot camp” originated? Of course we all know about boot camp. There are people sitting out in the audience today that have been to boot camp. If you have been to boot camp or if you know someone who has been to boot camp, raise your hand. Wow, that’s a lot of people. Basic training is often referred to as boot camp. Boot camp is a place where new military recruits are trained. From the moment they wake up till the time they go to sleep, these men and women are trained to defend our country. When they arrive at boot camp, they receive haircuts, fatigues, and yes, boots. They get a new haircut. They get new clothing. They receive new boots. You can always tell a new recruit by their boots. If their boots are new, you know they have not been trailed. Whereas those training the new recruits have old, ...